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Everything posted by King_of_dark

  1. After all but 40 of the results were declared, Labour had made a net gain of nearly 450 seats, the Liberal Democrats well over 250, and the Greens more than 180. The Conservatives, in contrast, had lost more than 800 seats and seem at serious risk of losing 1,000 seats in the final tally. Meanwhile, Labour had gained control of 17 councils, and the Liberal Democrats seven. Labour had particular reason to be pleased with its successes in Middlesbrough, Medway, Plymouth, Stoke-on-Trent, and Swindon, all of which were by far from guaranteed to fall into Labour's lap. Among the Liberal Democrats' gains were Windsor and Maidenhead, and three councils in Devon - in the middle of their traditional former heartlands in the South West. What could it mean for a general election? However, these gains only tell us who is up and who is down since the last time most of the seats were contested. That was in May 2019, when both the Conservatives and Labour were low in the polls in the wake of splits over Brexit. They do not address the big question which politicians, commentators and the public want answered - namely, is Labour on course for a potential general election victory next year, as the polls suggest? To answer that we need to take an in-depth look at votes cast. The BBC has collected the detailed ward by ward voting figures in 45 of the 230 councils where elections were held on Thursday and used these to estimate the projected national share. This represents an estimate of what the outcome would have been if all of Britain had had the chance to vote on Thursday, and those places that did not vote had followed the example of those that did.According to this estimate, the Conservatives would have won 26% of the national vote, down two points on their poor performance in 2019 though a little above the worst ever local election outcomes for the party (in 1995 and 2013). Labour's 35% puts them nine points ahead of the Conservatives, the largest lead that Labour has recorded in any local election since it lost power in 2010. Nevertheless, while Labour's Projected National Share was seven points up on what it achieved in May 2019, the party's tally is no better than its score in last year's local elections. This raises questions about whether the outcome was more an expression of discontent with the government than enthusiasm for Labour's alternative. Labour themselves were keen to emphasise that the results showed the party was ahead in many key parliamentary constituency battlegrounds. Whilst true, that achievement too was much more the result of how much worse the Conservatives performed than at the December 2019 general election than because Labour were consistently winning bigger shares of the vote than in the last parliamentary contest. Labour will, however, be pleased to have registered an above average performance in wards that voted heavily Leave in 2016. Recovering the support of Brexit-backing Britain has been one of the key objectives of Sir Keir Starmer's leadership.The Liberal Democrats continue to struggle to register progress in general election vote intention polls, but traditionally perform more strongly in council elections. They were defending one of their best performances in local elections since they went into coalition with the Conservatives in 2010. They will no doubt be pleased that their share of the vote (20%) edged up a point on 2019, taking it to the highest level since 2010. That said, the Liberal Democrats will be disappointed that in wards where they are challenging the Conservatives locally, there is little sign so far of them winning the tactical support of third-placed Labour supporters. Securing such tactical votes could well be crucial to the party's chances of capturing seats from the Conservatives at the next general election. Given the difficulties smaller parties typically have in winning seats under the first-past-the-post electoral system, the Greens have done well to make more than 180 gains. And, for the first time ever, they have gained overall control of a local council: Mid-Suffolk. In terms of votes, the party has so far performed close to the record level of support won four years ago. Politics at Westminster might be dominated by the Conservatives and Labour, but the political stripes of English local government are now rather more variegated. Sir John Curtice is Professor of Politics, Strathclyde University, and Senior Research Fellow, NatCen Social Research and The UK in a Changing Europe. Additional analysis by Patrick English, Stephen Fisher, Robert Ford and Dan Snow. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-65475817
  2. Since the Food and Drug Administration first warned about a possible link between a potentially fatal canine heart condition and “grain free” pet foods in 2018, owners and veterinarians have continued to report cases of dogs developing diet-related dilated cardiomyopathy, or DCM. DCM is a disease in which the heart gets larger, leaving it weaker and less able to pump blood. Some breeds of dogs, including the Doberman pinscher, the Great Dane, the Boxer, and the cocker spaniel, are known to be at greater risk for the condition. Golden retrievers are especially vulnerable to developing DCM if their diet leaves them deficient in an amino acid called taurine. The FDA’s most recent tally of dogs, and a much smaller number of cats, with diet-related DCM included 1,382 cases, 255 of which had been determined between Aug. 1, 2020, and Nov. 1, 2022. In 2019, the FDA named 16 brands of dog food associated with the rare form of heart disease, although it didn't suggest that owners stop giving the food, which often contains high levels of peas, lentils and potatoes, to their pets. Researchers and veterinarians don't yet know exactly how dog and cat food might cause damage to some pets’ hearts, but a study published in 2021 suggested that a culprit could be the high levels of peas in certain pet foods. That finding was backed up in May when Canadian scientists published a study on the effects of a 28-day diet on eight adult beagle dogs, a breed chosen because it's not known to be susceptible to the heart condition. The veterinary researchers from the University of Saskatchewan fed the dogs one of three diets: a traditional diet; a grain-free diet high in lentils; and a grain free diet high in peas. They then repeated the experiment with the other two diets so that all the beagles had experience with all three diets. The researchers observed “DCM-like changes” in dogs that had been consuming the pea diet for 28 days. It’s not yet clear what it is about peas that could be harming pet hearts, said the study’s senior author, Lynn Weber, a professor of veterinary biomedical sciences at the University of Saskatchewan Western College of Veterinary Medicine. One possibility is the amount of fiber in peas. “I suspect if we remove all peas from all dog and cat foods we’re still going to run into a problem,” Weber said, noting that more research is needed to find out what it is about the peas and possibly other ingredients that is leading to heart damage. The best evidence relating DCM to certain diets is how dogs' hearts improve once they are switched to a traditional diet, said Dr. Aly Cohen, an associate veterinarian at the Riney Canine Health Center and a clinical instructor at the Maddie’s Shelter Medicine Program at Cornell University’s School of Veterinary Medicine. The peak in the number of reports — 608 between May 1, 2019, and July 31, 2020 — came shortly after the FDA released the brand names of the pet foods that appeared to be linked to the