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Everything posted by NW.graphic

  1. Nice. JACK is in banlist already. I told u "cs i want" like a joke, later i say u that he is in blacklist and for that we slay and gag him with *reason*. We banned him but he has antidestroy and antiban. @DeepPurple Destroyed him and agg to blacklist newlife. he change his ip so i banned him 15 time today. that we can do is gag and slay him every round for be a toxic player. 🥵🤙
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  10. why dony show everything that u said in public chat? https://imgur.com/a/uuVNO53 I slayed u cause u block and it were player Mad bot as a witness. U was zm when i slayed u. I explain all this: i had the command amx_slay ready to use it but i see that mod sarm started and i go fast to hide like show ur record i stay quiet a moment for open console and use command, i didnt sew if u were zm. @Yeezuz told you to shut up because you had time bothering the chat with your threats. Player Mad bot told u same, u was bothering in public chat with threats. which leads me to the next; i gagged u for that reason dude u bother and bother in public chat with threats. (And i told u "dude stop"). You had a toxic or annoying attitude "just look at the frag" "im telling u / u dont know me" and ¡YES! just like u said "2- I was talking to him and he was allways like : I don't care i don't care" cause its right i dont care who u are if u broke a rule u got a punishment. Example: come to newlife a boos of streetzm or highlife and broke a rule... Goes unpunished because he is an admin in another sv? Let a boss come and tell me otherwise: "ok nw.graphic an administrator of another sv can break rules in newlife" @Aysha, @myCro, @-Dark, @Genius. , @adel, @DeViL^., @Lauuur, @tsemaa, @The GodFather, @Omar xD, @#Steeven.™, @Ðragøñ Släýer You had a toxic or annoying attitude. "u are a newbie for me dude" continuing with your attitude of "I am the best" "I have more years in this" "I play this before you" "you don't know me" "just look at the frag" "im older than u in this game" I dont care if u are the creator or CS 1.6, rules are rules, block = slay direct. Threat: "i fell bad when someone get removed" I understand that u threat me ("do u want ur admin to go away or wht")and thread to Yeezuz too I didnt want problems with u or another guy. i think that i dont have more to tell u. Regardless of where you come from, the important things you have done in the past ... Humility is something that I choose to be characteristic of me. Something that most of us are * Humble * and if you really are who you say you are, you should set the example, you who have been in this for a long time could teach the new ones (including me) how to be better people and better players, create a respectful community and united. The problem is with me. @Yeezuz has nothing to do with everything else.
  11. @SoacK | KinGv. En la primera prueba que tu presentaste; con mucha gracia y con intención de burla haces un comentario sobre los administradores ("Haha") y el mismo servidor que supuestamente juegas "desde hace 5 años". Creo que hablo por mis compañeros y por @tsemaa al decir que no necesitamos en Newlifezm jugadores que: no respeten las reglas; no respeten al servidor; no cumplan decentemente con la decisión de cambiarte el nickname. El ban de 60min que recibiste lo merecías por haber hecho rr.gag mas de una vez @DeepPurple y @tsemaa vieron tu rr.gag y entre los tres insistimos en darte el ban porque como bien sabes (si llevas 5 años jugando en el sv) ya debes saber que por rr.gag mereces ban directo. Si no te gusto la decisión de @tsemaa sobre cambiar tu nickname pudiste haber reclamado luego del primer gag. Acepto las consecuencias de haberte dado gag 12min. No me arrepiento, de una forma indirecta quisiste denigrar al sv y es algo que no tolero. Si juegas en el sv "desde hace 5 años" no tendrias que haber hecho lo que hiciste en primer lugar (ponerte un nickname tan largo y tedioso). - @SoacK | KinGv. In the first test that you presented; with a lot of grace and with the intention of derision you make a comment about the administrators ("Haha") and the same server that you supposedly play "for 5 years". I think I speak for my teammates and @tsemaa when I say that we don't need players in Newlifezm who: don't respect the rules; do not respect the server; do not comply decently with the decision to change your nickname. You deserved the 60min ban you received for having done rr.gag more than once @DeepPurple and @tsemaasaw your rr.gag and between the three of us we insisted on giving you the ban because as you well know (if you've been playing in sv for 5 years ) you should already know that by rr.gag you deserve direct ban. If you didn't like @tsemaa's decision to change your nickname, you could have claimed after the first gag. I accept the consequences of having given you gag 12min. I do not regret it, in an indirect way you wanted to denigrate the sv and it is something that I do not tolerate. If you play in sv "for 5 years" you should not have done what you did in the first place (giving yourself such a long and tedious nickname).
