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Everything posted by Mr.Jhorjan

  1. necesito una foto como la tuya men, q sea asi de bonita


    1. Ronaldskk.


      Request de gfx.


  2. 🥵


    1. Ronaldskk.
    2. Mr.Jhorjan


      Pasame tu numero telefonico hermano.

  3. PIB de Colombia GDP rose 1.1% in Colombia Colombia's gross domestic product in 2009 grew by 1.1% compared to 2008. This is a rate 22 tenths lower than that year, when it was 3.3%. In 2009 the GDP figure was €166,852 M, making Colombia the 39th economy in the ranking of the 196 countries for which we publish the GDP. The absolute value of GDP in Colombia grew by €1,950 million compared to 2008. Colombia's GDP Per capita in 2009 was €3,826, €3 higher than that of 2008, which was €3,823. To see the evolution of GDP per capita, it is interesting to look back a few years and compare these data with those of 1999 when the GDP per capita in Colombia was 2,506. If we order the countries we publish based on their GDP per capita, Colombia is in 90th place of the 196 countries for which we publish this data. On this page you can see the evolution of GDP in Colombia. You can see the complete list of the countries for which we publish the GDP by clicking on GDP and see all the economic information about Colombia in Economy of Colombia. PIB Colombia STUDIES PREPARED BY, Dr. Jhorjan Carvajal.
  4. 1. Penguins don't have teeth Penguins are birds and birds do not have teeth. Still, you might be scared the first time you look inside a penguin's mouth, as it has serrated quills on the top of its mouth that can be used to break down its food. 2. Penguins are only found in the southern hemisphere You might think that penguins are found anywhere that is cold, they mainly live in a variety of different climates in the Southern Hemisphere and are most concentrated in Antarctica. Only the Galapagos penguin has been found north of the equator. 3. There are 18 species of penguins This is a hotly debated topic in the world of penguin science. Traditionally, the number of penguin species worldwide is 17. In 2006, this number was changed to 18, when the rockhopper penguin began to be recognized as two distinct species: the southern rockhopper penguin and the northern rockhopper penguin. Scientists around the world have begun to take a closer look at other penguins and have realized that there may also be more species or subspecies. 4. Penguins originated in Australia Although they are primarily associated with Antarctica, recent research shows that the common ancestor of modern penguins first appeared near the coasts of Australia, New Zealand, and some other South Pacific islands about 22 million years ago. https://www.worldanimalprotection.cr/blogs/datos-curiosos-sobre-pinguinos
  5. kodiak 450 20242023 $54,000,000*VAT INCLUDED Kodiak 450 EPS SE**: $56,600,000 (Sand color) Yamaha built the Kodiak 450 from the ground up with a compact chassis for precise handling and maneuverability on the trail. Spacious Ergonomics Its ergonomics were designed to offer maximum flexibility. Large and small passengers have room to move thanks to a long, comfortable and wide seat. Comfortable, robust and compact design The compact design is inspired by the best-selling Kodiak 700, which has proven to be one of Yamaha's most successful and durable ATVs. The new seat offers great cushioning and support capacity, and the natural and relaxed driving position has been designed to distribute the user's weight evenly and thus offer greater comfort on all types of terrain. https://es.motor1.com/news/149783/nuevos-atv-yamaha-kodiak-450/