development of DCM. FDA spokeswoman Veronika Pfaeffle noted that the agency’s investigation of the issue continues but cautioned against reading too much into the new stats. “While adverse event numbers can be a potential signal of an issue with an FDA regulated product, by themselves, they do not supply sufficient data to establish a causal relationship with reported product(s),” Pfaeffle said in an email. The FDA hasn’t recalled any pet food products, and the agency doesn’t plan to release further public updates until “there is meaningful new scientific information to share.” While the rate of new cases seems to have slowed, experts say the problem may be more widespread than the number of reports suggests. Dr. William Rausch says his cardiology practice still sees about one new case every week. And because studies have found that dogs can be developing DCM for years without symptoms, “it suggests that for every case I see there are many more [dogs] walking around out there that seem normal but are developing the disease,” said Rausch, a veterinary cardiologist in private practice and an adjunct professor at the University of Washington in Seattle. The Pet Food Institute, an industry group that represents most pet food companies in the U.S., appreciates the FDA’s attention to the issue, Sherri Kirk, a spokesperson for the organization, said in an email. “Our members continue to conduct research to determine the highest quality and safest ingredients to provide complete and balanced dog food to help dogs live long and healthy lives.” Symptoms to watch for For the most part, dogs don’t show any signs until they are experiencing heart failure, said Dr. Terri DeFrancesco, a professor of cardiology and critical care at North Carolina State University College of Veterinary Medicine. Signs that a dog is developing heart failure include: Decreased activity. Tiredness. Lethargy. Coughing. Shortness of breath. Decreased appetite. For dog and cat owners, the discovery that carefully chosen foods could have damaged the heart of a beloved pet can be wrenching. Julie Carter was stunned when her 3 1/2-year-old golden retriever Oliver was diagnosed first with a heart murmur and then, after an echocardiogram, with full-blown DCM in February 2018. A short time after that, Carter’s other golden retriever was diagnosed with DCM but at an earlier stage than Oliver. After explaining the condition, Carter’s vet asked what type of dog food Oliver had been eating. “It was really horrifying to think that I could have in any way been responsible because of my choice of his diet,” the Florham Park, New Jersey, resident told NBC News. Carter switched both dogs to a food with a more traditional formulation and started them on heart medication. But the damage to Oliver’s heart was too great and within six months, he died. Carter’s other dog, Riley, eventually recovered. Before the first FDA advisory, some vets had already been seeing cases of DCM that appeared to be related to certain dog foods. “The first case I saw was in 2017,” said DeFrancesco. The veterinary cardiologist said she used to report every case, but with news coverage of the issue and the loss of the staff member who used to handle FDA reports, she has stopped. It’s likely that the reports to the FDA are just the tip of the iceberg, because many owners and vets don’t have time to fill out the forms, DeFrancesco said. DeFrancesco believes that diet-related DCM is most likely multifactorial, with some pets inheriting a genetic susceptibility that is triggered by certain types of diets. “Millions of dogs eat these diets but millions do not get DCM,” she said, adding that she advises pet owners to avoid nontraditional formulations because it can't be known in advance whether a pet might be susceptible. https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/fda-pet-food-dogs-diet-heart-disease-rcna101224
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  4. Nick movie: a Cinematic Running Commercial Time: Oct 25, 2021 Netflix / Amazon / HBO: N/A Duration of the movie: 4 minutes Trailer:
  5. Google and Sonos have been volleying patent infringement lawsuits back and forth for a few years now. Sonos has been making Internet-connected speakers since 2005 and has a lot of patents, while Google only jumped into the market in 2016 with the first speaker in the Google Home lineup (now called "Nest Audio"). You may remember that in early 2022, Google lost a Sonos patent infringement case around controlling multiple speakers together in a group. After losing, rather than just paying Sonos a licensing fee for the feature, Google instead chose to reach into customers' homes and disable the feature from devices people had already bought. This week Google managed to convince a federal court that some of the patents from the 2022 ruling are invalid, and Google's response was to immediately ship an update re-enabling the group speaker features on customers' devices. Here's the pretty wild statement Google made to customers on the Nest Support forum:We recently made a change to speaker groups for Nest speakers, displays, and Chromecast where certain devices can only belong to one speaker group at a time in the Google Home app. A federal judge has found that two patents that Sonos accused our devices of infringing are invalid. In light of this legal decision we’re happy to share that we will be rolling back this change. Devices will be able to belong to multiple speaker groups and you will no longer run into an error when trying to add a device to additional groups. We’re beginning to roll out this update immediately and expect it to go live across our devices and the Home App on Android in the next 48 hours. The change will also be coming soon to the Home App on iOS. As it says in the statement, the invalidated patents were around adding speakers to multiple speaker groups. Google Home/Nest Audio and Sonos speakers can play audio from multiple speakers in multiple rooms, using their built-in microphones to automatically juggle the surprisingly complex audio delay problems, creating a seamless whole-home audio experience. Sonos smacked down Google with five patents in 2022, with the (still valid!) headline patent allowing for the control of multiple speaker volumes at once. Sonos won $32.5 million in damages from Google.Two of Sonos' five patents were declared invalid because the court found these two claims were filed in 2019, but Sonos attached them to its 2006 patents, leading to an artificially early priority date. US District Judge William Alsup wrapped up the case, saying, "This was not a case of an inventor leading the industry to something new. This was a case of the industry leading with something new and, only then, an inventor coming out of the woodwork to say that he had come up with the idea first — wringing fresh claims to read on a competitor’s products from an ancient application." Sonos says it plans to appeal the decision, so Google's customers could go through this feature-stripping fiasco again soon. With a single day passing between the ruling and re-enabling the feature, it feels like Google has an itchy trigger finger. Google's victory blog post calls for patent reform, so perhaps pushing the ebb and flow of a patent case directly to people's living rooms via software updates is all part of the advocacy plan. It's certainly strange and frustrating for customers. https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2023/10/google-wins-sonos-patent-case-immediately-ships-speaker-software-update/
