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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/30/2015 in all areas

  1. Hello All my Dear friends and all my csblackdevil staff i want to show you some secret of JAVED He is not a JAVED he is a zawer and he's old Nick was Mr.zawer And he a not trusted person i know him he leave with me in my same city and i want to show you some prooff SEE THIS IS JAVED = Mr.zawer name: zawer hassan Nick: Mr.zawer NewNick: JAVED / Night and morning NOTE: Staff of CSBD Dont Trust This Guy This Guy is not for trust he will lie with me all time and i hope he will lie with some one else so please dont talk him he is not trusted person
    4 points
  2. Bye Bye CsBlackDevil I'm Left every thing from here , because i have some personal work and i think i will no join again csbd community in my life so i'm going bb all staff and bye bye LOADING! Brother you such a lot of time you help me here thank you and bb all !
    4 points
  3. Hahaha Friend's It's a Little joke have fun i will never left this best community : )) T/C
    3 points
  4. Serverul va ramane in contul comunitatii ca toate celelalte servere oficiale.
    2 points
  5. Toshiba a anunţat că va porni o campanie nouă de garanţii pentru laptopurile sale de business numită „Reliability Guarantee”. Întrucât compania este atât de încrezătoare în fiabilitatea noilor sale computere, se angajează să ofere celor care au probleme cu produsele cumpărate o ofertă de nerefuzat: restituirea sumei pentru care a fost cumpărat laptopul, alături de o reparaţie gratuită a defecţiunii. Desigur, există câteva condiţii care trebuie îndeplinite pentru a beneficia de această ofertă. În primul rând, laptopul trebuie să participe în această promoţie. Există o listă online care include toate modelele protejate de Reliability Guarantee. Acestea fac parte din familiile Protege, Satellite Pro şi Tecra, ficare dintre acestea fiind încadrate pe diverse trepte ale segmentului business. După achiziţionarea laptopului, acesta trebuie înregistrat pe site-ul Toshiba în programul Reliability Guarantee. Desigur, există un timp limită pentru a beneficia de această garanţie specială. În cazul în care au trecut mai mult de 30 de zile de la data achiziţiei, laptopul nu mai poate participa în promoţie. Odată parcurşi cei doi paşi, în cazul unei probleme în primul an de utilizare, trebuie completat un nou formular, de data aceasta pentru rambursarea banilor, iar pe lângă restituirea lor, laptopul va fi reparat pe gratis. Totul sună foarte bine, însă probabil că nu foarte mulţi utilizatori vor putea beneficia de această ofertă. Laptopurile participante sunt testate înainte să ajungă în magazine prin procedura HALT (Highly Accelerated Life Testing), care simulează trei ani de utilizare. Având în vedere că Toshiba oferă posibilitatea rambursării banilor, cu siguranţă compania este încrezătoare în produsele sale şi nu se aşteaptă ca multe computere să se defecteze în primul an de utilizare. Mai mult, problema trebuie să fie hardware şi trebuie să apară din cauze „naturale”. Deteriorarea intenţionată a computerului va duce mai mult ca sigur la invalidarea garanţiei. Aceasta nu este prima iniţiativă ieşită din comun pe care Toshiba a pornit-o cu referire la garanţii. În trecut, compania asigura reparaţii gratuite indiferent de problemele pe care laptopurile sale le întâmpinau, fie că era vorba de hardware defect sau daune cauzate de accidente.
    2 points
  6. NOTHING TO SAY. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KzyS2Nh-qio
    2 points
  7. I don't have a good PC for that games but I wish. Thanks for suggestions, Sniper Elite 2 it's not so interesting.
    2 points
  8. 2 points
  9. Welcome To CsBlackDevil Enjoy Your Stay Have Fun
    2 points
  10. Hello, whole csbd as you seen that 4/5 week's later i told all thing's and disappoint whole csbd + mostly jAVED so i want say you please please Forgive me CSBD / jAVED i was making on this topic after the problem of day after tomorrow but i've seen on that day that i can't post anything ... and today i again open my account so today i can post anything so please forgive me who ever i said bad thing's mostly to jAVED & SoRrY please forgive me ! just nothing, forgive me if you don't want to talk with me so it's okay but forgive me. ! if you forgive me just say in this TOPIC !!!
