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Everything posted by G.O.G

  1. v2 text and color I like it
  2. The Xiaomi Mi Band 3, the third generation of Xiaomi's po[CENSORED]r cheap smart wristband, will not take long to arrive. This has been dropped by Lei Jun, CEO of the Chinese company, who at an event said that "we expect the new version of the Xiaomi smartband", which many have interpreted as being available before the end of 2018. Shortly before the celebration of the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, the Xiaomi Mi Band 3 received the Bluetooth certification, which is why the rumor began to sound that the Asian brand could soon present the expected update of its po[CENSORED]r quantifying bracelet. Previous versions of this device have captivated the public thanks to its low price compared to other wearables of similar characteristics and, since its predecessor was presented in 2016, fans expected its release for last year. However, the MWC 2018 passed by and the Chinese firm did not present the smart bracelet, to the disappointment of users who were confident that it would soon be available. If you were one of them, do not lose hope, because as the CEO of the company has indicated, it is expected that the new wearable version will arrive soon. And what can we expect from the Xiaomi Mi Band 3? If we heed the rumors, the new generation of the quantifying bracelet will not present many changes with respect to its predecessor, the Xiaomi Mi Band 2. The device could be equipped with an OLED screen where the user can check the time, monitoring of the heart rate, the count of steps and calories, and other information. Like its definitive characteristics, the price of the Xiaomi Mi Band 3 is also unknown, although it is expected to be equal or a little more than its predecessor, which currently costs 24.99 euros in the official store in Spain .
  3. On Wednesday, the US State Department announced that it will place sanctions against Pyongyang after using a banned chemical substance to kill the half-brother of North Korean leader Kim Jong-nam in February last year. "The United States strongly condemns the use of chemical weapons to commit murder," as it demonstrates a "disregard for universal norms" against the use of banned substances. The Department has also emphasized that it can not "tolerate any program of weapons of mass destruction of North Korea," according to official statements of the North American Parliament. "These sanctions complement the comprehensive sanctions of the United States that are directed against illegal activities of North Korea. The sanctions entered into force from the moment of publication of this definition in the Federal Register on March 5, 2018, "reads the agency's statement. On February 22, the US determined that the Government of North Korea used the banned chemical agent VX to kill Kim Jong-un's brother in Malaysia in 2017, according to RT. It is known that Kim Jong-nam died after a strange meeting at the Kuala Lumpur airport on February 14, 2017, when two women allegedly threw Detective VX in the face. In this sense those involved in the event say they believed they were making a joke for a television program. They are currently being prosecuted on murder charges.
  4. Soon your arrival to this world, my daughter. I love you :white-heart-facebook-emoticon:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. G.O.G


      thanks bro .

    3. Dark-ImmoRtal^


      god gives her long time 

      i hope you always be happy bro <3

    4. G.O.G


      thanks my brother <3 

  5. new song :D Push it to the limit - Scarface

  6. Gucci Gang song :bad_boys_20:

  7. what a great highlife staff. soon top 10, with good people you get to success:ar:

    1. bloodychuck.


      Roger that boss :winkthumbs:

  8. As I always do things right, everything improves for me.

    New Founder Of PGL-Zombie :emot-smugbert: Thanks Boys.

    1. - !el Catire *O*

      - !el Catire *O*

      mano habla pa el boleto pa mi

    2. G.O.G


      dale ya le envie a buta . espera que lo haga , o dile por ts3 

  9. haha ban, God, what madness, everything to say what I think. now people can not express what you think.

    #we go from bad to worse.

    1. Dark-ImmoRtal^


      you deserve better bro i hope you fine anything goood <3

  10. this is what happens when everyone wants to be the boss 


    1. eXpLoReRs


      Hahahahahahahahah the best status ever!

  11. rest in peace, brother david :ac:


    1. Jose.



      RIP que dios lo tenga en su gloria

  12. which one are you ?


    1. #CeLTiXxX


      JAJAJAJJ yo soy un Procito :V 

    2. G.O.G


      jajajajaaj yo NOOB 

    3. đяaкeηη™
  13. always the same, the vip grade is not the big deal, but yes it is already something common, almost all people at least 1 v has had vip, make improvements pls <3 @Daniel ♛ :emot-golfclap:

  14. Welcome to CSBD Have Fun Good Luck.
  15. fal go ts3 dude , we have problem

    1. FALLEN'


      I am not home right now, i am on phone. Send me PM about the problem

    2. "Chris Klein"

      "Chris Klein"

      G.O.G You Cant Give me Admin Pls Play Go Afk Much Activiti BRo ;D


    3. "Chris Klein"

      "Chris Klein"


      You Cant Give me Admin Pls Play Go Afk Much Activiti BRo ;D



  16. Welcome to CSBD have fun and Good luck
  17. need 300$ to leave my country :( 

  18. Gucci Gang :bad_boys_20:


  19. all the old members returned :D :bad_boys_20:

  20. According to reports Izvestia researchers from the National University of Science and Technology (MISiS) in Russia have invented the finest semiconductor in the world. The group of researchers, led by Professor Dmitri Golberg, also included scientists from the National Institute of Materials Science (Japan), Beijing Jiaotong University (China) and Queensland University of Technology (Australia). Specialists succeeded in successfully creating a material based on partially oxidized boron oxide of a single molecule of two-dimensional width. The results of the study were published in the scientific journal Advanced Materials. "Our discovery will make active use of this material in the scientific and technological fields, such as photovoltaics, optoelectronics or energy storage," says one of the co-authors of the research, MISiS scientist Pável Sorokin. A researcher at the Institute of Biochemical Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Leonid Chernozatonski, has confirmed to the media that the finding of Russian scientists is of global importance. However, he stressed that these superconductors still have to be produced on an industrial scale. Semiconductors are the basis of modern electronics and several studies are trying to advance in this field and make them smaller and smaller. The goal is to create nanoprocessors, which are called to replace the current microprocessors. This advance will allow the creation of tiny and ultra-light electronic equipment.
      • 2
      • I love it
  21. The Russian intelligence agency FSB thwarted a plot led by two Soviet-backed militants fighting for the Islamic State jihadists in Syria. The FSB said in a statement yesterday that it arrested four suspects in planning a series of attacks, two of which would include suicide bombings in the Moscow transit system and in a store. The agency added that they discovered a laboratory where homemade explosive devices were manufactured outside the Russian capital. He said the attacks were led by two high-ranking militants fighting with extremists in Syria. The names of the detainees were not released, but the FSB asserted that one of them is Russian and the other three are from Central Asia. Since September 2015, Russia has carried out massive military operations to crush the extremists, who have threatened to "shed the blood of the Russians."
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