  6. We feature the best remote desktop software, to make it simple and easy to access PCs from anywhere, and deploy software remotely. Using remote access software, despite what you might think, is actually quite simple. They generally take but just a few minutes to get up and running. The usual start is to install the software on the computer or other device you want to access the remote computer with. In some cases, programs also need an installation on the remote PC, while in other cases, the devices form a connection via a weblink or access code. Some versions of Windows, such as Windows 11 Pro, do come with built-in remote desktop software that is known as Remote Desktop. While this is ok for occasional use, realize that dedicated third-party software will generally be easier to use, and come with significantly more features. This will be especially important for those planning on regular use of this type of software. There are a handful of po[CENSORED]r uses for the best remote desktop software. One po[CENSORED]r use case scenario is to handle complicated tasks from a laptop remotely by connecting to a more powerful computer. Therefore, the less powerful laptop then can gain access to the better computing resources of the desktop system so it can take on more complicated tasks then it could handle locally.Additionally, remote desktop software can be used by IT teams to roll out important software updates and upgrades across a network. This isn't just handy for working outside of the office, but is also essential if the business has multiple premises that require working on. Alternatively, another common example is for remote support. In this scenario, IT support staff use remote access programs for access to a client’s computer, and then can assess and repair any software issues. The best remote desktop software is no longer just a command prompt for commands - these days they often come with a GUI, with inbuilt tools for collaboration, not just for documents and spreadsheets, but also come with voice chat and video options. Below we list what we think are the best remote desktop software platforms currently available. https://www.techradar.com/news/best-remote-desktop-software
  7. With another month in the books, we've rummaged through the web, looking for retail prices on the best graphics cards. Actually, we're looking at prices for all current and previous generation AMD, Intel, and Nvidia GPUs — even those that don't make sense any longer (looking at you, RTX 30-series). Since last month had some Prime Day GPU deals, there are some upward trends on many models, but some of the cards do show price cuts. We're also looking at data from the start of July compared to now, on August 3, so not all previous prices reflect Prime Day discounts. We also have a "value" metric, calculated as the average FPS across our full 15-game test suite at 1080p medium, 1080p ultra, and 1440p ultra. You can't find those exact numbers in our GPU benchmarks hierarchy, as they use our newer test PC, and we haven't finished testing (and retesting) all the GPUs yet. Also, any GPU we didn't test at 1440p ultra (like the RX 6500 XT and Arc A380) gets a blank, along with all older GPUs that lack ray tracing hardware. However, there's little point in buying most of those at retail these days. Preamble rambling aside, here's how things look. (Note that all the links in the first column go to the current best price we found, with a mix of Amazon, Newegg, and B&H Photo listings.) https://www.tomshardware.com/news/graphics-card-retail-pricing-update-august-2023
  8. Before I dive into this little Baldur's Gate 3 revelation—this article contains big, stonking spoilers for the game's third act. I'm talking about twists that are of major importance to a key figure in the game's plot—you have been warned, adventurer. The third act of Baldur's Gate 3 sees a handful of shocking reveals concerning the Guardian, that helpfully dreamy visitor you create at the start of the game. First off—again, spoiler alert, this is the last time I'm gonna say it—the Guardian is actually a mind flayer named the Emperor, who escaped from the Elder Brain and sought to thwart the Absolute. Secondly, as discovered in the depths under Baldur's Gate, he's… well, he's the Balduran. The gate master himself, founder of the city. Captured by Mind Flayers, turned into a squid, but still Balduran all the same. As discovered on the Baldur's Gate 3 subreddit by user CaptainChalky, the Emperor's room in the Elfsong Tavern basically waves this in front of your face in the form of a fork. "My cutlery set", the Emperor speaks as you go around rooting through his stuff. "A gift from my mother. The butter knife is missing, but otherwise it looks to be complete. I don't need it anymore, but the memory stirs something within me still."Turns out, that's a direct reference to Baldur's Gate 1. As someone who hasn't played the first two games, this reference skimmed over my head—though I did think at the time that the long line of dialogue felt out of place. CaptainChalky explains: "Late in Baldur's Gate 1, you're given a quest to try and locate the shipwreck of Balduran's final voyage and find out what happened to him along with recovering any relics relating to him."One of these is a butter knife, of which the item description reads: "Legends often speak of Balduran's Butter Knife … it is believed that his mother gave the ornate butter knife to him as an eighteenth birthday gift." Anyone who played Baldur's Gate 1 (and is blessed with the Keen Mind feature in real life) must've stopped dead in their tracks. That's a pretty straightforward confirmation, akin to Larian's writers making bunny ears behind our backs. Except there's an even more blatant reveal in the game itself, one that really twists in the butter knife. As commenter Wutras points out, the Song of Balduran, which plays in the Elfsong Tavern camp, pretty much spells the damn thing out word for word. "O, sing a song of Balduran / Who founded Baldur′s Gate … Transformed, he fell their thrall / Succumbed as threat from nether years / Arose to conquer all." All of this makes me feel a touch sheepish for listening to that song for however many hours in the Elfsong, chatting to my companions, organising my inventory—and then genuinely being blindsided by the reveal later on. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to answer this Sending spell—there's a very nice man from the Counting House with a bridge to sell me.Harvey's history with games started when he first begged his parents for a World of Warcraft subscription aged 12, though he's since been cursed with Final Fantasy 14-brain and a huge crush on G'raha Tia. He made his start as a freelancer, writing for websites like Techradar, The Escapist, Dicebreaker, The Gamer, Into the Spine—and of course, PC Gamer. He'll sink his teeth into anything that looks interesting, though he has a soft spot for RPGs, soulslikes, roguelikes, deckbuilders, MMOs, and weird indie titles. He also plays a shelf load of TTRPGs in his offline time. Don't ask him what his favourite system is, he has too many. https://www.pcgamer.com/one-of-the-biggest-twists-in-baldurs-gate-3-is-blatantly-foreshadowed-by-a-humble-bit-of-cutlery-and-some-song-lyrics/
