Everything posted by GoKu-_-
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i dont have tag
i dont have password plz tell me how to have password
will u talk to me on discord?
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HI its GoKu-_- player of Thunderzombiecsblackdevil can you please tell me how to get a nametag
¤ Your Nickname: GoKu-_-
¤ Your adress Skype, Steam:
¤ Age:17
¤ Languages that you can speak:English Urdu
¤ Your location:Pakistan
¤ Experience as admin:Yes in cs1.6
¤ Can you stay spectator or playing between these hours (02:00 AM To 12:00 PM) Romania time: YEs
¤ Reason that you want to be admin:FOr fun
¤ Other informations for your request: I tried alot to become
Hello, I think you are in the wrong section of making an apply for adminship.
Copy that Model and paste it here : https://csblackdevil.com/forums/topic/328463-♆-¤-thunderzm-looking-for-free-admins-¤-♆/page/15/
Thanks for understanding.