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[Sondaj] Best FPS


Cel mai bun joc FPS  

165 members have voted

  1. 1. Care crezi ca este cel mai reusit joc FPS?

    • Half Life
    • HALO ( Saga )
    • KillZone ( Saga )
    • Call of Duty ( Saga )
    • Crysis ( Saga )
    • Bioshock
    • Quake
    • Conter-Strike
    • Doom
    • Wolfenstein 3D
    • Altul

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▶Sunt constient ca sunt multe alte jocuri FPS care merita incercate. Acestea sunt principalele , multe dintre ele au o istorie grozava insa cu toti avem un favorit.


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Guest revan micutz

Eu aleg Crysis deoarece inca il joc si nu m-am plictisit de el.

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Off, despre acest topic nu am ce sa spun decat ca din toate jocurile acelea foarte bune am doar 3 favorite si anume:
-Call of Duty
-Half Life/CS (Fac parte din aceeasi constructie)

Eu voi alege Call of Duty pentru ca are multe aspecte.
Este cu poveste in continuu greu de retinut dar si foarte frumoasa. Personalizarea armelor, skin-urile sunt in continuare dezvoltate, masini, elicoptere si toate acestea.
La Crysis povestea este de asemenea minunata din punct de vedere al Gaming-ului, povestea este dintr-un viitor apropiat unde toate fintele au luat viata.Personalizarea costumului si armelor este partea mea favorita in joc.
Counter-Strike este cel mai vechi joc de genul FPS, celelalte de mai sus au posibilitatea de Singleplayer ei bine, CS nu.Decat sa joci cu "boti".
Cu toate acestea sper ca v-am lamurit.




Off, on this topic I can not only say that of all those great games we have only 3 favorites, namely:
-Call of Duty
-Half Life / CS (part of the same construction)

I will choose Call of Duty because it has many aspects.
It is difficult to remember the story continuously and very beautiful. Customizing weapons skins are further developed, cars, helicopters and all.
In Crysis story is also great in terms of Gaming's, the story is in a near [CENSORED]ure where all beings have taken viata.Personalizarea costumes and weapons is my favorite part in the game.
Counter-Strike is the oldest game like FPS, others above have the opportunity Singleplayer well, CS nu.Decat to play with "bots".
However I hope I have cleared up.

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