  9. The attacks were a major focus of Mr. Trump’s remarks to a crowd of superfans in his home state, which has a significant number of Jewish voters. Donald Trump mixed his usual stump speech with a focus on Israel in remarks to supporters in West Palm Beach, Florida, on Wednesday.Former President Donald J. Trump, who frequently paints himself as the fiercest defender of Israel to ever occupy the White House, on Wednesday criticized Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in a speech in Florida just days after deadly Hamas attacks rocked the country. Speaking to a crowd of supporters in West Palm Beach, a few miles from his residence at Mar-a-Lago, Mr. Trump related a story he said he had never told about Israel’s role in the killing of Iran’s top security and intelligence commander, Maj. Gen. Qassim Suleimani, by an American drone strike in 2020. Mr. Trump said that Israel had been working with the United States on a plan for the attack, but that he had received a call shortly beforehand to let him know that Israel would not take part. The United States proceeded anyway. “But I’ll never forget,” Mr. Trump said. “I’ll never forget that Bibi Netanyahu let us down. That was a very terrible thing.” He then criticized Israeli intelligence, pointing in part to failures to anticipate and stop Hamas, the Islamic militant group, from executing such a large-scale and devastating attack. “They’ve got to straighten it out,” Mr. Trump said. At the same time, Mr. Trump, who frequently paints himself as a staunch ally of Israel, vowed that he would “fully support” the country in its war against Hamas. The attacks were a major focus of Mr. Trump’s remarks in Florida, which is home to a significant number of Jewish voters. As he has recently, Mr. Trump attacked President Biden, blaming him for the assault and repeating a falsehood about U.S. funds to Iran, a longtime backer of Hamas. He also repeated his suggestion that the bloodshed would not have happened if he were president. But, in a new flourish, Mr. Trump then tied the current conflict to his conspiracy theories and lies about the 2020 election. “If the election wasn’t rigged,” he said, “there would be nobody even thinking about going into Israel.” Editors’ Picks How Do My Calorie Needs Change as I Age? This Full-Body Workout Fits in a Backpack An Oscar Winner Scouts Her New Location: an Uptown Pad for Less Than $500,000 Mr. Trump also appeared to blame the Biden administration for clashes on Israel’s northern border, which the former president attributed to Hezbollah, the powerful Iran-backed militant organization in Lebanon committed to the destruction of the Jewish state. He then repeatedly called Hezbollah “very smart.” Mr. Trump’s appearance in West Palm Beach marked a bit of a homecoming. He has held a flurry of campaign events in Iowa and New Hampshire, and last week, he traveled to New York to attend a civil fraud trial he faces there.In Florida, he spoke at a convention center for a meeting hosted by Club 47 USA, which describes itself as the largest pro-Trump club in America and a “corporation formed to support” the former president’s agenda. The friendly crowd, Mr. Trump said, accounted for his decision to recount the story about the strike against Mr. Suleimani. “Nobody’s heard this story before,” he said. “But I’d like to tell it to Club 47, because you’ve been so loyal.” Mr. Netanyahu commended Mr. Trump at the time. But some in Israel were more muted, wary that Iran might retaliate against Israel for the American attack. Mr. Trump has been critical of Mr. Netanyahu before, telling the Axios reporter Barak Ravid that he was particularly incensed after the prime minister congratulated Mr. Biden for his 2020 election victory. Mr. Trump also criticized Mr. Netanyahu in a Fox News Radio interview that is expected to air on Thursday. In a clip from that interview that aired on television on Wednesday, Mr. Trump said that Mr. Netanyahu “was not prepared and Israel was not prepared.” He again suggested Israeli intelligence had been deficient, saying, “Thousands of people knew about it and they let this slip by. ” Mr. Trump’s remarks in Florida drew near-immediate criticism from the state’s governor, Ron DeSantis, his closest rival in the primary. “Terrorists have murdered at least 1,200 Israelis and 22 Americans and are holding more hostage, so it is absurd that anyone, much less someone running for President, would choose now to attack our friend and ally, Israel, much less praise Hezbollah terrorists as ‘very smart.’” Mr. DeSantis said on X, formerly known as Twitter. Mr. Trump used his appearance on Wednesday to knock Mr. DeSantis, whom he leads by double-digits in most polls, in his own backyard. “He didn’t have a lot of political skill, to put it mildly,” Mr. Trump said, adding that Mr. DeSantis was “falling like a very badly injured bird from the sky.” The event in West Palm Beach began with a panel of right-wing media figures and influencers discussing their experiences with the former president. Representative Matt Gaetz, one of Mr. Trump’s closest allies in Washington, was slated to speak but instead appeared only briefly at the start of Mr. Trump’s remarks. Mr. Trump praised Mr. Gaetz, but he did not mention his role in the paralysis currently seizing Capitol Hill. Mr. Gaetz last week successfully pushed to remove Representative Kevin McCarthy of California as the House’s speaker. The body has been without a leader ever since, which has left it unable to fully conduct regular business. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/11/us/politics/trump-netanyahu-israel.html
  10. A church in Hastings is holding a unique service to recognise pets and animals. The Blessing of the Animals Service is being held on Sunday, October 1 at 4pm at St Matthew’s Anglican Church on King St, Hastings. “Everyone is welcome to attend this joyous event - with their companion animals - to celebrate our love of the animal kingdom and to give thanks for the countless blessings they provide,” the event blurb read.The only rules are dogs and large animals need to be on leads, while small animals need to be in carry boxes. Hawke’s Bay solar energy company wins national award Solar energy company Greener Solar has won an award for the Best Small Business at the 2023 SEANZ Industry Awards. Greener Solar was founded in Hawke’s Bay in 2018 and has worked on a wide range of projects including solar on schools, homes, businesses and community projects.Following Cyclone Gabrielle, the company was involved in delivering equipment to people in need and supporting local farmers. Sustainable Energy Association of NZ (SEANZ) celebrates success in the sustainable energy industry. New lifeguards get ready to wet their feet in time for Splash Planet opening Training to get the next generation of lifeguards ready to wet their feet in the upcoming summer season is well underway two months out from Splash Planet’s opening. Hastings District Council has been working with schools to support training more lifeguards, with potential job opportunities both seasonal and permanent at Splash Planet and HDC’s other aquatic facilities. Karamū High School student Danielle Setford, and William Colenso College’s Seth Flanders, both 16, were at Clive Pool this week taking part in the Pool Lifeguard gateway programme run by Te Mahi Ako. Flanders said he had always wanted to be a lifeguard as he had a family of keen swimmers who were also involved with running Onekawa Pool.