  6. Azumah Nelson, boxing legend, will be a keynote speaker at RootsTech Connect 2022. Azumah Nelson is a former World Boxing Council (WBC) featherweight and super featherweight champion who is widely considered one of the greatest African boxers of all time. He is also an inspiration and role model to millions of people around the world. Local and international media describe him as a humble, God-fearing statesman and a true patriot with impeccable credibility. Azumah has a great love for her family roots and her connection to the human family. He said: "It is very important for us to know that, even with our different genealogy, we are part of the same global family. If we can remind ourselves that regardless of political affiliation, race, tribe, gender, country and faith, we all belong to a great family of God, I believe that the world will be a beautiful place to live. We are pleased to announce that Azumah Nelson will be one of the keynote speakers at this year's RootsTech event. Visit RootsTech.org to hear her keynote address. Watch Azumah Nelson's keynote at RootsTech.org Who is Azumah Nelson? Azumah Nelson began his boxing career at a young age, demonstrating his speed, talent and work ethic. Throughout his career, he fought a total of 47 fights, 39 of which he won. In 1978, he won gold medals at the Pan African Games and the Commonwealth Games. Following those victories, he won the title of world boxing champion three times in two weight classes, a feat that very few boxers have achieved. In December 2014, he was crowned in Las Vegas by the WBC as the greatest super featherweight boxer of all time. The Story of Azumah Nelson Azumah Nelson tells us that to understand her character and her history, we must first understand her roots. He is a direct descendant of the Tabón people. In 1892, seven families, a total of 75 individuals, from Bahia, Brazil, purchased their freedom. They returned to the lands from which they had been taken and established a community that is still alive more than a century later. Azumah says that this Tabon DNA, power, and spirit are where his courage and determination to succeed comes from. However, although the Nelson family was leaders of their people for decades, Azumah did not have an easy upbringing. https://www.familysearch.org/es/blog/azumah-nelson-en-rootstech-2022
  7. By Susannah Rigg In Mexico, each state has its own cuisine, and Nuevo León—whose capital is Monterrey—is no exception. Northern Mexico is known for its diet rich in meat (sorry, vegetarian friends), pinto beans, and flour tortillas, and Monterrey's food scene is certainly in harmony with this. Kid Probably the most typical dish in Monterrey, cabrito will undoubtedly be first on everyone's list when asked what local food to try. Its name gives away what you will see on your plate. The goat is served in different ways: roasted, baked or in sauce. Of these three, cabrito al pastor is by far the most famous option, which can be seen throughout Monterrey. The goat is cut open in the middle, spread out and impaled on a stake, then slowly roasted for hours and even days above burning embers. The tender and flavorful meat is best enjoyed with flour tortillas and beans, to bring out all the flavor of Monterrey. Crush Considered a dish created out of necessity, machaca has become one of the favorite dishes in Monterrey. In the arid region of northern Mexico, when there were no refrigerators, people preserved meat by letting it dry in the sun and wind. However, the sun-cured meat had an unusual flavor. So, in the 1930s, an innovative woman—La Tía Lencha—mixed it with eggs and a little piquín chili to create a dish so tasty, it is now a favorite not only in Monterrey but even beyond. If you want to have a typical Monterrey breakfast when you're in town, order machaca. Roast meat Cabrito may be one of the most emblematic meats in Monterrey, but grilled meats of all kinds are a great thing. If you follow the Keto diet you will be in heaven thanks to the amount of meat available on each menu in the capital of Nuevo León. A short walk around town over the weekend will probably lead to an encounter with a family grilling meat outdoors. If you don't get an invitation to one of these family gatherings, there are restaurants throughout the city that serve the best cuts of meat in the region. https://traveler.marriott.com/es/comer-beber/5-cosas-que-tienes-que-probar-en-monterrey/
