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Everything posted by 7aMoDi

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  6. غمض عيونك بنسبة 80%
  7. Opposite actually! I do not agree with your opinion on this, because players who have a lot of points will easily buy ammo and buy any mod in points, and this mod will become easy to obtain, not like it was with points, and this mods is very powerful I mean OP! That's why they put these mods you can buy with points because its OP and very powerful damage and broking LaserMine [ LM ] easily Therefore, they will become ordinary mods that have no value, no prestige, and are difficult to obtain as they are now Best regards: Semi Elder 7aMoDi.
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  9. اللهم احرس أهل غزة بعينك التي لا تنام. اللهم حرر المسجد الأقصى، واجبر كسرهم، واشف مرضاهم، وتقبل شهدائهم برحمتك. اللهمَّ انصر الإسلام والمسلمين في فلسطين وأعزَّهم، اللهم اجعل النصر قريبًا واجعل الفرجَ يأتيهم. اللهمَّ اجعل فلسطين ملاذًا آمنًا لأهلها، وارفع عنهم الظلم والاضطهاد، وانصرهم على أعدائهم.
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  13. Pro! respect others players Active at evening, night and AFK sometimes good luck!
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