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Everything posted by 7aMoDi

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  4. 7aMoDi

    [Rejected] nyp

    You have 20 Hours played, you should have minimum 30 Hours played on Server. Good luck! General player info Name: nyp First time online: 19.11.2023. 10:43 Last time seen online: 27.11.2023. 12:06 Stats Total kills: 638 --- Online time: 20:50:10 Server info Server name: NewLifeZm.CsBlackDevil.Com [Zombie Plague OutStanding] Server owner: Ballantines Number of servers where this player is seen: 6
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  7. New player, I saw you were good honestly and respected the rules afk most of the time In the server Saw you posting in Night-Staff Therefore, you seem to have good experience and qualifications in the server, forums and rules, so I will give you a chance! Good luck. Regards: 7aMoDi
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  10. Asking for ammo sometimes Not really always active in the server try to be afk at morning or night Respect most of the rules But I will give you a chance! Good luck 7abibi! Regards: 7aMoDi
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  12. The clip is cut and not complete. You had Memo with you when you broke his laser, and he told that in the public chat, and you went to another place as shown in the video. You did not publish the full clip. You recorded it after you broke it, and you know that very well. You broke it and went to another place to hide, and look at chat. Memo’s words in the Arabic language will be understood by all Arab admins he say your name in chat and told you don't broke my LM Memo said "yzm fajer al laser" that's mean he broke the LM Let the arab admins who was in the game talk because they was watching everything
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