  8. MY. Hidalgo Vicario Executive Director of Comprehensive Pediatrics «The use of ICTs entails many benefits: educational, communicative, entertainment..., but it also entails many risks: violence, pornography, addiction, cyberbullying, grooming...Adults are unaware of the technical aspects and underestimate the possible risks. "It is necessary that health professionals, parents and teachers be trained to carry out prevention, early identification and treatment of problems associated with ICTs." The new information and communication technologies The new information and communication technologies (ICTs) constitute those tools and programs that process, manage, transmit and share information through technological supports. ICTs have revolutionized today's world since the 80s, and are present in most Spanish homes and schools. Currently, its use is very widespread and the information included will last forever (personal, professional, photos, videos...), which is called the digital footprint or identity. The onset is around the 2nd-3rd year of age – the so-called digital natives – and its use increases with age. According to data from the INE, 2013, 84% of Spanish minors use the Internet at home, more than 41% of Spanish children have their own mobile phone at age 11, 75% at age 13 and 90% at age 15. . The systems most used by adolescents are: smartphones and tablets. Digital immigrants are those who have not had contact with ICTs since birth and have come to have some type of relationship with them according to their needs or concerns. Children start using ICTs at very early ages, when they have not yet developed the ability to understand terms such as: respect for oneself or others, the importance of privacy, sensitive information that should not be revealed, intellectual property. or information not appropriate for their age, etc. Adolescence is also a very problematic and high-risk period; Most of their health problems are due to their behaviors and habits, with potentially serious consequences for their current and future lives: accidents, violence, drug use, risky sexual behavior and inappropriate use of new ICTs, among others. At this time, the feeling of false invulnerability is typical, the need for intimacy and experimentation, action predominates over reflection, there is no concern about future consequences, adult norms are rejected and, in the search for independence , they think they can solve their problems without the help of adults; Therefore, it is a particularly vulnerable group. The WHO estimates that 70% of premature deaths in adults are due to behaviors that begin in adolescence. It must be taken into account that most of these behaviors are preventable. The use of ICTs entails many benefits: educational, they allow obtaining and sharing information in different formats, a work tool, collaborating with groups, entertainment, etc., but it also entails many risks. On the other hand, adults are unaware of the technical aspects and underestimate the possible risks. Children and adolescents know how to use ICTs, but they do not know how to do so responsibly, nor are they aware of the multiple threats that threaten them: inadequate information with violent content, pornography, loss of privacy, identity theft, cyberbullying (harassment among minors). through technological means), grooming (digital harassment by an adult of a minor for sexual purposes), sexting (dissemination of sexual images or videos produced by the sender himself, mainly through the mobile phone) and addiction to screens, among others. The consequences range from impaired performance, learning and school failure, distancing from their environment (family, friends), psychosomatic problems, sleep, emotional and psychiatric disorders, to even suicide. Given the seriousness of these conditions, a multi- and interdisciplinary treatment coordinated in different areas is required to address them: family, school, social, police and judicial. https://www.pediatriaintegral.es/publicacion-2015-11/las-nuevas-tecnologias-de-la-informacion-y-comunicacion/
  9. Do you have a problem with me boy?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Mr.Jhorjan


