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Everything posted by DiDИ

  1. ahhh

    i miss that activity xd :/


  2. DiDИ

    Problem in CSBD !

    hello, it's not a bug as others said , probably you disabled your messages follow my steps if something isn't clear pm me.
  3. Theresa May and Donald Trump meeting at the UN General Assembly Donald Trump has told Prime Minister Theresa May to focus on "terrorism" in the UK after she criticised his sharing of far-right videos. "Don't focus on me, focus on the destructive Radical Islamic Terrorism that is taking place within the United Kingdom," Mr Trump tweeted. The US president had earlier retweeted three inflammatory videos posted online by a British far-right group. Mrs May's spokesman said it was "wrong for the president to have done this". The US and the UK are close allies and often described as having a "special relationship". Theresa May was the first foreign leader to visit the Trump White House. The speaker of the House of Commons has granted a request for an urgent question on the matter from Labour MP Stephen Doughty. MPs have been reacting to the tweet, with Work and Pensions Secretary David Gauke backing Mrs May and calling Britain First a "ghastly, obnoxious organisation". But while Education Secretary Justine Greening said she disagreed with Mr Trump's actions, they should not be allowed to damage the special relationship between the two countries. The videos shared by Mr Trump, who has more than 40 million followers, were initially posted by Jayda Fransen, the deputy leader of Britain First, a group founded by former members of the far-right British National Party (BNP). Ms Fransen, 31, has been charged in the UK with using "threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour" over speeches she made at a rally in Belfast. Several leading UK politicians have criticised the president for retweeting her posts, as has the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby, who said it was "deeply disturbing" that Mr Trump had "chosen to amplify the voice of far-right extremists". And it has led to renewed calls for Mr Trump's planned state visit to the UK to be cancelled, although Downing Street said on Wednesday that the invitation still stood. London Mayor Sadiq Khan, who has previously called for the "ill-judged" trip to be cancelled, said: "It beggars belief that the president of our closest ally doesn't see that his support of this extremist group actively undermines the values of tolerance and diversity that makes Britain so great. "After this latest incident, it is increasingly clear that any official visit at all from President Trump to Britain would not be welcomed." In hitting out at Mrs May, Mr Trump first tagged the wrong Twitter account, sending his statement to a different user with just six followers. He then deleted the tweet and posted it again, this time directing the message to the UK PM's official account. After already condemning Mr Trump's actions on Wednesday, Brendan Cox - whose wife, MP Jo Cox, was murdered by a right-wing extremist who shouted "Britain first" before committing the act - told the US president to focus on problems in his own country. TV presenter and journalist Piers Morgan, who has supported Mr Trump in the past, said the president "owes our prime minister an apology, not a lecture" after he "publicly endorsed the most extreme bunch of Islamophobe fascists in Britain". But American conservative commentator Ann Coulter - who is one of the 45 people followed on Twitter by Mr Trump and retweeted the videos first - defended her president's words to Mrs May, saying he had "only given as good as he gets".
  4. North Korea has repeatedly tested missiles this year, including this launch in July North Korea says it has successfully tested a new type of intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) that can reach the whole of continental United States. State television said Pyongyang had achieved its mission of becoming a nuclear state. The Hwasong-15 missile, described as its "most powerful", was launched in darkness early on Wednesday. It landed in Japanese waters but flew higher than any other missile the North had previously tested. The test, which defied international sanctions imposed over the North's weapons programme, drew swift international condemnation, with the UN Security Council due to convene an emergency session. South Korea responded by carrying out live-fire drills, launching one of its own ballistic missiles. South Korea launched a Hyunmoo-2 missile in response on Wednesday Why this launch was different News of the launch was announced on state television in a special broadcast at midday, as well as in a report released by state news agency KCNA. Pyongyang says the missile reached an altitude of 4,475km (2,780 miles) and flew 950km in 53 minutes, close to independent estimates made by South Korea's military. The projectile, fired at a steep incline, did not fly over Japan as some have done in the past, and landed about 250km short of its northern coast, according to Japanese officials. North Korea has previously said that its projectiles can hit the US but this marks the first time