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Everything posted by rusu--

  1. Mi se pare o prostie sa dai 600 euro pe un telefon care anul viitor va costa 300 de euro. Mai ales ca un S3-4G sau un S4 sunt niste telefoane de nota 10 si performante aproape egale cu S6 dar si un pret foarte convenabil. Deci ramane la atitudinea si posibilitatile fiecaruia.
  2. Black and blue, i can`t belive that someone see white and gold.
  3. =)) , Reevane, te-au prins astia in actiune. Ia zii.. ai copiat la simulare, ai dat vreo spaga ceva? Sau poate ai copiat cu un smartwatch ca profesorii sunt mai.. inapoiati )
  4. Cat de des consumi alcool: Foarte rar, aproape deloc in ultimul an Consumi regulat sau doar ocazional?: Foarte rar, aproape deloc in ultimul an Ai avut parte de evenimente nefericite din cauza alcoolului?: Nenumarate, chiar si experiente gen: alcool + pastile = morfina + alte 2 substante interzise Te refugiezi in alcool?Daca da, de ce?: Nu, e pentru cei slabi.
  5. ø Nume Produs: Steam cu CS 1.6 sau licenta, gift. ø Modul de plată (Paypal, SMS, transfer bancar): Transfer credit Vodafone. ø Sumă (preţul maxim cu care doriţi să achiziţionaţi produsul): 5e. Vreau un steam curat, nu ofer primul pentru ca din partea mea nu vor fi probleme gen "teapa". YM, Skype - rusu_micro4
  6. Hi. We (CSBD) are a gamming forum and we don`t support racism. Your post have racism, don`t involve God, Allah and Mohamed in CsBlackDevil because not all members are muslims and Christians are feeling ofensed by any post like this. Yes, I understand your point , all arabs, muslims are considered terrorists because of some crazy islamists who killed in name of Allah ( BIIIG STUPID). Not all muslims are terrorists. But your topic have a racist themme. Do not understand me wrong!
  7. ø Method of contact (Y!m / Skype): rusu_micro4 (both) ø Item(s) on sale: Steam ø Price of the product(s): I`m waiting yours offer ø Product photo(s): http://steamcommunity.com/id/sevinde/ ø Payment method: PayPall, Bank Account. ø Other specifications: CS 1.6 is VAC Banned. The other games are ok
  8. Salut, astept si eu o poza de la setarile steam-ului. Cauta-ma la rusu_micro4 , ym, skype, steam.


CsBlackDevil Community [www.csblackdevil.com], a virtual world from May 1, 2012, which continues to grow in the gaming world. CSBD has over 70k members in continuous expansion, coming from different parts of the world.



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