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Everything posted by rusu--

  1. ø Method of contact (Y!m / Skype): rusu_micro4 (both) ø Item(s) on sale: Steam ø Price of the product(s): I`m waiting yours offer ø Product photo(s): http://steamcommunity.com/id/sevinde/ ø Payment method: PayPall, Bank Account. ø Other specifications: CS 1.6 is VAC Banned. The other games are ok
  2. Salut, astept si eu o poza de la setarile steam-ului. Cauta-ma la rusu_micro4 , ym, skype, steam.
  3. Cati Stelisti adevarati avem aici , nu d-aia care plang ca echipa se numeste FCSB si nu FC Steaua Bucuresti?
  4. Salut si bine ai venit , sper sa cresti alaturi de noi.
  5. Welcome. But you are not a new member to make presentations , you was banned and now are unbanned I don`t know how this it`s posible but in CSBD everything is posible and you have multiple accounts ( more then 3 so..) Anyway , welcome.
  6. rusu--


    We all hope that one day will be peace beetwen Palestine and Israel. But this two countrys speak diffrent languages because is a religios war. My opinion is , God is same for all , but have different names, Jesus , Allah , Budha.. We all love are respect our God and His learns.
  7. rusu--


    Love peace man , God told us to love eachothers , not to war and kill. All said , "Support Palestine" , how did you support Palestine? If you saw a gun you past out. So.. stop hatiing , begin to love.
  8. Ce sa spui si tu.. sau **** din tine. Daca la viitorul atac vor ataca civili si vei fi printre ei? Vei murii ca un *** Tie un atac terorist ti se pare subiect de gluma? Bravo , ai facut +1
  9. Potrivit informatiilor initiale, doi politisti ar fi fost raniti in schimbul de focuri, dintre care o agenta a politiei municipale ar fi in stare grava. Nu s-a putut stabili nicio legatura intre atacul de joi si cel de la Charlie Hebdo, dar cei doi politisti intervenisera in cazul unui accident de circulatie care implica o masina Clio gri. O masina de acelasi tip a fost furata miercuri de autorii masacrului de la saptamanalul francez Potrivit unor informatii initiale, atacatorul ar fi rusit sa fuga in reteaua de metrou, insa ulterior politia a retinut un suspect in schimbul de focuri de joi dimineata, a scris L'Express. Potrivit cotidianului, omul era inarmat si echipat cu o vesta antiglont. Postul de radio RTL sustine ca suspectul ar fi "de origine africana", deci ar putea sa nu fie unul dintre cei doi atacatori de la Charlie Hebdo. Supozitia este sustinuta si de televiziunea BFM, care sustine ca barbatul retinut ar fi nascut in 1962 si ar avea antecedente penale. Teroristii nu se opresc, vor ucide in numele lui Allah adica dintr-o prostie. George , tu spui ca Hamas si restul teroristilor sunt aparatorii patriei , dar ei instiga la violente si crime. Respect for true muslims , they have the real faith. All terrorists will face the judgement of God but before they`ll have a great life in prison.
  10. This is not a reason to kill 12 people. God was tepted by the devil himself and God resists temptations. If someone slap you on left cheek you turn the right cheek to slap it too. This is faith.
  11. Nu a fost cometa , a fost meteorit , e o diferenta enorma. Si a fost la Pro TV dar nu ai urmarit tu )
  12. Conform publicatiei Le Point, politia franceza are in acest caz doi suspecti franco-alegerieni, de 32 si 34 de ani, reveniti in aceasta vara din Siria. Un al treilea suspect, soferul teroristilor, ar fi un om al strazii, potrivit sursei citate. The suspects has been caught , frech police has 2 suspects , french&algerians , 32 and 34 years old , last summer they came back from Siria. The third suspect , the driver is an homeless.
  13. Hamas is the bad part of Palestine who is still fighting for nothing , kill people from Israel to revenge. Why? For God? Did God ask us a war? No. We shoud make peace but because some organizations like this... war never stops.
  14. All happends because exist ISIS , AL-QAIDA and other terrorists. All terrorists will face the judgement of God in any Name of Him. That`s why Palesine need to pay the price , all stuffs will stop when humans will understands cuz` cariing a war will not solve anything. All shoud left the war , ISIS shoud die , Hammas and all others shoud die too. Love the Name of God , not the war.
  15. [RO] Este stare de alerta maxima in Franta, dupa ce 12 oameni au fost ucisi de trei barbati care au luat cu asalt sediul publicatiei Charlie Hebdo. Bilantul inca prozizoriu al atentatului care a aruncat Parisul in haos arata ca 10 jurnalisti si 2 politisti au fost impuscati mortal. Alti 7 oameni sunt raniti. Atacatorii au iesit apoi in strada si au tras asupra trecatoriilor si a politistilor. In acest moment atacatorii sunt in libertate, iar guvernul francez s-a reunit in sedinta de urgenta. Este cel mai grav atac terorist din istoria Frantei. Cei trei terorisi au afirmat ca sunt membri Al-Quaeda si au strigat Allah-Akbar in timpul atacului. Indiferent care este Dumnezeul nostru , ca este Iisus , Alah , Buda, etc.. , nu trebuie sa recurgem la asemenea gesturi barbarice. Isis , Hammas , Al-Quaeda si restul organizatilor teroriste nu aduc niciun fel de pace pe pamant , ele doar continua sa omoare oameni nevinovati si sa pateze numele lui Dumnezeu si credinta adevarata a oamenilor care sufera din cauza crimelor comise de niste monstrii. [EN] The high alert in France, after 12 people were killed by three men who stormed the headquarters of Charlie Hebdo magazine. Prozizoriu still balance the attack that plunged into chaos Paris show that 10 journalists and two policemen were shot dead. Another 7 people are injured. The attackers then went out into the street and shot at passersby and police. At this time the attackers are free, and the French government met in emergency session. The worst terrorist attack in the history of France. The three terorisi said that Al-Qaeda members and shouted Allah-Akbar during the attack. Whatever our God, that is Jesus, Allah, Buddha, etc .. should not resort to such barbaric gestures. Isis, Hammas, Al-Qaeda terrorist organization and the rest without any peace on earth, they just continue to kill innocent people and to stain the name of God and true faith of people who suffer from crimes committed by some monsters.
  16. Welcom to CSBD , enjoy your stay here.


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