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Everything posted by rusu--

  1. About what you said , you have the excuse that you don`t understand roumanian. I don`t have any problem with the other "succesfull" servers, but for those like you who are admins and they speak like owners, they better shutup. Ajungem in top , bagam boosturi, stam spectatori. Fratilor nu m-ati inteles. Atata timp cat DOri (yach..) si ceilalti admini ai lui imi critica mie serverul , le arat situatia reala. Da , ajungeti in top dar cati jucatori intra de placere pe sv vostru? Daca as fi fost administrator adaugam Anarqia13 la oficiali, un server care face cu adevarat performanta, care creeaza o impresie frumoasa comunitatii. Nu mai postez in acest topic, nu are rost, sunt si inteles gresit. Suntem o comunitate , nu trebuie sa ne muscam unii pe altii.
  2. Streetzm, spectaori, plin de ei. Walkingdead, server boostat 24/7 , cel mai bune detinator , DOri. Un lucru bun, nu aveau spectatori. GJ. Highlifezm, AFK si spectatori. Newlifezm, afk si spectatori. ZM , fara boost. Nu suntem in vreo competitie , fiecare server este independent. Atata timp cat DOri ( nu am cuvinte despre el ) si ceilalti straini care nu stiu sa compileze un plugin imi critica mie serverul.. stergetiva la ochi fratilor. Dori , daca eu bagam in ZM ju[CENSORED]te din banii pe care ii bagi tu in Walking (iti mancam seminte-n cap) nu aveai nicio sansa sa treci in fata mea.. Sa nu mai spun ca Newlifezm, Thunderzm,Highlifezm, ZMoldschool, Streetzm( copie ), Shadowszm ( copie dar merita apreciat) au acelasi addons, acelasi fel de mancare. ZM este diferit, nu vrem sa copiem, vrem as fim aparte si chiar reusim si cine joaca pe serverul nostru e joaca cu placere. Ati uitat sa apreciati Anarqia13 , adevarat server de top, un addons fixat incat le-ar crapa creierul unora daca ar vrea sa inteleaga. Daca nu sunteti de acord cu mine , nu ma injurati , asta e realitatea.
  3. Spuneti de sv meu ca e varza dar eu nu folosesc de aproape 2 luni boost, ce vedeti la mine sunt doar playeri. Hai sa vedem ca toate serverele ajung la nivelul asta.
  4. RS merge inainte cu mizerile , nu ne bagati in aceiasi oala cu chestile astea , fac numai reclama negativa.
  5. We all knows that Javed is Zawer , but the rulles are for all. When I said that I mean that when Javed will make a misstake he will be punished as every member. He changes his behavior, I don`t think he afford to make anymore misstakes. Let Javed alone.
  6. Era de asteptat frate asa ceva , nu ai vazut cine e in staff? =))
  7. =)) Scoate-ti fratilor serverul de pe comunitate , ne faceti de ras.. =)) Asa ducem servere in top? Spectatori si boti?
  8. Rusine, nu e prima data cand acesti fondatori recurg la asemenea gesturi. De aici si remarcile "CSBD are serverele 32/32 noaptea pline de botii". Asadar , fara cuvinte.
  9. Salut, pentru a afilia un server Krond sau ZeroPing deschide un topic aici. Pentru a gasii un partener care sa te ajute cu partea tehnica deschide un topic aici. Daca vrei sa cumperi addons Zombie Plague 6.2 te astept la rusu_micro4 YM sau Skype. Addonsul este folosit pe ZM.CSBD dar ti-l pot aduce la setarile generale. ( gen newlifezm )
  10. As Loading says, it could be man`s hand but in some casses were we saw flashes on sky or horses, we need to thing that we are sinners and sometime is better to leave behind our bad stuff and be a better humans, to love eachothers, to pass over differences between us, idk.. Thats what I`ve learn from Bible, thats what I`m thinking. I`m not afraid of the end of the world, maybe if we`ll cach it we`ll have the opportunity the firsts who saw God
  11. Salut si bine ai venit intre adevaratii demoni, nu baietasii de Rahova
  12. ø Modalitate de contact (Y!m / Skype): rusu_micro4 , YM sau Skype ø Produs(e) scoase la vânzare: Conturi steam cu CS 1.6 ø Preţul produsului(elor): 5 euro, 25 ron paysafecard sau bancar ø Poze produs(e): Dau in privat. ø Metodă de plată:Cod reincarcare sau transfer credit Vodafone, Paysafecard sau bancar. ø Alte specificaţii:Conturile sunt sunt fara ban VAC, EAC, ofer poze in provat, nu acord primul ( mici exceptii) garantez siguranta cumparatorului.
  13. If USA get involve in this fight beetwen Ukraine and Russia, Russia will push the trigger. Roumania, at NATO call, helps Ukraine to defends their informations , some of it are TopSecret. Of course, USA help Ukraine under our name and no dout that best "hackers from Roumania, USA an all around the world" are supporting Ukraine`s cyber intels. Annonymous are a solution, they allready announce that will fight against IS so there is a chance to see them beside Ukraine.
  14. Salut si bine ai venit, dar ai venit de mult timp )
  15. In mare parte , ownerii serverelor CSBD nu ofera asa cu una cu doua FTP , gradul poate ca da. Oricum , foarte bine de stiut si sa "ejaculam" din CSBD asemenea oameni care fac o imagine urata CSBD-ului.
  16. Well, maybe you don`t understand me well. I don`t have a problem with muslims, black people or hungaryans, I disagree with IS ,Al-Quaeda, Hamas, etc.. , same stor with hungaryans, they are good people but when it comes about our land.. sorry I`ll die for deffending Transilvannia. About the black people.. we have a lot of them in Roumania and they seems to be smarter than most of white people, so.. , don`t understand me wrong.
  17. Our gaming community shoudn`t discuse subjects about racism. Every one hate some people, but is their problem. I hate few people too but I don`t need to discuse that here. The people that I hate them, I guess that I`m not the only one who hates them, yes, I hate islamists, don`t judge me, all roumanians hate them and their "judgement" ) . And.. I hate politicians too and.. do not forget about hungaryans. Yes :| , forgive me cuz i had my point of wiew Regards, rusu-- , the bad guy .


CsBlackDevil Community [www.csblackdevil.com], a virtual world from May 1, 2012, which continues to grow in the gaming world. CSBD has over 70k members in continuous expansion, coming from different parts of the world.



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