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andersonn -

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About andersonn -

  • Birthday 11/30/1995


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  1. ø Method of contact (TS3 / Steam) : Steam / Forum ø Item(s) on sale: Steam account ø Price of the product(s): Negotiate ø Product photo(s): Link ø Payment method: PayPal ø Other specifications: Steam lvl 118, with 786 games many of good quality. ask me
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  3. Eso pues Moderador Jajaja :))

    1. Inkriql


      si jaja ❤️?

  4. @AndersoNN- hey ugly i think u have a fans here ?

    check him

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. andersonn -

      andersonn -


       You are new here. If you have any problem with my nick, contact an admin.

    3. Bandolero -

      Bandolero -

      first of all im not new

      old acc: @KinnG^

      first of sec: yea man i have prb bc my old friend have this name and the real acc what u stealed the name is this @ AndersoNN-

    4. AndersoNN-


      what is this ? I can also change my name 

      dont fight, my friends...

  5. andersonn -

    [Accepted] TAG

    ¤ Nick : andersonn - ¤ Tu Edad : - ¤ tag deseado : DATBFF ¤ link de tus horas jugadas en ThunderZM (Minimo 10 horas) [Click]: -
  6. Espero no te hayas olvidado de mí 

  7. Bro!


    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. --->[TheFallen]<-----}


      Pero Si Quieres Te Busco Por El Facebook O Tambien Yo Tengo Etra Cuenta Rey 


    3. andersonn -

      andersonn -

      escribeme en el server.

    4. --->[TheFallen]<-----}
  8. Hi, I really liked his design but I am missing a Degree (Administrator). I want to know if you can add it.

    Sorry for the inconvenience!

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  10. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  11. Hola Andersonnn ,No se si merecuerdas,pero si quieres admin en respawn dejame los datos en unmensaje y tag si quieres.Buen dia