    1 point
  11. ¤ Name in game: Game.pro ¤ Age: 20 ¤ Name: Game ¤ City: Admi ¤ Country: Patinos ¤ Favorite Games:CS 1.6 ¤ A short description about you: i am loyalty person ¤ How did you find CsBlackDevil: ShadowsZM ¤ Server preferred (server only community!): Zombies ¤ A picture of you (if you already have one and want to post):-
    1 point
  12. ¤ Name in game : -FreshXL ¤ Age : 21 ¤ Name : Alexandru bogdan ¤ City : Iasi ¤ Country : Romanian ¤ Favorite Games : COD MW2 in Xbox , Battle feild , CS:GO , Cs 1.6 , God of war etc .. ¤ A short description about you : i'am good person talk with all in respect never disappoint peoples just if you give me respect, You will take respect with more good way. ¤ How did you find CsBlackDevil : i find much forums, in via Gametraker which are top on the list so i also find CsBlackDevil Comunitate just hope all here like me. ¤ Server preferred ( server only from community ! ) : hmm, i don't know any because i don't see yet it's my first day in csbd ¤ A picture of you ( if you already have one and want to post ):
    1 point
  13. Topic closed. Be more carefully !
    1 point
  14. Hello Dear Member, this section is not to suggest, This Section is to discuss things , like section name is "Discussions". you can suggest anything about forum: here Good Luck
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. Nice to meet you Alex, we hope you enjoy&stay here
    1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. OK!! I'll start *Nick: tpa-mapui_9 *Name: Mapuia L Sailung *Age: 23 *Weight/Pound: 70 / 156 *Height: 6 / 182 *wingspan: 6'3' / 192 *Bodytype: Athlete *Fav-Movie: World War Z *Fav-Activity: Playing,Riding and Dreaming *Fav-Drink: Pepsi *Fav-Ride: BMW s1000rr *Facebook: https://www.facebook...100007529267436 *Skype: tpa.sailung *Twitter: https://twitter.com/ajutor_nine *Quote: Never Give UP *About me: I am WHat I am
    1 point
  20. *Nick: *Name: *Age: *Weight/Pound: *Height: *wingspan: *Bodytype: *Fav-Movie: *Fav-Activity: *Fav-Drink: *Fav-Ride: *Facebook: *Skype: *Twitter: *Quote: *About me:
    1 point
  21. xD Bùne ! I suggest you to play GTA V , Sniper Elite 2 , FIFA 2015 , ASSASSIN Creed BlackFlag ! Don't forget GHOST RECON !
    1 point
  22. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  23. no bro i left streetzm and javed know my problem why i no join in streetzm and who banned players ??
    1 point
  24. ¤ Name in game: polo ¤ Age: 20 ¤ Name: Mohammad Umar ¤ City: Admi ¤ Country: Patinos ¤ Favorite Games:Manager CS 1.6 ¤ A short description about you: i am loyalty person ¤ How did you find CsBlackDevil: ShadowsZM ¤ Server preferred (server only community!): Steez ¤ A picture of you (if you already have one and want to post):-
    1 point
  25. lol windows 8 very bad man windows 10 is the best is still preview version but no bugs work with all drivers no proplems *-* screenshot of my win 10
    1 point
  26. As incerca jocurile propuse de tine cu mare placere doar sa nu-mi faca fite i3-ul. Far Cry 3 am incercat, mi-a placut dar cam plictisitor.
    1 point
  27. Am avut o perioada cand am jucat Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon dar nu prea mi-a placut, decat multiplayer-ul. Dead Space 3 as incerca sincer, nu imi displace gametrailer-ul.
    1 point
  28. Nu cred ca exista nimeni care sa nu fi incercat CS 1.6. Source l-am incercat, nu mi-a placut, cat despre CSGO il ador, am jucat putin la un prieten si peste maxim o saptamana am sa mi-l cumpar si eu.
    1 point
  29. ¤ Name in game : klosar007#. ¤ Age : 19 ¤ Name : mohamed ¤ City : Biskra ¤ County :ALGERIA ¤ Country : Algeria ¤ Favorite Games : ¤ A short description about you : really i want to be good with all here ! ¤ How did you find CsBlackDevil : the best servers / friends / players ¤ Server preferred (server only from community!) : ShadowsZM / GLOBAL ¤ A picture of you (if you already have one and want to post): i have but no sorry :/
    1 point
  30. 1 point
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