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  2. You mean the STATUS UPDATE You can activate this feature by following the below steps: 1st : Click on your name above the screen 2nd : Click on "Account Settings" 3rd : Click on "Edit Profile" 4th : Click on "Enable Status Updates" Good Luck and if you have any issues send me PM and i will help you untill you reach what you want
    4 points
  3. OMG what a nightmare my birthday in 2 june 2017 and the point is thats the day of exams i think i will drow a cake and juice in the papier of the exam :/ What a luck
    3 points
  4. srsly man they killed a child 16 year old and you told me they want control Palestinian terrorists ? all the world know that israel not have country in any place in world Israel stole every thing from plastin and algerians and plasetine are brothers if we catch an israelien we gonna fu*k him up Algeria--->Palestin #For ever
    3 points
  5. On Sunday afternoon, Israeli police shot and killed a 16-year old Palestinian girl near the Damascus gate in Jerusalem. Although the Israeli police spokesperson claimed that the teen attempted to stab a security officer, that account has been disputed. The child has been identified as Fatima Afeef Abdul-Rahman Hajiji, 16, from Qarawat Bani Zeid village, northwest of Ramallah, in the central part of the West Bank. Eyewitnesses said Fatima was standing near the entrance of Bab al-‘Amoud (Damascus Gate), and was at least ten meters away from the near soldier or officer, and that one of the soldiers started shouting “knife, knife,” before five soldiers fired a barrage of bullets at the child. They added that the Fatima was first shot with several live rounds in the chest, and the soldiers continued to fire at her after she fell onto the ground. Many live rounds also struck a Palestinian Taxi, parked nearby, causing damage and puncturing one of its tires. Photos of the deceased show that she was shot and killed at quite a distance from the guard post, so even if she had been holding a knife (which is disputed), no security officers were in danger at the time when she was killed. May god help Palestinians !
    2 points
  6. i can tell you thanks very much me and all player in highlifezm for this boost my friend i hope highlifezm back again thank crassto
    2 points
  7. Israeli kill them without reason ! they want to control the Palestinian territories only But they are unable to control them But he sees nothing but kills people i hope u understand why Israeli kill people from Palestine
    2 points
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  10. why i cant get devil coins in csbd i get likes from staff what this !!!!
    2 points
  11. i thought that you will leave so i saved you favourite music enjoy
    2 points
  12. The real story behind CsBlackDevil The fairy tale The story of our community, as most know, starts like this. Not long after when the two brothers (Love & Sethhh) discover the gaming world and start their first CounterStrike 1.6 server , making their way through the crowd of people, fishing from them every teaching it can sustain a bright future. The first server, an affiliation with CsRedDevil , the first gaming friends, opening CsBlackDevil, the first top server, activity, work, projects, first rank in leading, all of these in a virtual world. Finally, here we are, together , 51,000 people happy and strong. What is CsBlackDevil and who founded CsBlackDevil Autumn of 2010 was the right time to open a the first classic Counter Strike 1.6 server, Lupta.CsRedDevil.Com - and it's membership in the old community, CsRedDevil.Com, whose host was only 5 euro. The desire to make the server more powerful and known, especially in front of the community administrators motivated us total. Therefore, a server with a high average, with the owners at quite early ages (at the time the undersigned had about 17 years and Sethhh only 1 meter tall, around 13 years old), seemed to be high hopes in gaming for Zeus and Kleopatra, two of the CSRD administrators (csreddevil.com). Therefore, the server, Lupta, was a bridge between us and the two spouses, who in turn they were managing the server of the founder. Time passed easily, and their move to our server was imminent and after this the problems started because the CSRD founder lost two important administrators. In November-December 2011, Zeus and Kleopatra decided to open a new community with [dvl]aditza, Hattrick and Pool, whom we followed with our whole soul. So was born CsBlackdevil community, and its first four servers: - NewLifeZm - Zmoldschool - HighlifeZm - CSDM, with promise and hope that at some point, both I and Sethhh, we become administrators of CSBD. The addons for Zombie Plague had been created, the server CSDM ran one of the best respawn addons, and the first places in the GameTracker.Com top were already reserved for us. But also divergences had appeared, and Hatrick had to leave us. On May 1, 2012 we made the transition to IPBoard, good time for me and my brother to start work and continuous activity. Our old friends, Zeus and Kleopatra, and also the people we learned from, receded slightly, and me and my brother, Sethhh, had taken over the reins, under the guidance of [dvl]adita, as a single account with the administrator rank. Meanwhile, even if DVL gave us little chance to succeed in something , we started the partnership CSBD – Krond SOLUTIONS, one of the most important steps in the history of CSBD. When everything was going smoothly, DVL proposed the sale of the community and license ... that moment came like rain after a secular drought, after that it followed the proposal from Krond to become official resellers. Our experience in gaming had a wonderful course and this was due to the pleasure of working on each project and server, the respect we offered to the people we've met and we will always remember. It is easy to understand that regardless of age, size, nationality, color or geographical position, we can have a great influence in the collapse or in building an empire. Currently I am proud of what I have created together with Sethhh and glad that we met people who have always been with us. "It doesn’t matter how good you are, but how good you want to be." [ Paul Arden ] Special thanks to: Zeus & @Kleopatra, @adA, @PoOL, @Jully , @Loading, @LuMiX ,@RaMpO, @TwixQ#, @DOri. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Adevarata poveste din spatele CsBlackDevil The fairy tale Povestea comunitatii noastre, așa cum majoritatea o știu, incepe asa. Nu la mult timp dupa momentul in care cei doi frati ( Love & Sethhh ) descopera lumea jocurilor si pornesc primul lor server CounterStrike 1.6, isi fac loc prin multimea de oameni pescuind de la ei fiecare invatatura ce ii poate sustine intr-un viitor stralucit. Primul server, o afiliere in CsRedDevil, primii prieteni gameri, deschiderea CsBlackDevil, primul server de top, activitate, munca, proiecte, prima functie in conducere, si toate acestea intr-o lume virtuala. In cele din urma, iata-ne aici, impreuna cei 51.000. What is CsBlackDevil and who founded CsBlackDevil Toamna lui 2010 a fost momentul prielnic deschiderii primului server clasic - counter strike 1.6, Lupta.CsRedDevil.Com - si afilierii acestuia in vechea comunitate CsRedDevil.Com, al carui host era doar 5 euro. Dorinta de a ne face serverul cat mai puternic si cunoscut, mai ales in fata administratorilor comunitatii, ne-a motivat total. Tocmai de aceea, un server cu un average destul de mare, cu owneri la varste destul de fragede ( la acea vreme subsemnatul avea aproximativ 17 ani, iar Sethhh la numai 1 metru inaltime, in jur de 13 ), pareau a fi sperante mari in gaming pentru Zeus si Kleopatra, doi dintre administratorii CSRD (csreddevil.com). Asadar, serverul Lupta, a fost o punte de legatura intre noi si cei doi soti, care la randul lor se ocupau de administrarea serverului fondatorului principal. Timpul a trecut usor, iar mutarea lor pe serverul nostru a fost iminenta ceea ce a pornit si problemele pe care fondatorul CSRD urma sa ni le faca datorita pierderii celor doi importanti administratori. In noiembrie-decembrie 2011, Zeus si Kleopatra au hotarat deschiderea unei noi comunitati alaturi de dvlAditza, Hattrick si Pool, pe care i-am urmat cu tot sufletul. Asa a lua nastere comunitatea CsBlackdevil, si primele ei 4 servere: - NewLifeZm - Zmoldschool - HighlifeZm - CSDM, cu promisiunea si speranta ca la un moment dat, atat eu cat si Sethhh, vom devenii administratorii CSBD. Addonsurile Zombie Plague fuseseram create, serverul CSDM rula unul dintre cele mai bune addonsuri respawn, iar primele locuri din topul GameTracker.Com deja le rezervasem pentru noi. Insa totodata divergentele au si aparut, iar Hatrick a fost nevoit sa ne paraseasca. Pe 1 mai 2012 am facut trecerea pe IPBoard moment prielnic pentru mine si fratele meu sa pornim lucrul si o activitate neintrerupta. Vechii nostrii prieteni, Zeus si Kleopatra, si in acelasi timp oamenii de la care am avut destul de multe lucruri interesante de invatat s-au retras usor, iar eu si Sethhh am preluat fraiele comunitatii sub indrumarea lui dvlAdita sub forma unui singur rank administrator adaugat contului meu. Intre timp, chiar daca DVL ne dadea slabe sanse in a reusii ceva, am pornit si parteneriatul CSBD - KROND SOLUTIONS, unul dintre cei mai importanti pasi din istoria CSBD. Cand totul mergea ca pe roate, Adita ne-a propus vanzarea comunitatii si a licentei...moment care a venit ca ploaia dupa o seceta seculara, urmata si de propunerea din partea KROND de a devenii reselleri oficiali. Experienta noastra in gaming a avut un curs minunat si asta s-a datorat placerii cu care am lucrat la fiecare proiect si server, respectului oferit si oamenilor pe care i-am intalnit si de care ne vom aminti mereu. Este usor de inteles ca indiferent de varsta, marime, nationalitate, culoare sau pozitie geografica, putem avea o mare influenta in prabusirea sau construirea unui imperiu. Actualmente sunt mandru de ceea ce am creat impreuna cu Sethhh si bucuros ca am cunoscut astfel de oameni care au fost mereu alaturi de noi. "Nu conteaza cat de bun esti, ci cat de bun vrei sa fii." [ Paul Arden ] Multumiri speciale, Zeus & @Kleopatra, @TwixQ#, @PoOL, @adA , @Jully , @Loading, @LuMiX , @RaMpO, @DOri.
    1 point
  13. Happy Birthday @FàZe WàNTED
    1 point
  14. Byee all guys good night and all of you take year
    1 point
  15. 1 point
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  19. My son have birthday today
    1 point
  20. Happy Birthday kol sna w anta tayab kho :v
    1 point
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  22. 1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. Accepted PM me about pw.
    1 point
  25. I think that server HighLifeZM can not go up with a bad founder with a kid and I'm sure for this, maybe I'm a stupid about him but no a grizzly elder. all players knows me who am good or bad! So bye and highlifezm @[-FrOsT-] any reply..
    1 point
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  30. If you lived my life, you'd [CENSORED] off
    1 point
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  35. -_- It's not your problem Do not count yourself big on me here and I will speak everything
    1 point
  36. from now my father died before 7 years 10/5/2010 allah yar7amo
    1 point
  37. 1 point
  38. I want to know why the police of Israel kill them and make wars in palestine !?
    1 point
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  40. 1 point
  41. New video coming New party coming IN YOUTUBE .. Think about what will be this video Subscribe here to receive the video https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOTSIM0su_qfArMVOCVVs0Q
    1 point
  42. 1 point
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CsBlackDevil Community [www.csblackdevil.com], a virtual world from May 1, 2012, which continues to grow in the gaming world. CSBD has over 70k members in continuous expansion, coming from different parts of the world.



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