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About BaZoOka

  • Birthday 02/02/2006


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  1. Happy Birthday bro miss u ❤️

  2. • Your Nickname ( Must be same like teamspeak ) : BaZoOka • Your Age : 17 • Profile link : @BaZoOka • How much you can stay active in both forum & teamspeak ? : I have Some problem in Ts3 • How you could help us a Devil harmony member ? : I well Help project And Stay Activity every day • How much you rate Devil harmony project from 1 - 10 ? : 9/10 • Other information about your request ? : • Last request link :
  3. Hello there! I've checked you and i saw that you created 2 accounts here, i want to tell you that is forbidden to create more accounts, you won't get banned, but other 2 accounts that you created is going to be permanently banned, be careful next time, thank you! 🙂

    1. .Naruto.



      so someone created 2 account's or more will be they got banned that's a new rules I listen It Now I was dont know but thanks because I see Now "Mindsphere" can you send me the rules of csbd for I Read It very well 

      I will do new project's here with us !!! 

    2. BaZoOka
  4. Music Title: Imagine Dragons Signer: Believer Release Date: 21/10 Official YouTube Link:
  5.                                                                         WALKINGDEADZM

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  6. Nickname: BaZoOKa Age: 17 Link with your forum profile: @BaZoOka How much time do you spend on our channel ts every day?: All Day Where do you want to moderate? Check this topic: Journalist 2 Lever ! How much time you can be active on the Journalists Channel?: 2-5 H Link with your last request to join in our Team: First one in This Team Last 5 topics that you made on our section:
  7. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-cumbria-58829163 A woman has been banned from keeping or working with animals after admitting the "chronic neglect" of her dogs. Kelly Latuskie, formerly of Carlisle, allowed them to suffer pain by not having them treated for dental disease, Carlisle Magistrates' Court heard. She kept more animals for breeding and took in more at her dog daycare than her licences permitted, it was told. She was sentenced to 16 weeks in jail, suspended for 18 months, and ordered to pay £17,090 in costs and surcharge. A complaint to Carlisle City Council said Latuskie was breeding more puppies than her licence allowed and regularly looking after more dogs than the 30 permitted at her daycare business. A search of official microchipping databases found Latuskie had registered and sold at least 117 Cavapoo and Cockapoo puppies between June 2019 and December 2020 when she was only permitted to have one litter at a time. Staff were required to look after more than the recommended 10 dogs each, sometimes up to 30, the authority said. Officials visiting her home in December found 22 dogs in "squalid dirty conditions", the council said. There were two stud dogs and 20 breeding ******, although her licence only permitted four. Many had ear infections and dental disease and a council-appointed veterinary surgeon said they were "suffering from chronic neglect" and in deteriorating health, the authority said. Latuskie's inadequate transport and accommodation controls resulted in five dogs being killed by other dogs, it said. Latuskie is banned from owning, keeping, dealing or transporting animals and from working in a business involving animals. She may not appeal to have the ban lifted for three years. She is banned for life from applying for a council licence to run a business involving animals.
  8. Hello, I remind you that all news in "Free time" you must put a maximum of 2 photos and link where you got the news.

    News/sport/auto/moto, etc. 

  9. WarNightZm >>> Free Admin [Helper-Elder] 



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    Connect @[M]anuel  @MussicOnPro!  @Lil Skies.

  10. WarNightZm >>> Free Admin [Helper-Elder] 



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  11. Nickname: Th3_LeaDeR- Age: 17 Link with your forum profile: https://csblackdevil.com/forums/profile/85698-th3_leader/ How much time do you spend on our channel ts every day?: 2-6 Where do you want to moderate? Check this topic: How much time you can be active on the Journalists Channel?: 3-7 daily Link with your last request to join in our Team:
  12. Nickname: Th3_LeaDeR- Age: 17 Link with your forum profile: https://csblackdevil.com/forums/profile/85698-th3_leader/ How much time do you spend on our channel ts every day?: 2-6 Where do you want to moderate? Check this topic: How much time you can be active on the Journalists Channel?: 3-7 daily Link with your last request to join in our Team:
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