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Everything posted by .Naruto.

  1. لقد تحدثت معهم و لم يريدوا أخباري أي شيء فقط أريد أن أعرف لماذا؟ هل هي مجانا أو لا؟ أنا أريد فقط معرفة كيفية فعل ذلك؟ ماذا؟ تقصد أريد أن أضع صورة أو أي شيء أخر على المحتوي بالشخصية تبعي ما المشكلة أذا أخبرتني؟ ما الدي سوف يحصل؟
  2. happy birthday dude, it’s kinda late but i was little bit busy 🎉🎉

    1. Sxynix
    2. .Naruto.


      I copy because It's his happy birthday what's the problem and @#EVIL BABY he didn't answer me about how can I do profile picture for designer

  3. Anyone can Help me or? I have a question and I did not know his answer already wondered how I do just do I want to know how I put a picture or write or anything so I can decorate my profile


    Just Tell me what's I can do About It?

    1. Necro12


      With photoshop :v

    2. .Naruto.


      what's mean?

    3. Necro12


      Photoshop -> An application to design.
      You can use many tools to work and learn

  4. I have a question and I did not know his answer already wondered how I do just do I want to know how I put a picture or write or anything so I can decorate my profile

    1. EVIL BABY.

      EVIL BABY.

      i gonna answer you at pm. when i git home 

    2. .Naruto.
    3. .Naruto.


      what's Happened About me?

  5. حسنا شكرا لأنك أخبرتني لكن لما جاوبتني الأن في هذا الوقت؟
  6. Happy Birthday Mr.Sebby Every Year And you Fine

    1. Mr.Sebby


      Thx! ❤️


  7. I hear me I know I missed what I receive alarms, but what I'm stupid with you right I know I am now doing things to do and but now I promise you that I will leave all the laws and everything and if you like my sins for any subject just call me

    I just now want you to forgive me and I am very unfortunate for everything from me recently

    1. Mindsphere.


      Hello there! You got reported by someone, next time use Edit button instead making another post, thank you! Kind regards, Mindsphere. !

  8. All Should Know This Player He Didn't Read Rules or understand It He Don't Care About Rules And I See Him Always Swearing & Cheating & Spamming That's All It's Only For Kids He can't will a Admin Because He Is = Cheater Ask Bada He know Him Very Well
  9. Great I don't have any problem with this updated It's Very Cool Update I Love It For New Awesome Team Together Forever With NewLifeZm
  10. I Will give you chance For Helper #PRO But you should read rules of server very well bcz I saw you sometimes didn't attack and ask for ammo I Think you understand what's I mean
  11. لدي سؤال و لم أعرف جوابه أصلا لطالما تساءلت عن كيفية فعل دلك فقط أريد أن أعرف كيف أضع صورة أو كتابة أو أي شيء كي أستطيع تزيين ملفي الشخصية؟
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