      @GlaD1Be serious about what I told you, in front of everyone you think you're the victim 

    3. GlaD1


      Lemon, my love  kilogram 1 dollar 


    4. S e u o n g

      S e u o n g



      I won't tolerate this kind of thing from anyone.

  10. no moms why do they react so much?

  11. Joa Studholme’s job title at paint company Farrow & Ball is “color curator”, which makes her sound like a hipster doing something groovy and opaque, or a rare breed of fine art specialist. In practice, she is something altogether more down-to-earth: a paint and color consultant with a large dollop of Mary Poppins empathy, pragmatism and cheeriness mixed in for good measure. Over the past 25 years, Studholme has parachuted into upwards of 4,000 homes to advise daunted newbies, or fraught couples, on their color schemes. “They don't know where to begin,” she says, as we sit in the bay window of her partially decorated new flat in London's Notting Hill. The walls and woodwork, including the shutters, are painted in Dead Salmon in a dead flat finish. “Or there’s a marital issue,” she continues, invariably over the choice of palette. One half hankering after something daring and fun, the other wanting safe neutrals frequently results in complete deadlock. 7530.jpg?width=880&dpr=2&s=none “Everyone is embracing color much more,” says Studholme. “All those years of gray mania are over. I used to drift around houses around Notting Hill and they were all pretty much identical – seas of marble and shades of greige – absolutely beautiful, of course, but also very soulless. Now people have realized that their homes have to work so much harder for them. You’d be amazed how many want to have womb-like, cocoon-like bedrooms.” The question is, which colors and where? Studholme, together with Farrow & Ball’s creative director Charlotte Cosby, has written How to Redecorate to talk people through the process, step by step. “It’s a manual on decorating, not a glossy coffee table book,” Studholme says. “The idea is to go through it sequentially.” The first steps are the crucial ones: skip them and you'll end up back where you started, feeling overwhelmed and unable to make decisions. If you do things in the right order, and break down both the process and the project before you begin, you can't fail, she enthuses, with characteristic passion. Step one: take on board the architecture of the room you want to redecorate. Is it large or small, dark or light? Is it an awkward shape? Step two: bear in mind how the light falls in a room, as this will determine how your paint colors change during the course of the day. Step three, and this pertains to a single-room project or a whole house or flat: be guided by your own style and how you live – follow your gut instinct. A penchant for color brings new choices, she says, with woodwork a key consideration. “Ask yourself: are you wedded to white woodwork? Have you thought about dark? Most people are, like: 'That's a bit scary, I've never thought of it.'” The advantage of trim that is darker than the walls, she says, is that it makes a space seem lighter, while using the same color on both walls and trim makes the space feel bigger and sleeker. 5214.jpg?width=620&dpr=2&s=none If you want to change things up, there's no need to redecorate your entire home. “Start small,” says Studholme, “with the inside of a cupboard or a loo.” This gives you a chance to find out how comfortable you are with bolder choices. If you want the wow factor, but not in the whole house, do something darker or bold in the hall. “A statement hall gives you license to be much more neutral in the rooms leading off it.” The spare room is another chance at self-expression. “If you have the indulgence of an extra room, go for a color which perhaps you wouldn't want to live with every day. I’m all over doing really strong colors and crazy decoration in guest rooms. Why not give your guests a treat?” Another good trick to add pizzazz is to paint the edge of one or two doors in a strikingly different colour. Put a strip of masking tape on the edge of the door, then paint it in a feature color. A strip of bright yellow on a child's bedroom door is a real favorite. “It's the small things that get you going,” she says. Fitting a piece of painted cardboard into the back of a dresser or chest of drawers is another hack. “It's like the colored lining of a jacket. It’s a flourish.” Studholme is forever repainting the table legs of her kitchen table, too. Or rather, someone else is painting them. “I can't paint,” she admits. “I'm too messy, I'm banned.” When I ask what the biggest decorating mistakes are, she is reluctant to declare any. “I'm not sure there is such a thing as a mistake,” she says. But I push for an answer, and then she is unequivocal. “The biggest mistake is people who default to bright white for ceilings. If a ceiling is really white, you can read the confines of it, it is defined. The height comes down and it instantly makes the room look much smaller. It’s like if you have created a beautiful outfit and you haven’t done your hair.” That bad, I gasp? Yes, she laughs, that bad. https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2023/sep/17/making-a-splash-the-paint-guru-who-wants-us-to-fall-in-love-with-colour
      • 1
      • I love it
  12. I carry out activities and they removed me from everything, due to a confusion and betrayal that my own server boss put in me.


    There they are playing in another community with an account in my name, but the other moderators and jouner users I won't say names because I don't care, they don't say anything, they delete accounts and I delete something that they created in my name but I wasn't I? Tell me, sir admin, if my community doesn't [CENSORED] me, who will do it, I'm already voted, you eliminated me, what am I going to do?

    1. Ronaldskk.


      Hello, I know that what I'm going to say is none of my business but I need to say it, @GLOBALBOSS tried to trick me by telling me that I had to enter that community, he sent me a link and told me to register there, I didn't even know why. I was smarter and said no, he sent me an account that Sno Boss from GlobalZm and administrator of that community made, he sent me the password and I was afraid so I insulted them and I was banned to avoid a misunderstanding and that they would think that I left PROOF: https://imgur.io/mXAY5l4?r


    2. Ronaldskk.


      Y diré algo , deberías banearlo: https://csblackdevil.com/forums/profile/91034-sadist/

      Esta engañando a las personas de csblackdevil.

