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Everything posted by greeNZ

  1. wach el 7ala(nsit 3le rules nrml n commenti b arabia ?)nchlh tkon bkhir


    1. greeNZ


      wlh ya hbibi dsl mag3dch ngsr ,rbi y3inkom

  2. 5 years on csbd ?❤️ i can't beleive that 



      hhhhh its a great moment dude

  3. hnk reply my last message

  4. its created by a friend of me ,supporte him,thnx.

    1. Blackfire


      sure . don't worry)

  5. I seen C.Ronaldo cry only 2 times in his career ,In 2004 when he lost final cup europe,and second time in 2016 final cup europe ,beacause he tought he will loose it again after 12 years of hard work to reach the final again (you know why he cry in 2016 ? ) and even the haters of c.ronaldo solidarit with him that year ?
  6. Hello Apex I think for this problems Mr.love had created this section http://csblackdevil.com/forums/index.php?/forum/10653-problems/ Good luck
  7. Follow Model Model Your Nickname: Your Problem: Screenshot:
  8. +1 (this is not post hunt ?)
  9. jpvdlPb.png

    Who said mr love is bad guy or money lover ,he gave me some skins free :D

    Thank you so much man 

    @Mr.Love :ar:

    1. Nadeem-



    2. Dev-☠
  10. :congratualtions: my firend ,wish for you more success <3

    1. Verox


      THank you bro :)

  11. Welcome to CSBD
  12. Hello man I had face this problem before ,because the internet is so low , and also my pc was so old ,right now i have new one i don't see this bar any more. Gl.
  13. Welcome to CSBD
  14. V1 V2 v3
  15. yes you can
  16. Name of the oponent: @Freaky#Csblackdevil @Verox Theme of work: Type of work (signature, banner, avatar, Userbar, logo, Large Piece): signature Size: 500x375 *Text: Evil Watermark: csblackdevil.com Stop votes ( min. 4 - max. 8 ):8 Working time:12h
  17. a77 need 20 xp to reach lvl 10 on steam ;)

  18. Thank you for your help mate,but its not work,maybe this just for black ops3 Thnx again
  19. Hello guys i downlaod recently game call of duty 2,and im looking for password to unlock winrar file Im looking for password not key Hope you can help me.
  20. v2 texture,effect,text nice work
  21. Thnx for your solution,i reinstall cs6, its work now like always but after i switch pc off then on i face the problem i will see tommorw if i will face same problem
  22. I had done everything you said before,but there is something i dont know how to do it, he asked me to block photoshop cs6 to avoid updates (carck version) i can't find .exe file


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