☕ Eid al-Fitr ☕
Everything posted by Omar-->
its a limited offer :)) really nice graphics
yazozoo hhhhh
no comment @Playfast ????????? the old days of walking
that time i was playing on the server since 2013 (1years) i didnt know nothing about csbd hahaha
really nice days with @gh0stma11 @A.N.R Anouar A.N.R .... = tw7tkom atboba
if you think creating a small map like dust 2 its easy actually its not, its so fg hard
after 2 month i didnt even finished
about charactere valve use 3d programmes like blender and cinema 4d
its really hard ?
hhhhhhhhh fino lcomte dyal 2015 ? hhhhh
had video lik wami krxi bdhk hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ylh l9ito 9bila
@Blackfire xof htanta hhhhhh
check this out ?
my adsence is desactivated so my channel will never be motised :v
i just love to share videos even with 10views ❤️
twhxtk atitiz hh n9xbo xi match dyal fortnite ? hhhhhhh
happy that i get banned ? thx all this is was my 1st csb account created on 2014 ( i just recover the password this month) i dont care if its banned too, first time banned without a reason and now their is no rule for this (i cant see it) i always wonder why too many menbers get banned everyday
no need unban thx for your time all ?
i always was thinking about buying a csgo server here but now no need
happy to meet you all
good luck all