“I want to get qualified and get a job as a lifeguard at Splash Planet this summer. I like interacting with people so think I would really enjoy it.” Work had taken place to get Splash Planet itself ready for opening, including full maintenance checks and cleaning of the slides, installing a new jungle adventures playground, putting in new e-lockers, transferring the Flying Fox to a new location, painting new murals and putting the Jungle Jeeps track in a new location. Applications for seasonal and permanent lifeguards are still open at all Aquatics Hastings facilities and Splash Planet at https://hastingsdc.elmotalent.co.nz/careers/hastingsdc/job/view/671 . Unexplained Māhia death referred to coroner The police investigation into an unexplained death at Māhia has resulted in the case being referred to the coroner. A helicopter, police, fire trucks and ambulances responded to a sudden death at a property in Māhia about midday on July 6. Detective Inspector Martin James said at the time that police were establishing the circumstances of the death and treating it as unexplained. A police spokesman said in a statement on Tuesday the officer in charge of the case had advised the death would be referred to the coroner “Police are conducting enquiries on behalf of the coroner,” the police spokesman said. One NZ launches first ‘resilient’ store in Napier One New Zealand’s newly opened ‘resilient’ store in Napier this week could serve as a way for people to stay connected in the worst-case scenario if another disaster like Cyclone Gabrielle hit. The store, located on Emerson St, is equipped with an uninterruptable power supply (UPS) battery backup, and the equivalent of a miniature cell tower. It means that if grid power fails as it did during Cyclone Gabrielle the store can continue to operate and give customers a way to reach loved ones and charge their phones, tablets, and other connected tech. Chris Fletcher, One NZ’s SME and Consumer director, said the lack of power meant the old store couldn’t open despite wanting to help Napier residents struggling to keep in contact during the cyclone. “We’ve learned from this, which is why we’re investing in additional technology like UPS and generators, so that should the worst happen again, we are ready to pitch in and keep customers connected,” Fletcher said. “We believe this resilience in store is a first in New Zealand, and it’s great to offer peace of mind to Napier residents first. Of course, we hope we never have to use it but it is great to know we have this ability and are prepared for whatever the future throws at us.” Prison inmate in intensive care An inmate remains in the intensive care unit (ICU) in hospital following a serious assault at Hawke’s Bay Prison. The alleged prisoner-on-prisoner assault happened on Friday morning and led to one prisoner, a man in his 40s, being rushed to hospital. As at Tuesday, he remained in ICU in a serious condition at Hawke’s Bay Hospital. The prison confirmed there was nothing to indicate a weapon had been used in the alleged attack. https://www.nzherald.co.nz/hawkes-bay-today/news/hawkes-bay-news-in-brief-new-lifeguards-get-ready-to-wet-their-feet-for-summer-season/SWIBLBYFLBAN3MMWJZLI4BBOJE/
  11. Craze for cars with a view is helping break the ‘class ceiling’. What was once restricted to luxury wheels, the ‘glass ceiling’ has caught the attention of mass-market car buyers who are willing to loosen their purse strings for visual appeal. Sunroof’s penetration in India has jumped five-fold in five years, forcing companies that supply these sleek glass panels to carmakers to invest in new plants to meet demand. One in every four cars sold in India today has a sunroof. Craze for cars with a view is helping break the ‘class ceiling’. What was once restricted to luxury wheels, the ‘glass ceiling’ has caught the attention of mass-market car buyers who are willing to loosen their purse strings for visual appeal. Sunroof’s penetration in India has jumped five-fold in five years, forcing companies that supply these sleek glass panels to carmakers to invest in new plants to meet demand. One in every four cars sold in India today has a sunroof. What is driving demand given that most of the country has unfavourable weather conditions and many of you may not really stand up through a sunroof — unless you are a politician or a ‘reel-maker’? The sunroof’s appeal lies in the unconventional view it provides—think Vistadome train coaches and glass-bottom boats. It lightens up a car’s cabin and at the same time heightens its owner’s social status. The surge in demand for sunroofs is largely due to the perceived luxury akin to other features like touchscreens and keyless ignition found in top-end variants of mass-market cars. “Sunroofs may not be opened often but they still have an undeniable appeal. For instance: Cruising down a treelined road in a car with a sunroof can be very enjoyable. Sunroof is often seen as a luxury rather than a practical addition in Indian weather conditions, but it is becoming an increasingly sought-after feature. The status associated with having a sunroof can be a reason why buyers seem to like it, despite the added weight in the worst possible place (a car’s roof),” said Ravi Bhatia, president and director, Jato Dynamics India. This surge is partly linked to the craze for SUVs, which has been driving car sales inrecent years. Nearly 85% of SUVs (including compact ones) in the market feature a sunroof, data from Jato Dynamics, an automotive market research company, showed. At the same time, carmakers have introduced sunroofs in smaller, sub-Rs 10 lakh cars like Hyundai i20 and Tata Altroz—wooing customers who can stretch their budgets by about Rs 50,000. Maruti Suzuki, a po[CENSORED]rchoice for value-conscious car buyers, offered a sunroof for the first time in its Brezza compact SUV last year. Maruti Suzuki dealer sources said that customers with a Rs 15-lakh budget have been converting to higher variants due to the bells and whistles. The penetration of sunroofs in hatchbacks and multi-purpose vehicles has doubled to about 3. 5% in just 3 years. Be it the perception of luxury or practicality, sunroof makers in India are betting that demand will continue to grow. They are boosting capacity, setting up new plants and partnering with global companies to localise production. The sunroof market in India is dominated by Germany’s Webasto. The company, which had expanded its Pune operations last year, opened its second India plant in Chennai two months ago. The company plans to invest Rs 1,000 crore to more than double its capacity to 9. 5 lakh units by 2023, it said. “The Indian market is seeing extremely rapid growth and openable panoramic roofs are in particularly high demand,” Jan Hennig Mehlfeldt, who oversees the global roof business at Webasto, said. Different roof types will exist in India—smaller tilt sunroofs with one glass panel and larger panoramic roofs with two panels, a Webasto spokeswoman said in response to TOI’s queries. Webasto will soon have competition from Dutch company Inalfa—it announced a partnership with Anand Group’s Gabriel India in May (a 2-lakh unit plant in Chennai). For Gabriel, this is a move to diversify beyond its core suspension business. “The price elasticity of a customer who is going for SUVs is actually quite high. They are willing to expand their ticket size to meet their aspiration. . . The fully loaded version sells the most,” Gabriel India's MD Manoj Kolhatkar said in an earnings call in June. “Sunroofs are also getting introduced in hatchback cars. A huge segment of car buyers don’t just want personal mobility after Covid. . . they are travelling more for leisure,” Kolhatkar told TOI. Apart from the two European majors, other suppliers in India include CIE Golde and Yachiyo. https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/auto/cars/1-in-4-cars-sold-in-india-today-has-a-sunroof/articleshow/102061949.cms?from=mdr
