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Everything posted by -Sarah

  1. in the heart until the death๐Ÿ–ค

  2. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  3. CN xD who's your favorite person in newlife ?
  4. l want to give you a chance since l saw you in the server you're a good player BUT make sure to read the rules again to avoid any mistake in future GOOD LUCK !
  5. V O T E D ๐Ÿค
  6. just if our days back...

    happiest birthday my friend you will be always in our hearts โค๏ธย 

    the most adorable and kind oneย 

    we all miss you..

  7. your last request were before 2 days ago ... you must wait at least one week to change it again For changing new Tag is needed 1 week to be passed from The last Request. REJECTED
  8. well ... first this is not your chat to make a double post Second this is a report and even asking others how much ammo you have its none of your business even if he's your friend you and all players are the same here you're not better than them also... l really didn't like your behavior, it's only a gag .. 3 - to make you all know l check every single ban ip that all admins did and when l saw in yeezuz's banlist how you were disrespectful and talking alot then l realize your gag were well deserved...
  9. Even l told that admin it's not allowed to use commands on suspended admins but the absorption stopped with him, anyway lm going to tell you JUST LESTIN FOR WHO REALLY HAVE EXPERIENCE not everyone have the experience.. we have whole team for this.. like me, glow, psy etc .. anyway l'll back on 17(Friday) l'll take you then (insallah)๐Ÿ™‚ but keep in mind to focus and listen to everything... l agree with tsema he's 100 percent is right... in another way IF YOU GOT ACCEPTED KEEP IN MIND ALL OUR EYES WILL FOCUS ON YOU .. and anything you have our discord ask us !! GL Edit : glow said an important point .. and actually it's the most important point here if you back we want to see you daily active and know every single detail from the fourm because all updates come from here.
  10. really?? you kidding with us or what? ... to be an admin here is not easy you must have AT LEAST 30h in our server beside that we said get the key after reading rules not randomly CONTRA
  11. NO NO NO ๐Ÿ˜ฌ๐Ÿ˜œ @Neo1524twinii???
  12. Well l'm here not to give a vote BUT l came to give you a small note:- Your activity is nice keep it up but don't focus at frags a lot put in consider admin job you must focus in sv too .. read the rules to avoid any problem in future Good luck!
  13. @Charliaviless first this is not a chat to make a double post just edit it and that is it ... well if what @DeepPurple 's situation were right your slay was well deserved Using /lm (Laser Mine) on Afk Zombies is forbidden , and will lead to a Slay. Only allowed during Survivor mod. even that if you're old here .. we must read the rules from time to time right ?
  14. same.. and from my point of view this is childish report nothing more๐Ÿ™‚
  15. just missing the past...

    1. FazzNoth


      It is nostalgia and sadness at the same time...

    2. -Sarah


      that's what's happening right now...


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