  12. @MERNIZ I did it! i restart my Router, Ip, pc, i can get in with another nick name but not with my nickname. That happened is... I was playing and started a votemap, the sv changed map and last kicked me, last i cant get in. ¿? I cant get in with my nickname.
  13. Hmmm no, i cant. I can get in sv with another name but not with mi original name. It continue saying that of the picture.
  14. Your nick: NW.graphic Your ip: Your STEAMID: - The reason you have been banned: Idk server banned me at momento of change map The admin who banned you: Sv banned me The time: Your proofs (screenshot Or Demo): https://imgur.com/a/iHSdclp
  15. ¤ Su apodo (igual que en el foro): NW.graphic ¤ Su dirección Skype, facebook: - ¤ Edad: 20. ¤ Idiomas que puede hablar: Ingles y español. ¤ Su ubicación: Ecuador. ¤ Experiencia como administrador (último enlace GT del servidor): Hace mucho forme parte de la familia como Elder... ¤ ¿Puede permanecer espectador o jugar entre Estas horas (24:00 a 12:00 PM): Si... ¤ Enlace de las horas que jugó en el servidor ( Haga clic aquí Debe escribir su apodo) https://www.gametracker.com/player/NW.graphic/NEWLIFEZM.CSBLACKDEVIL.COM:27015/ ¤ Razón por la que desea ser administrador: Tengo tiempo libre que quiero invertir en newlife estando activo de noche el server. ¤ Contraseña / clave para administrador[Lea las reglas para encontrarlo] : NewlifeZM2021
  16. Dont use mi nickname dude XD
  17. ¤ Su apodo (igual que en el foro): NW.graphic ¤ Su dirección Skype, facebook: - ¤ Edad: 20. ¤ Idiomas que puede hablar: Ingles y español. ¤ Su ubicación: Ecuador. ¤ Experiencia como administrador (último enlace GT del servidor): Llegue a ser elder hace mucho, mas o menos conozco lo básico. ¤ ¿Puede permanecer espectador o jugar entre Estas horas (24:00 a 12:00 PM): Si... ¤ Enlace de las horas que jugó en el servidor ( Haga clic aquí Debe escribir su apodo) https://www.gametracker.com/player/NW.graphic/NEWLIFEZM.CSBLACKDEVIL.COM:27015/ ¤ Razón por la que desea ser administrador: Tengo tiempo libre que quiero invertir en newlife estando activo de noche y protegiendo el server. ¤ Contraseña / clave para administrador[Lea las reglas para encontrarlo] : NewlifeZM2021
  18. In the report I include my list of binds, I have almost all my keyboard with binds including frequent keys like the HJXIL if you hope that I never accidentally press some keys when playing because of "confusion" I am sorry to say that I am human, do not expect that be a robot when neither of you are. Or will someone here tell me that he never makes mistakes? The weakness of his understanding shows the strength of his ignorance about "being human." - My last answer, thx.
  19. ¤ Your name: NW.graphic ¤ Claimed Admin name: DeepPurple ¤ Date and time: Now ¤ Proof (screenshot of console or demo): Click here ¤ Reason of complaint: gag? WTF xD spam supposedly but i did say nothing... Some time i use binds for mistake anyway it is not the case i think, it is not intentional. but this is not the case I think. And if it still were, I don't always do it or on every map. Is this the level of understanding that they handle in newlife? Maybe no one will do anything just because I'm a daddy boss, I know. I always record every time that i play. My binds commands
  20. Your nick: NW.graphic Your ip: Your STEAMID: - The reason you have been banned: Change model skin to admin and terrorist in a map. On his report banlist dont say time of ban? Permanent ban maybe The admin who banned you: Warlok The time: Friday 08:46 PM Your proofs (screenshot Or Demo): https://imgur.com/a/mviG7Md
  21. ¤ Nombre [NickName]: NW.graphic ¤ Edad: 20 ¤ País: Venezuela. ¤ Ocupación: Estudiante. ¤ Una breve descripción sobre ti: Naturalmente estudio mucho y me gusta, voy al gym seguido, me gustan los audiolibros siempre ando escuchando uno xd también me gusta hablar con gente random en Omegle. ¤ Como te enteraste sobre la comunidad CsBlackDevil: Buscando servidores en gametracker. ¤ Juegos favoritos: Cs 1.6 - Brick Force - Blur - GTA ¤ Servidores favoritos [dentro de la comunidad]: 100% Newlife ¤ Una foto tuya [opcional]: De momento no xd
  22. I love this moments XD @Gecko @maykel. @MoDI^_*HaNI
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