  12. LAS VEGAS (AP) — Lexi Thompson kept a rough round from getting worse and wound up holding her own Thursday in the Shriners Children's Open until darkness kept her from finishing. Beau Hossler set the pace by matching his career low on the PGA Tour with a 9-under 62, which included a tee shot that found the water left of the par-3 17th at the TPC Summerlin.Thompson was the main attraction of this FedEx Cup Fall event, the seventh woman to play a PGA Tour event and the first in five years. She was 1-over par for her round through 16 holes and chose to mark her ball — a 20-foot par putt on the 17th — and return to finish the first round in the morning. Still in play was a chance to make the cut, though it was hard work to keep her score around par. “I played decent,” Thompson said. “I had one bad hole and a few iffy shots. But it’s golf; it was kind of expected.”Thompson took advantage on two of the par 5s for birdie, and she got a bonus with a birdie putt from inside 25 feet on the second hole that at least put her in red numbers. But through 17 holes, she had only five chances inside 20 feet. It looked as through this round could get away from her on the front nine. She was even par when she came up short of the green on par-4 seventh and had 12 feet for par. She ran that about 4 feet by and missed that to make double bogey. On the par-3 eighth, she came up well short in the rough, chipped about 25 feet by the hole and left her par putt 6 feet short. Facing another double bogey, she made that to limit the damage. Then, she drilled a 3-wood on the par-5 ninth that rolled on the firm fairway just onto the green to set up a two-putt birdie from 30 feet. “I knew I could get a birdie as long as I hit that fairway,” Thompson said. “I knew I could get 3-wood up close to the front of the green and make birdie there. Hit a good drive and just really stayed committed to that 3-wood. Tried to make eagle, but definitely take a birdie.” She didn't make another bogey the rest of the way, though she had limited chances at birdies, missing from 8 feet on the 12th and leaving an 8-foot putt short on the par-5 16th. When play was suspended by darkness, she was in a tie for 76th. Thompson wound up getting the good end of the draw even though she played late. The start of the round was met by strong wind and chilly temperatures. The air warmed and the wind died for the afternoon, making TPC Summerlin a little more manageable. J.T. Poston had a 63 in the morning in the tougher conditions. Hossler, who also had a 62 in the final round of the 3M Open this year, looked particularly sharp in the afternoon. He missed only two greens and took advantage of the chances he had. “Every part of my game felt good,” Hossler said. “To shoot that low you've got to have looks. Some fairly stress-free birdies is nice.” His one mistake didn't bother him. The pin was cut toward the left on the 17th, and it slopes severely down a slope toward the water. After his tee shot found the hazard, Hossler was able to drop near the green and got away with a simple up-and-down for bogey. Then he holed a short birdie putt on the 18th for his 62. Cameron Champ had a 63 in the afternoon, while Davis Thompson and Lanto Griffin were at 64. Ten players were at 66 or better on a course where scores typically are low. That adds to Lexi Thompson's challenge in the morning, when she has a putt on the 17th green, plays the 18th hole and then starts her second round. In the last 70 years, Michelle Wie was the closest to making the cut among women who've played the PGA Tour. She missed by one at the Sony Open in 2004 when she was 14 and a freshman in high school. Thompson brought a white golf bag to the tournament and had kids from the Shriners Children's Hospital write messages on it. The sponsor exemption only came together in the last two weeks, and Thompson said her hope this week was to be an inspiration to children. “Shriners does amazing things for these kids, so I’m happy to be out here and supporting them in any way I can,” she said. ___ AP gol Copyright 2023 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. https://www.usnews.com/news/sports/articles/2023-10-12/lexi-thompson-holds-her-own-on-pga-tour-in-las-vegas-beau-hossler-sets-the-pace
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  16. Palestinian militant group Hamas claimed Wednesday to have released an Israeli woman and her two children it said had been detained during fighting with Israeli forces, but Israeli television networks rejected the announcement. The Israeli army when contacted said it was checking the claim. "An Israeli settler and her two children were released after they were detained during the clashes," Ezzedine al-Qassem Brigades, the armed wing of Hamas, said in a statement referring to the group's brutal assault on Israel on Saturday.A video footage aired by Hamas television Al-Aqsa network showed a woman dressed in a blue shirt with two children in a barbed wired area that appeared to be between Israel and the Gaza Strip, while three Hamas fighters are seen walking away.The footage did not show any military personnel receiving the three, and the clip appeared to have been filmed in daylight. AFP could not verify the authenticity of the footage independently. Israeli television channels rejected Hamas's claim, saying the woman and the two children were never taken to the Gaza Strip by Hamas fighters after they launched the deadly assault. The channels identified the woman as Avital Aladjem, a resident of kibbutz Holit, who had told in a series of interviews this week that she had been taken by force by Hamas militants along with two children of her neighbour to a border area between Israel and the Gaza Strip. She then said that a group of fighters later let her go with the children. Around 150 people were taken hostage by Hamas during Saturday's assault, according to Israeli officials. Listen to the latest songs, only on JioSaavn.com No official release of hostages held by Hamas have so far occurred. Post a comment (Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.) https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/israel-palestine-war-amid-war-hamas-claims-it-freed-israeli-woman-two-children-4473033
  17. Shares of Newgen Software Ltd extended gains in the afternoon session after the software firm reported its earnings for the quarter ended June 2023. Newgen Software’s Q1 net profit zoomed 57% in the June quarter to Rs 30.2 crore from Rs 19.2 crore in the June quarter of the last fiscal. The company logged the highest quarterly year-on-year revenue growth of 34% to Rs 252 crore against Rs 187 crore revenue in the June 2022 quarter.The stock hit a record high of Rs 757.20, rising 10.91% intraday on BSE. Newgen Software stock opened higher at Rs 685. Market cap of the firm rose to Rs 5027 crore. Total 2.18 lakh shares changed hands amounting to a turnover of Rs 15.66 crore on BSE. Later, the stock ended 5.26% higher at Rs 718.60 on BSE.The IT stock has surged 87.48% in a year and gained 98.40 % in 2023. It has zoomed 318.03% in three years. In terms of technicals, the relative strength index (RSI) of Newgen Software stood at 62.3, signaling it's trading neither in the overbought nor in the oversold zone. Newgen Software stock has a one-year beta of 0.7, indicating very low volatility during the period. Newgen Software shares stand higher than the 5 day, 10 day, 20 day, 50 day, 100 day and 200 day averages.The firm said it logged 13 new customer logo additions in the quarter It received key customer orders, which include: 1. Providing digital account opening solution for a privately held bank in the Americas region. 2. Providing Lending Origination and Management Solution to a leading diversified business group in Saudi Arabia operating across 7 core sectors. 3. Selected for Trade and Supply Chain Finance Solution to a leading financial institution in the UAE market. 4. Broad based growth across all regions. APAC market witnessed a growth of 46%. EMEA, US and India markets witnessed growth of 38%, 36% and 25% respectively.Additionally, the firm on Tuesday said it received a purchase order for the implementation of end-to-end trade finance including customer web portal & supply chain finance solution. The value of the order is Rs 34.64 crore. Newgen Software Technologies Limited is a provider of a unified digital transformation platform (NewgenONE) for automating the end-to-end process and comprehensively managing content and communications, backed by artificial intelligence (AI)-based cognitive capabilities, governance and a robust integration ecosystem. The core products of NewgenONE platform are Contextual Content Services (ECM), Low Code Process Automation (BPM), Omnichannel Customer Engagement (CCM) and Artificial Intelligence Cloud. https://www.businesstoday.in/markets/company-stock/story/newgen-software-shares-hit-record-high-on-q1-earnings-390440-2023-07-19