    3. Ronaldskk.


      @Lexman. a ti quien te llamo mmgv chismoso. No se meta en conversaciones de adultos o es que tus papás no te enseñaron eso?

  13. Black-veined moths are the same size as a butterfly At a glance Surveys counted a peak of 255 black-veined moths this summer The moth was close to extinction in 1995 Farmers were encouraged to restore their fields so the moths could thrive. A critically-endangered moth indigenous to the east Kent countryside has had a bumper year after its habitat was restored by farmers. In 1995, the black-veined moth was close to extinction due to the loss of their chalk grassland habitat in the Wye National Nature Reserve. Natural England launched a project encouraging farmers to restore fields back to their natural form. This year, surveys counted a peak of 255 moths, the highest number recorded since the project began. Dan Turson, Natural England's farm adviser, said: "Farmers are leading nature recovery through long-term one-to-one advice and close working to create new wildflower grasslands at scale."He said they were now seeing the results of the farmers' hard work. Black-veined moths look like white butterflies patterned with distinctive black lines across their wings. To survive, they need a mosaic of both tall tufts of grass and short wildflowers within the same field, making them much rarer than other insects that live in chalk grassland. https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cndejylzl8eo
  14. ow many people recognized me and click pictures. I feel very proud of myself at that moment," she said, before adding that on some days she feels people take too many photographs. Her story has drawn comparisons to the Oscar-winning film Slumdog Millionaire set in Mumbai. And her breakthrough reflects gradually changing attitudes in a country where advertising, po[CENSORED]r culture and Bollywood films glorify fair-skin as an ideal of beauty. Forest Essentials must have seen something similar to what Robert Hoffman saw, when the American actor and choreographer posted videos on Instagram and YouTube of time spent with girl and her family in 2020. Cheeky and polite, Maleesha talks in a voice that bursts with happiness, belying the hardship she's known, having lost her mother at a young age, leaving her father to juggle his day job while raising two children. Knowing the power of the Internet, Hoffman helped her launch a "Go Fund Me" campaign. Since then, Maleesha has become a social media influencer, using the hashtag 'the princess from the slum' in some of her posts. At the last count her Instagram account had 367,000 followers, and rising. Reporting by Hemanshi Kamani, writing by Tanvi Mehta; Editing by Simon Cameron-Moore https://www.reuters.com/world/india/chance-encounter-transforms-girl-mumbai-slum-into-teenage-model-internet-2023-09-18/
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  15. Left to right) Siamak Namazi, Morad Tahbaz and Emad Shargi are to be freed from prison under the deal Five Americans who had been jailed for years in Iran are flying back home on Monday as a part of a controversial prisoner swap. The deal - mediated by Qatar - was reached when $6bn (£4.8bn) of Iranian funds held in South Korea reached banks in Doha. The Iranian oil money had been frozen as part of US sanctions. Five Iranians imprisoned in the US have also been released as part of the swap. Here is a look at the prisoners from both countries, some of whom are dual-citizens, involved in the exchange. The American prisonersm orad Tahbaz and fellow conservationists were using cameras to track endangered species when they were arrested Morad Tahbaz (UK-US) Tahbaz, a 67-year-old business man, was arrested in 2018 along with eight other Iranian conservationists in the midst of the country's crackdown on environmentalists.Siamak Namazi was arrested in 2015 and later sentenced to 10 years in prison on spying charges The 51-year-old worked as head of strategic planning at the Dubai-based company Crescent Petroleum. Namazi was arrested by the Revolutionary Guards in October 2015, while his father Baquer, 86, was arrested in February 2016 after Iranian officials granted him permission to visit his son in prison. They were both eventually sentenced to 10 years in prison by a Revolutionary Court for "co-operating with a foreign enemy state". Their lawyer has complained that the father and son were denied access to legal representation, held in solitary confinement and suffered health problems. Namazi is also alleged to have been tortured. In January 2023, Namazi went on a week-long hunger strike to protest against the failure of the US to free him and other dual nationals despite President Joe Biden's promise