  12. Xenoblade Chronicles X's premise is nothing that video game players haven't heard before. The Earth is no more, so it's time for humanity to explore a new planet. It's one thing to venture to a completely new world, but Nintendo and Monolith Soft have made their game stand out in one major way. The new planet truly feels like a massive, new world and that sizable new setting is home to one of the most gratifying (and lengthy) adventures of the year. The story is a simple one. As mentioned, the Earth has been destroyed by a mysterious alien race that seems to be hellbent on eradicating the human race. The remnants of humanity have set up a colony on a foreign planet called Mira, filled with dangerous wildlife, unfamiliar settings, and enough resources to start up an entirely new civilization, with the player character as a custom-made clean slate. And all would be well and good if that same alien race hadn't decided to pursue the survivors and continue their quest for total extinction, leaving military organization BLADE no choice but to fight back. Brave New World This point cannot be emphasized enough. Mira is huge. It is an absolute massive world, all ripe for open-world exploration. The planet is filled with resources, collectibles, and wild creatures and it is virtually impossible to explore the entire area in any less than a few dozen hours. It'll likely be days before you can explore beyond the sub-continent of Primordia, not just because the enemies are much stronger outside of its borders, but because there's so much to soak in. This is where it should be noted that while off-screen play with the Wii U GamePad is possible, it is absolutely not recommended. The second screen acts a handy map, separated out into clusters. While this is mainly to keep track of what's been collected, it's also essentially to avoid getting lost. And with the world the size that it is, the first few days will be spent wandering aimless around the continent. Fast travel paths open up later and that becomes a godsend, given how long it takes to traverse Mira and how quickly the day-night cycle passes. There's another reason that Mira is so large and that's to give the game's wild creatures space to roam around. While players will find smaller creatures closer to their level, they'll also find some massive dinosaur-sized Level 50 beasts grazing in the distance. Many times, these higher-level wild animals will mingle freely with their lower-level brethren, which is both a cool sight to see, but also a bit of a problem at times. Grinding for experience can get tough, since there are times where you'll be poking at Level 8 creatures during one of the game's real-time battles, only for an errant shot to attract the attention of a Level 35 behemoth. There are also other times when a rare Tyrant (a more powerful version of a standard enemy) will pick a fight with your character on sight. Unfortunately, there is no way to decline these battles other than to attempt to flee on foot and, even then, it's easy to get smacked down in a single hit by a relentless bully of a beast. That can get annoying after a couple of sessions. Growing Pains With that said, Xenoblade Chronicles X is not for the impatient. It will take hours to get used to the real-time combat system, especially when it comes to learning which MMO-style Arts abilities work best in conjunction with one another. Even with the aid of capable AI party members, death will happen quite often. The solution is to grind and, unfortunately, experience doesn't come quickly, whether it's through battle, exploration, or side missions. And there are plenty of side missions to play, especially when story instances often come with prerequisites. This is another reason that the whole experience runs longer than average. There is a rewarding light at the end of the tunnel, though. Not only do characters eventually level up enough to take on larger creatures, but after enough time, they can wield the artillery to match. Leveled-up abilities, as well as character weapons, will vary based on class and the game is generous about allowing players to experiment. New weaponry and armor can also be unlocked after contributing towards a variety of manufacturers, with resources raised through probes placed across the world. There's an insane amount of depth to how characters are raised and while some of the more nuanced ideas can be ignored, it's worth learning the ins-and-outs of these systems in order to create the strongest character builds possible. After all, survival is much easier that way. But while a stronger arsenal is a good incentive to keep on trucking, the true reward comes when earning a Skell. These are massive mech suits and piloting these puppies makes traversing Mira feel like a completely different experience. Sight lines are suddenly no longer a concern, since Skells can go toe-to-toe with just about anything on the planet. In fact, they can kill numerous hostiles in a matter of moments, thanks to their powerful beam swords and missile barrages. It's a powerful piece of machinery, but while it's all-powerful, it doesn't break the game, as there are still plenty of Godzilla-sized creatures that are more than capable of putting up a fight. Earning Your Stripes Xenoblade Chronicles X feels like a truly breathtaking effort, evidenced by how much love has gone into crafting each and every inch of its massive planet. And it's a planet that Nintendo and Monolith Soft have made worth exploring and worth learning. It's not for everyone, as the story gets off to a slow start. In fact, expect the story to last well over 40 hours. The game also doesn't waste much time with tutorials. Players aren't left entirely to the wolves, but the combat, equipment, stats, and party system is far more complex than the simplistic tutorial tips let on. It's also worth repeating that new players should expect to die a lot! With that said, investing dozens of hours into the game does feel rewarding. There are immensely satisfying moments for those that choose to stick with this game, but those moments need to be earned. Nothing will come easy, but nothing truly worthwhile ever is.
