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About mjnonb7bk
- Birthday 10/18/2001
tunisia , gafsa
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please no more posts wait for neo or ezel.
¤ Your name: mjnon,b7bk ¤ Claimed Admin name: kareem ¤ Date and time: 30mins ago ¤ Proof (screenshot of console or demo): https://pilo.ovh/image/zm-fox0004.LBQm2 & https://pilo.ovh/image/zm-fox0005.LBRwA ¤ Reason of complaint: as you know me im playing in thuglife always as AFK in the same time watching the game, this kareem was annyoing players from morning and i didn't know what happened to him also he kicked someone 2 times because hes name like founder as kareem say and i didn't see anything wrong about hes name because this guy is my friend also playing here from long time and i didn't see anything bad from him also he pm me in forum and told me to report behalf my friend also im already going to report him may you handle the case. NOTE: Read the rules before initiating the complaint.
🥶🥺 @NE0-
¤ Your name: mjnon,b7bk ¤ Claimed Admin name: nader ¤ Date and time: 6 mins ago ¤ Proof (screenshot of console or demo): https://pilo.ovh/image/zm-gbox50002.L1Jln & https://pilo.ovh/image/zm-gbox50001.L1NYy & https://pilo.ovh/image/zm-gbox50000.L1P04 <==> (after i warn him he moved and attacked the sniper) ¤ Reason of complaint: this guys is abusing hes power as admin first of all he banned 2 players without reason first is "niti" (i forget hes full name) second one hes name WIN bot "oskar admin" too, without reason and provoking me and saying "hmar admin" also you can check hes cmnds console also i will show you screen he didnt attacked the sniper in hes round and you know admins should attack first i was afk from morning maybe 7 or 8h when i back i told him to attack and he attacked him only in last seconds as you see in the screen shots. i hope you handle that @NE0- . NOTE: Read the rules before initiating the complaint.
i saw everything. @Ezel @NE0-
¤ Your name: mjnon,b7bk ¤ Claimed Admin name: ^{Z}a{3}e{M}^ ¤ Date and time: 14 mins ago ¤ Proof (screenshot of console or demo): https://pilo.ovh/image/zm-fox0002.Lym3D & https://pilo.ovh/image/zm-fox0003.Lyz7h ¤ Reason of complaint: hes abusing everything also i didn't see respectful from him to each other hes just flamming and asking for packs everyday and now i catch him using commands for another admin he did 2 times gag to "omar" admin+vip may you handle it. NOTE: Read the rules before initiating the complaint.
respect ❤️ anytime dude this is my duty here.
Player .::In::. connected from [Palestine] [N/A] [Zombie Outstanding] A Rapture Reminder Assassin still has 54,414 health points! [Zombie Outstanding] 44 is now a Tryder [Zombie Outstanding] Admin .::In::. slayed momo momo is Leader with 20 frags! [ 8 this ro [STUCK]If you are stuck, press M then 4 for unstuck! *SPEC* KaReeM [X7] : za3em lesh [ThugLifeZM]This server is protected by BUGFIX [] *ALIVE* ^{Z}a{3}e{M}^ : bdlo y3mal rr.zm *** ^{Z}a{3}e{M}^ killed iNoDoubt *** [Zombie Outstanding] Admin .::In::. slayed KrEaT! *ALIVE* iNoDoubt : wtf *SPEC* KaReeM [X7] : la ma 3ml {x7} ahmed dropped [Contact] CONTACT Owner On Steam/Skype :Houssamm/Houssam.cs , sadik/sadikhelas , TGF_CSBD *ALIVE* iNoDoubt : u see mjnon?