  18. Apple’s biggest event of the year, WWDC 2023, is just around the corner. Happening on June 5, this edition will be focused on both software and hardware, where the company is likely to demonstrate the features and capabilities of iOS 17, watchOS 10, and macOS 14 to the world. Furthermore, the company is also reported to unveil a plethora of hardware products, including its first mixed reality headset, a 15-inch MacBook Air, Mac Pro, and a lot more at its annual developers’ conference. Let’s take a look at some of the prominent hardware products that could go official at WWDC 2023. Apple’s seven years of hard work might finally come to fruition with the launch of its first mixed-reality headset at WWDC 2023. While the company has never really confirmed its existence in any way, a lot of leaks and speculations do hint towards Apple’s next big product — RealityPro.Apple’s RealityPro is reported to be a premium device, costing upwards of $3000 and is said to be one of the most advanced wearables. It is even reported to include two high-resolution 4K screens, cutting-edge Apple Silicon, 12 GB of RAM, 512 GB of internal storage, and is said to run on the new xrOS with support for iPad apps.The device is also said to deliver both AR and VR experiences with an option to seamlessly switch between the two. Additionally, reports also indicate that Apple has constructed a special experience zone at Apple Park to demonstrate the features and capabilities of the RealityPro headset post the unveil. The new 15-inch MacBook Air is likely to be another important hardware announcement that Apple could make at WWDC 2023. Since its origin, the MacBook Air has always been a small and compact notebook and is also one of the most po[CENSORED]r Macs across the world, and Apple could finally showcase the biggest MacBook Air boasting a 15-inch screen at WWDC 2023.In terms of form factor, the 15-inch MacBook Air is said to resemble the current M2 MacBook Air and is likely to offer similar features and capabilities and is said to be powered by the same M2 processor. With a bigger display and possibly a slightly larger battery, the 15-inch MacBook Air is likely to offer more performance and battery life when compared to the current models, and it could also carry a slightly more expensive price tag. When Apple originally announced the Mac Studio, it took everyone by storm by offering desktop computer-like performance in a compact form factor. The upcoming Mac Studio is likely to take the performance envelope to the next level with M2 Max and M2 Ultra processors with up to 24 CPU cores, 60 GPU cores, and up to 192 GB of unified memory, which could easily make it the most po[CENSORED]r mini-sized computer. Again, in terms of form factor, the Mac Studio is likely to resemble its predecessors, with performance being the primary differentiator. Apple has even confirmed a trade-in program for the Mac Studio, which further indicates that the new Mac Studio is on its way.Mac Pro is another ambitious product from Apple, and it is also the last Mac that is yet to receive an Apple Silicon makeover. Earlier reports suggested that Apple is working on an M2 Extreme chip. However, more recent reports indicate that the Mac Pro might feature an M2 Ultra processor. Unlike the Mac Studio with Apple Silicon, the Mac Pro is likely to get support for user-expandable storage and memory. https://indianexpress.com/article/technology/tech-news-technology/hardware-products-that-apple-could-announce-at-wwdc-2023-8644788/
  19. October's here, and this spooky season we're facing the greatest terror of all: too many new games. It's been a stampede of big releases since August, and fall seems determined to keep filling our plates. We've got new entries in big franchises like Assassin's Creed Mirage, Cities Skylines 2 is on the horizon for self-appointed city builders, and Alan Wake 2's closing out the month with some horror just in time for Halloween.We might be entering the year's last quarter, we're in the age of game delays no matter what month it is. Even as 2024 approaches, it'll be no surprise if a lot of these games get their release dates knocked back for some extra polish. If they're lucky, it'll just be one delay. Not all of them are lucky. Still, while release dates are always tentative nowadays, 2023 has already shaped up to be a huge year—particularly for RPGs. A lot of major releases and long-in-the-works sequels are targeting this year: June launched us into a frenzy of demonslaying in Diablo 4, Baldur's Gate 3 emerges from early access its August full release, and Starfield's sending us spaceward to kick off September.The last few months in 2023 have felt like a back-to-back parade of huge releases, and we've still got more to come. October's offering a bit of a gaming potpourri. You've got your stealthy murder sandbox with Assassin's Creed Mirage, you've got your urban planning in Cities: Skylines 2, you've got psychological horror with Alan Wake 2, and plenty more gameplay styles on offer besides. https://www.pcgamer.com/2023-games-new-upcoming/
  20. The Conservatives are keen to boast about the diversity of their top team – but the party has never been seen as a natural home for Black voters. Can a small group of Black Tories change that? istory is unlikely to be kind to Kwasi Kwarteng’s 38-day tenure as Britain’s first Black chancellor. Almost overnight, his disastrous mini-budget tanked the economy, crashed the pound and sent interest rates soaring. Three weeks later, he was gone. But there is no denying the symbolic power of the brief moment last autumn when there were no white men occupying any of the four great offices of state. Kwarteng, who was born in east London to Ghanaian parents was the fourth consecutive person of colour to hold the post of chancellor. James Cleverly, whose mother hails from Sierra Leone, became the country’s first Black foreign secretary. Suella Braverman, the daughter of a Kenyan of Christian Goan origin and a Mauritian of Indian origin, was the third home secretary of colour in a row, while Kemi Badenoch, who was born in south-west London to Nigerian parents, became trade secretary. Perhaps most notable of all was that this new era of diversity at the top of government had been delivered not by Labour, the party traditionally seen as the natural home for minority voters, but by the Conservatives. In the wake of the fallout from his mini-budget, Kwarteng derided the opposition’s record on diversity. “If you look at the last 10 years, the Conservative party is much more ethnically diverse than the Labour party, and they lecture us on diversity. They lecture us on gender diversity when they’ve never had a female leader; we’ve had three female prime ministers,” he told the Mail on Sunday. “So, on gender, on race, on all of these things they think they own, they are failing and are backward, and the Conservative party is much more progressive.” We have to demonstrate that the