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¤ Su apodo: Lautarro Barrera
¤ Su dirección Skype, facebook: Lautaro Barrera
¤ Edad: 18 (14-10-2001)
¤ Idiomas que puedes hablar: español, ingles
¤ Su ubicación: Argentina, Buenos Aires, Mar Del Plata
¤ Experiencia como administrador :https://csblackdevil.com/forums/topic/241254-newlifezmcsblackdevilcom-zombie-plague-62-free-acces-admin/?do=findComment&comment=1491905

¤ ¿Puedes mantenerte como espectador o jugar entre estas horas (24:00 a 12:00 PM): si, puedo mantenerme como espectador o afk
¤ Enlace de horas que jugaste en el servidor: https://www.gametracker.com/player/Lautaro Barrera/
¤ Razón por la que quieres ser administrador: quiero volver a formar parte del servidor, newlifezm
¤ Contraseña / clave para administrador [Lea las reglas para encontrarlo]:

  • I love it 1
Posted (edited)


Improve your activity!!! You need minimum 30 hours of playing and a good activity!


Edited by linko

Hello guys .

Maybe you don't know this player, he is the player who helped NewLifeZm the most during all these years.
The problem is that the server has changed its ip and we cannot always count on GameTracker since its statistics change, the other problem is that he plays with several names for example lautaro: D / LAUTARO BARRERA etc. .. 

Check here !
This player stayed AFK for hours and as I said he helped the server a lot during last years .
I hope you will change your mind now about him as he is a very old player! and he deserves to be a legend !!! ( I mean that He deserves more than Helper). 

Thank you . 




  • I love it 2
41 minutes ago, K (No Sound)'' said:

Hello guys .

Maybe you don't know this player, he is the player who helped NewLifeZm the most during all these years.
The problem is that the server has changed its ip and we cannot always count on GameTracker since its statistics change, the other problem is that he plays with several names for example lautaro: D / LAUTARO BARRERA etc. .. 

Check here !
This player stayed AFK for hours and as I said he helped the server a lot during last years .
I hope you will change your mind now about him as he is a very old player! and he deserves to be a legend !!! ( I mean that He deserves more than Helper). 

Thank you . 




I hope your words are from heaven xd !! so @lautarobarrera dont loose that trust from @K (No Sound)''  #read rules !

#ACCEPTED as Moderator !

send me the nick / password / tag via pm in forum .

Topic closeD !

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