after i posted that reply i joined the game and happened that i can't get the screen because capture in consel doesnt working i will share the logs here as i told you the reason. hugLifeZM.CsBlackDevils.Com:27015 **** .::in::. dropped **** Zombie Outstanding by Y0SseF & Mythics || ThugLifeZM.CsBlackDevil.Com **** [Zombie Outstanding] Press M to open the game menu! iNoDoubt : wtf are u doing [here players start provoking hes because he was abusing.] [Rules] Is not allowed to buy God Mod and Double Damage at the same time in Armageddon/Nightmare Round ! iNoDoubt : wtf noob admin [here players start provoking hes because he was abusing.] [ThugLifeZM]This server is protected by BUGFIX [] Player .::in::. connected from [PalestinehugLifeZM.CsBlackDevils.Com:27015 **** .::in::. dropped **** Zombie Outstanding by Y0SseF & Mythics || ThugLifeZM.CsBlackDevil.Com **** [Zombie Outstanding] Press M to open the game menu! iNoDoubt : wtf are u doing [here players start provoking hes because he was abusing.] [Rules] Is not allowed to buy God Mod and Double Damage at the same time in Armageddon/Nightmare Round ! iNoDoubt : wtf noob admin [here players start provoking hes because he was abusing.] [ThugLifeZM]This server is protected by BUGFIX [] Player .::in::. connected from [Palestine ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- .::in::. : ffff iNoDoubt is Leader with 13 frags! KrEaT! is Leader with 179 packs! **** Zombie Outstanding by Y0SseF & Mythics || ThugLifeZM.CsBlackDevil.Com **** momo killed .::in::. with knife .::in::. dropped momo killed bobar with knife momo killed zkre faraj with knife [Zombie Outstanding] Press M to open the game menu! iNoDoubt : in noob momo killed Amro Al Bots with knife momo killed mjnon,b7bk with knife [ADMINS] Join to our Facebook Group of ThugLi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- he did rr kpd 3 times. so, you can handle it now i think. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .::in::. dropped momo killed -!-MaTrX-!- with knife ^{Z}a{3}e{M}^ : lm momo killed fares with knife Player .::in::. connected from [Palestine] [N/A] momo died [Zombie Outstanding] A Rapture Reminder Assassin still has 68,678 health points! [GamePlays] Watch new GamePlay video of THUGLIFEZM here => https://youtu.be/MyL6YG_czg0 Player .::In::. connected from [Palesti
as moderator here, i agree with you and my opinon about that im going to vote positive to your complaint because this "in" always abusing hes power as staff not time or twice so, i decide to give him a sus or demoted to hes rank, another thing this guy is always annyoing players with hes bad style and never respect the rules even in mods surv or sniper he never attack also no problem if he did punish another admin i mean gag or slap/slay admin i hope handle this and take care about this guy that all. check the screens https://pilo.ovh/image/zm-fox0009.LyDum & https://pilo.ovh/image/zm-fox0010.Ly2hl 1:30 seconds and hes playing normal without problem in surv round.
CM - Complaints Manager (Regularly checks complaints board for a faster response from staff members.) as you see the name i'm here to sugg someone maybe helping staffteam i'm talking about ezel and neo- why not give a Moderator to admins or players hes pro in the boards like me (i mean only who's playing thuglife) what is my role here behalf owners admins with high rank can be Moderator in any board from thuglifezm boards for they can handle everything here, and i'm here talking about CM as i told you (Complaints Manager) if someone did complaint to report another one or other admin i can handle the case behalf neo- or all owners and i wil decide the case and the owner just will punishment him i will give you a example if someone abuse hes power such as admin i will give him 3 days sus and owner will give him this is all im here just to decide and make board more than was activity and faster handle i hope u like this and give us (staffteam) chance.
¤ Your Nickname: ^{Z}a{3}e{M}^ ¤ Your Address Skype, Steam: N/A ¤ Link of Hours you played on server (Click here https://www.gametracker.com/player/^{Z}a{3}e{M}^/ this screen from him https://pilo.ovh/image/za3em.Lyn2G ¤ Current rank: slot note: im posting behalf za3em because hes always asking me to apply for him to get upgrade this is all.