to make bringing them home a top priority. He was released to house arrest in August in anticipation of a prisoner exchange agreed to by the US and Iran. Emad Shargi (Iran-US)Reza Sarhangpour-Kafrani (Canada-Iran) Kafrani was charged in 2021 with the unlawful export of laboratory equipment from the US to Iran, through Canada and the United Arab Emirates. Kafrani was living in Montreal and owned a Canada-based company that conducted business in the US and other countries. US prosecutors allege Kafrani negotiated with a US company to buy mass spectrometry equipment to be shipped to Iran through Canada and the UAE. The US government requires a license to export the equipment to Iran and the UAE. Amin Hassanzadeh (Iran) Prosecutors allege Hassanzadeh, a permanent resident of the US, stole sensitive technical data from his employer and then sent it to his brother in Iran, who had connections to the Iranian military. He was charged in 2019 with interstate transportation of stolen property and fraud. Prosecutors say the engineer and visiting scholar at the University of Michigan participated in a year-long plan to steal confidential data about an aerospace industry project, allegedly emailing the confidential data to his brother in Iran just days after starting his job. Kaveh Lotfolah Afrasiabi (US-Iran) Afrasiabi is an author who was arrested by the FBI at his home in Massachusetts for acting and conspiring to act as an unregistered agent of the Iranian government. US officials say Iran was paying Afrasiabi to spread propaganda. "For over a decade, Kaveh Afrasiabi pitched himself to Congress, journalists, and the American public as a neutral and objective expert on Iran," Justice Department officials said in a statement. "However, all the while, Afrasiabi was actually a secret employee of the Government of Iran and the Permanent Mission of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations (IMUN) who was being paid to spread their propaganda." The Justice Department said the author sought to disguise propaganda as objective policy analysis and expertise to influence the public and US policymakers. They alleged Afrasiabi intentionally "evaded his obligation to disclose who was sponsoring his views"... https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-66651509
  16. I don't see him prepared, I think he makes 2 publications per week, I give you the opposite.
  17. Accept this man, his activity is very good, I give you a tremendous pro: @The GodFather
  18. Nickname: @Mr.Jhorjan Video author: deybid rc Name of the game:FREE FIRE Link video: Rate this video 1-10: 10
  19. linkhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chrono_Trigger Chrono Trigger is a 1995 role-playing video game developed and published by Square. It was originally released for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System as the first game in the Chrono series. The game's development team included three designers that Square dubbed the "Dream Team": Hironobu Sakaguchi, creator of Square's Final Fantasy series; Yuji Horii, creator of Enix's Dragon Quest series; and Akira Toriyama, character designer of Dragon Quest and author of the Dragon Ball manga series. In addition, Takashi Tokita co-directed the game and co-wrote the scenario, Kazuhiko Aoki produced the game,[1] Masato Kato wrote most of the story, while composer Yasunori Mitsuda wrote most of the soundtrack before falling ill and deferring the remaining tracks to Final Fantasy series composer Nobuo Uematsu.[2][3] The game's story follows a group of adventurers who travel through time to prevent a global catastrophe. Chrono Trigger was a critical and commercial success upon release and is frequently cited as one of the greatest video games of all time. Nintendo Power magazine described aspects of the game as revolutionary, including its multiple endings, plot-related side-quests focusing on character development, unique battle system, and detailed graphics.[4] Chrono Trigger was the second best-selling game of 1995 in Japan,[5] and shipped 2.65 million copies worldwide by March 2003.[6] Excluding the PC version, the game had shipped over 3.5 million copies worldwide by February 2018. Square released a ported version by Tose in Japan for the PlayStation in 1999, which was later repackaged with a Final Fantasy IV port as Final Fantasy Chronicles (2001) for the North American market. A slightly enhanced Chrono Trigger, again ported by Tose, was released for the Nintendo DS in North America and Japan in 2008, and PAL regions in 2009.[7] The game has also been ported to i-mode, the Virtual Console, the PlayStation Network, iOS, Android, and Windows.
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