Conservative party really is a broad church. You don’t have to agree with everything a prominent Black Tory says to find a home here Now, a formidable cabal of Conservative change-makers are working behind the scenes to ensure that Kwarteng will not be the last Black Conservative to clutch that iconic red box. Enter the 2022 Group, with its mission to transform the party in the eyes of Black voters. The name is a conscious echo of the powerful 1922 Committee of backbench Tory MPs who have the ability to determine a leader’s fate, and co-founder Samuel Kasumu, a quietly spoken but shrewd political operator who once worked as race adviser to Boris Johnson, hopes this project will be as influential and enduring. “Are we going to have future prime ministers come through this group? Are we going to be able to make sure that the Conservatives become a party of choice for British African and Caribbeans through this group? I think the answer is yes,” he says. I first meet Kasumu 11 days before Kwarteng is sacked, at the launch of the 2022 Group. It is perhaps the liveliest corner of an otherwise bleak Tory conference. Economic turmoil, infighting and dire polling mean there is little to laugh about. But in this bland function room at Birmingham’s Hyatt Regency hotel, the exuberance is contagious, and even hotel staff pile on to the dancefloor as a DJ wraps up to Montell Jordan’s hip-hop classic This Is How We Do It. “Though there are difficult times ahead, this group was set up with the future in mind, so we have a lot to be optimistic about,” says Kasumu, 35. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2023/jan/07/new-black-tories-labour-doesnt-seem-to-understand-how-its-happening
  21. With the purpose of bringing the coastal flora in danger of conservation closer to the community, thus increasing the knowledge and appreciation that people can attribute to these endemic species of the Antofagasta Region, demonstration urban gardens were implemented in the communes of Tocopilla, Taltal and in the regional capital, within the framework of the study “Diagnosis and Conservation of the Coastal Flora of the Antofagasta Region.” This initiative has made it possible to study and diagnose the state of the vegetation in the area, as well as implement a pilot plan for the conservation, propagation and reintroduction of threatened species. In this sense, seeds of more than 100 species native to the coast of the region have been collected, which are being conserved long-term in the Inia seed bank to be used in case some of the species conserved there they become extinct. In addition, part of these seeds have been used to propagate plants (more than 60 species), generating more than 1,500, of which some have been reintroduced into their natural habitat and are currently being monitored to evaluate their survival. The other plants that were propagated have been donated for the creation of urban gardens in public spaces. The Seremi of the Environment, Gustavo Riveros, specified that “with the development of this study, we seek not only to conserve and recover the po[CENSORED]tions of coastal flora species with a high risk of extinction; "But we are also interested in bringing research closer to citizens and a very good way is through the implementation of these urban gardens." For her part, Carolina Pañitrur, project director and Manager of the Inia Base Seed Bank, stressed the importance of this activity. "The implementation of these urban gardens will bring the region's native flora closer to the community, increasing people's knowledge and appreciation of them." Urban gardens In Tocopilla, the space that was used to enable this urban garden corresponds to a sector in the Plaza Monumento Alexis Sánchez, where specimens of seven species were planted. Among them, Dalea azurea (Dalea), Dicliptera paposana (Dicliptera), Salvia tubiflora (Salvia), Haplopappus deserticola (Goat chub, bailahuén), Senna cumingii var. eremobia (Caper), Senna paposana (Paposo's Caper), Nolana lachimbensis (Sosa). The maintenance of the garden will be in charge of the Municipality of Tocopilla, through the person in charge of Environment, Cleanliness and Decoration, Yasset Egaña, who specified: “these demonstration gardens are framed in the thematic lines that we want to address, mainly in the use of species endemic to the region. Furthermore, environmental education or environmental awareness is incorporated into their care,” he concluded. In Antofagasta, the space used is located at the entrance to the Corfo building, and its maintenance will be the responsibility of the property's administration. Here 24 were planted specimens of the following species: Dalea Azurea, Dicliptera paposana, Salvia tubiflora, Senna cumingi, Senna paposana, Nolana lachimbensis, Plantago nebularis, Senecio antofagastanus. Finally, in the case of Taltal, two planters were installed. One of them in the “Cerro la Virgen” Urban Park and the second, in the Agusto Capdeville museum. The first will be in charge of the Illustrious Municipality of Taltal, and the second, by the museum itself. In the commune the species planted are 15 and correspond to: Dalea azurea, Dicliptera paposana, Salvia tubiflora, Senna cumingi, Senna paposana, Senna brongniartii, Puya boliviensis, Diplostephium paposanum, Oxyphyllum ulicinum, Ophyosporus anomalus, Berberis actinacantha, Argylia radiata, Plantago rancaguae , Moscharia sp., Erigeron paposanum. The mayor of the commune, Guillermo Hidalgo Ocampo, commented that “for Taltal, where the greatest biodiversity and threat of endemic flora in the region is located, it is a priority to promote the conservation of these species and bring the community closer to recognizing the demonstrative urban gardens. , the different floral species of our area.” The commitment assumed by the counterparts basically consists of the care and protection, irrigation, weeding and subsequent management of the plants. Progress of the study To date, within the framework of the study “Diagnosis and Conservation of the Coastal Flora of the Antofagasta Region”, various actions have been carried out, among which the characterization of potential sectors to carry out reintroduction activities stands out. In the specific case of Tocopilla, the site chosen was Quebrada Quillagua, where a species rescue was carried out by students and teachers from the Domingo Latrille High School. The planting area corresponded to a slope with southern exposure, whose soil has good drainage and the vegetation present allowed us to assume that there was influence of fog. To ensure the establishment and survival of the plants, protective meshes were installed. In this area, 60 individuals of four species were reintroduced: Malesherbia tocopillana, Heliotropium jaffuellii, Nolana clivicola and Ophryosporus anomalus. Meanwhile, in Cerro Mirador, sector of Paposo commune of Taltal, eight species were reintroduced divided into two sectors. This place provides important characteristics for the development of the reintroduction trial, such as: accessibility, soil characteristics and relief. In both sectors of this site the following species were established: Dalea azurea, Dicliptera paposana; Puya boliviensis, Salvia tubiflora, Senna paposana, Croton chilensis, Nicotiana solanifolia, and Apium panul. In total, for the Mirador Site, 520 individuals of the eight mentioned species were established. https://www.elmostrador.cl/agenda-pais/2023/01/06/implementan-jardines-urbanos-demostrativos-para-la-conservacion-de-flora-costera-endemica-en-la-region-de-antofagasta/ This bitter I fixed it. Old Bitter you must post the latest English version


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