  13. Platform: PlayStation 4 Type: Downloadable Content (DLC) Bloodborne (required) Available in: Digital Download Developer: FromSoftware Distributor: Sony Genre: RPG, Action RPG (Fantasy) Players: 1 Duration: 10-15 hours Language: Spanish Texts and voices in Spanish / English Released: November 24, 2015 (Pegi: +18) If you start a game from the beginning or are about to acquire the Game of the Year Edition, you have to know that ancient hunters is unlocked fairly quickly, defeating the Vicar Amelia, but is an area at all recommended until at least the time you defeat Rom, Spider Vacua. The FromSoftware own minimum recommended level of 65, which we consider quite low, especially for the closing stages of this expansion, so it is much better that you continue the main quest and come back fifteen or twenty levels to avoid frustrations. If, however, you start a New Game +, you may find it easier to access it, and you can throw once hunted the Vicar Amelia, since having your armor reinforced to the rock of blood is of tremendous help, you can access to it with a level of 120 on. Anyway, since Bloodborne not retain your full game so far you decide to take another turn, both going to have to play a portion of the base game to get to Old Hunters, a decision, at least, strange. Nightmare Hunter The DLC also takes something to start. The first areas leaves a strange feeling in the player go too familiar places, to the point plantarte inside the Cathedral where you fight like the original Vicar own. And when it does, the repetition of materials, elements and even a final boss of the main quest in the form of spontaneous enemy, they note. What does change, a lot is the provision of enemies. Accustomed to face hordes of basic enemies, your presence here is scarce especially in the first portion of the game, dominating the old hunters; so many that sometimes one has the feeling of playing a multiplayer with bots. No exaggeration, the first section is full of them and some are real sponges life. Change is appreciated, while our main concern will be to find many of the weapons and equipment in these early hours. Weapons give some variety to those who accused the lack of them in the original game, but do not expect any boast. They are very attractive, but with an arrangement very similar to those already seen, we'll visit a powerful rotary saw, the blade bow or sword iconic moonlight present in the Souls movements. The distance also (although less throw, fall short, the Gatling is impressive even a real consumer of mercury bullets while the surprise comes with a new shield, this time useful, but not focused on physical attacks not stop you're going to get rid of the mechanistic basis of Bloodborne). In fact, getting all new equipment is one of the best work done in this ancient hunters, since many of these weapons are actually hidden and attend various actions to be performed before you can make with them. A pity that so hard to improve them all, so that we have to wisely choose our next weapon or wait for the next round. But after this start with somewhat less force, the following scenarios are presented much more attractive and make us to introduce in environments that you still maintain that strange tension in his gloomy and dark atmosphere. Therefore, one of the quietest scenes can reach get on your nerves to stumble and break a bottle of soil, with subsequent alert opponents. There is here an eternal ebb and surge of difficulty. You can scroll areas with fairly simple enemies to run into moments where face not only one but two heavyweights. Quiet moments to reach areas where a trap hides another trap. He stresses the final section where you'll find one of those damn truth areas, with one of the most absurd and crazy all brilliantly designed and Bloodborne enemies of Souls (with sharks say, we say it all). Quite intricate areas where progress can be a matter of faith, and others in which we will have to explore every inch until you find the key (or the lever) that allows us to move forward. Ancient hunters not forget to further expand the universe of Bloodborne. The data offered to expand the story may seem low, but they have something more sense as you collect along with descriptions of new objects to collect. We can only say that still inspired deep into the roots of the cosmic horror of Lovecraft, to the point of reaching the declared one of his most famous stories tribute. Dams It has taken another decision regarding Bosses: placing the lantern relatively close to them. And we appreciate it in part, as some leaders of the base game were quite far from the checkpoint, with consequent race to them that did not provide much difficulty to the equation. Here everyone has a bluff or a shortcut that will allow us to close some best practice techniques until you find your weak spot. They are only four, but one secret (that we know of now) you can find out. Two of them quite dramatic, while others may be rather vague. The final boss is a stinker, but with some of the most interesting patterns we have seen and eliminate alone can be quite a feat. They continue alternating patterns such as subtract them life, which makes your learning is far more difficult to grasp. The new patch that comes with the DLC also brings some new features that are also incorporated into the main adventure, like the ability to be accompanied by an NPC for the battles against some of these enemies, of which ancient hunters fail only one and in the base game it is done in enough. Like the cooperative, their help is invaluable, as it allows you to focus on them while you heal and recover a little breath, but evidently makes things much easier when you experienced the first game. Ancient hunters is a good DLC that will get more for those who plan to take advantage of the new weapons in new items than those who only seek to complete it, given the scarcity of some stones to empower them properly. We do not know exactly how wanted FromSoftware divide the content initially, since there are three major areas, making split them leave pretty lame one. For the price to pay for throwing him twenty euros rounded, can stay a little short if your goal is simply to finish, due to the uniqueness that is accessed, it is highly recommended that you take when planning play a new game, to force yourself to reach it. If instead you just start your adventure Bloodborne, leave it to the final moments. Your nerves will thank you.
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