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  1. Porecla ta (la fel ca pe forum):-GABI- ¤ Adresa dvs. Skype, facebook: ZARNA GABRIEL ¤ Vârsta:23 ¤ Limbi pe care le poți vorbi: Romana ¤ Locația dvs.:Romania,Giurgiu ¤ Experiență ca administrator . ADMIN NWELIFEZM 6 MONTHS ¤ Poți să rămâi spectator sau să joci între aceste ore (24:00 - 12:00 PM): Approximate ¤ Link de ore pe care l-ați jucat pe server https://www.gametracker.com/player/-GABI-/NEWLIFEZM.CSBLACKDEVIL.COM:27015/ ¤ Motivul pentru care vrei să fii administrator: Help Team ¤ Parolă / cheie pentru admin [Citiți Regulile pentru a o găsi]:NewLifeZm 2020
  2. ¤ Nume: -GABI- ¤ Vârstă: 23 ¤ Etichetă dorită: tags ¤ Link către ultima dvs. solicitare: nu exista! ¤ Legătura orelor jucate (minimum 10 ore) (clic): Nu merge siteul , nu stiu de ce dar se vede pe profilul meu ca am avut si grad de admin ( co-owner mai exact ) , am mult mai mult de 10 ore
  3. ¤ Porecla ta (la fel ca pe forum):-GABI- ¤ Adresa dvs. Skype, facebook: ZARNA GABRIEL ¤ Vârsta:22 ¤ Limbi pe care le poți vorbi:Engleza ¤ Locația dvs.:Romania,Giurgiu ¤ Experiență ca administrator . ADMON NWELIFEZM 6 MONTHS ¤ Poți să rămâi spectator sau să joci între aceste ore (24:00 - 12:00 PM): Approximate ¤ Link de ore pe care l-ați jucat pe server https://www.gametracker.com/player/-GABI-/ ¤ Motivul pentru care vrei să fii administrator: Help Team ¤ Parolă / cheie pentru admin [Citiți Regulile pentru a o găsi]:NewLifeZm 2020
  4. pro for helper 🙂
  5. PRO
  6. bro when u back ? 😢

    Read more  
    1. -GABI-


      I ' m back already 😁

  7. ¤ Your name: -GABI- ¤ Claimed Admin name:NickZon ¤ Date and time: 23:00 09/10/2020 ¤ Reason of complaint: gave slay to a player because he put lm and he didn't get to enter the igloo ... it seems absurd to me to day slay because of this, he abuses his power as an admin and it's not the first time but I said no to happen again ¤ Proof (screenshot or console or demo): https://imgur.com/gallery/7PK2NWD
  8. ¤ Your name: -GABI- ¤ Claimed Admin name:Aleexxiitto ¤ Date and time: 06:40 03/10/2020 ¤ Reason of complaint: HE DID FREE IN ARMAGEDON ¤ Proof (screenshot or console or demo): https://imgur.com/gallery/xZd1kIL
  9. you suggested the map excessively and spam !!!
  10. https://imgur.com/gallery/llYBsY3 https://imgur.com/gallery/lPTmxNc https://imgur.com/gallery/5q9YxC4 SORRY FOR THE ABOVE
  11. * Your name: -GABI- ¤ Claimed Admin name: Ch_eM_Nj0_0 ¤ Date and time: 17/09/2020 ¤ Reason of complaint: TEELS AN NEMESIS PLAYER NOT TO ATTACK !!!! https://imgur.com/gallery/lPTmxN https://imgur.com/gallery/5q9YxC4 https://imgur.com/gallery/llYBsY3
  12. sorry for the dealy but l was busy
  13. https://imgur.com/gallery/Ijer3Gd?fbclid=IwAR1vlFbcuTYAskr04hggBZP1s8wNHq-u4BM9vz1VWbnHs_xDdjGlVTPCpJg
  14. file:///C:/Users/admin/Videos/Captures/Counter-Strike%20%23%20Protected%20by%20MS-Shield(c)%20by%20HLDS-Project%209_15_2020%205_45_12%20PM.png ACCES SITE
  15. Your name: -GABI- ¤ Claimed Admin name: ToRkY ¤ Date and time: 15/09/2020 ¤ Reason of complaint: HE CHANGED HIS NAME HWENT HE WAS ASKED TO ATTACK , AND NOT THE FIRST DATE ¤ Proof (screenshot or console or demo): file:///C:/Users/admin/Videos/Captures/Counter-Strike%20%23%20Protected%20by%20MS-Shield(c)%20by%20HLDS-Project%209_15_2020%205_45_12%20PM.png


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