it says it can do it with this new type of missile, which appears to be an upgraded version of previous models. KCNA added that North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, who personally signed off on the launch, "declared with pride that now we have finally realised the great historic cause of completing the state nuclear force, the cause of building a rocket power". The report said that "as a responsible nuclear power and a peace-loving state", North Korea would "make every possible effort to serve the noble purpose of defending peace and stability of the world". It said its weapons, meant as a defence against "the US imperialists' nuclear blackmail policy", would "not pose any threat to any country" as long as North Korean interests were not infringed upon. "This is our solemn declaration." How far the missile could have flown An analysis by the US-based Union of Concerned Scientists concludes that the missile could have travelled more than 13,000km on a standard trajectory, thus reaching "any part of the continental United States". But it seems likely, the analysis adds, that the missile had a very light mock warhead, meaning it might lack the power to carry a nuclear payload, which is much heavier, over that distance. North Korea however says the Hwasong-15 could reach mainland US carrying a "super-large heavy warhead". The risky business of interpreting Pyongyang's words The statement was read out by veteran North Korean presenter Ri Chun Hee, who usually delivers important announcements Experts believe North Korea is still two to three years away from the ultimate goal of being able to deliver a nuclear warhead successfully using an ICBM. This involves some of the most delicate, challenging technology. It is no good putting a nuclear weapon on an ICBM if the warhead disintegrates on its re-entry into the Earth's atmosphere. No-one really thinks North Korea has cracked this challenge yet. And what of Pyongyang's "solemn declaration" that its missiles won't pose a threat to anyone "as long as the interests of the DPRK are not infringed upon"? It might sound like an olive branch but it is likely to be greeted with more than a little scepticism. Its "interests", after all, include the development of the most destructive weapons known to mankind. Most experts expect to see no let-up in Kim Jong-un's single-minded pursuit of a full nuclear capability. And that almost certainly means more sanctions and pressure by those countries, led by the United States, who are determined to stop him. How the world is responding Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said such launches were intolerable Prior to North Korea's statement, US defence secretary James Mattis said the missile launch had gone "higher, frankly, than any previous shots they have taken", and said North Korea posed a worldwide threat. US President Donald Trump was briefed while the missile was still in the air, the White House said. Afterwards he said: "We will take care of it." In other reaction: UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres said the launch had violated sanctions and shown "complete disregard for the united view of the international community" China expressed "grave concern" and urged all parties to show caution Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe called the launch an intolerable, violent act The Kremlin described the test as a "provocation" South Korean President Moon Jae-in accused the North of "reckless" behaviour but added that there was no choice but to keep applying sanctions The launch is the latest in a series of weapons tests that have raised tensions to unprecedented levels, as North Korea ignores criticism and continues to develop its nuclear and missile programmes. Pyongyang last launched a ballistic missile in September, the same month it conducted its sixth nuclear test.
  5. hello, i recommended you to download from trusted websites cuz some websites are fake just a "Profitable sites" and you will never get the pw good luck
  6. congras dude :ashamed0004::congratualtions:

  7. DiDИ


    hello, like the others said make a support request or pm one of the administarators. T/C
  8. Congras bro 

    welcome to staff :NpmwnnM:

  9. #Don't go to Algeria  ♥♥♥


  10. happy birthday dude go and get some papuce gucci :)))))
  11. that show the Suffering of Algerian people

    God bless you ppl of Algeria

    #R.I.P DZ :'(



  12. @eXpLoReRs Want some papuce gucci? 



  13. bad day ...

    so damn bad day 


  14. fifa players , be like :')


  15. for who are interested watch dogs is free on uplay



    1. DiDИ


      the offer will end in 13/11

  16. hello, first at all you didn't even show us whats wrong ? tell us first kind of the problem or show a pic that don't let you join
  17. happy birthday my dear friend :))))
  18. hello, today i would to announce that i left from that server , was a honor to play with you guys #player since 2012.
  19. well, congras bruh :D :congratualtions:

  20. profile song updated 



    which one is good this or the previous one ?

    1. FearLess


      this , the link pls :party0030:


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