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Everything posted by ThheIncredibleHulk

  1. Low activity Rejected Make request after you get 30+ hours played and a daylie activity at minimum 200 minutes T/C
  2. Congrats yo your new Rank

    1. Ru-gAL.™


      Thank u very much ❤

  3. Congrats to your new Rank

    1. #Steeven.™


      @ThheIncredibleHulk Thank you very much brother! 😎

  4. Theres no Activity on the server make a good activity at min. 30+ hours played and a good daylie activity and come with a new request then Rejected T/C
  5. Contra Playing with 2 different nicks isnt allowed at all Make an activity with a 30+ hours played on server and a daylie activity of 200-500 minutes Come with a new request with the correct request with a valid link of GT your a good player and we will give you the chance if everything goes well Rejected T/C
  6. Nick: ThheIncredibleHulk Real name: Liridon Avdi How old are you?: 28 Which Games you play? and for how long?(each of them): CS 1.6 long ago can't remamber/Call of Duty about 4 years Where are you from?(country and city): Kosovo,Prishtina Describe yourself(at least 50 words): can learn very fast,knowledge at PC overall Software and Hardware,good at listening,loveing weed,can manage stressed duty's,spend free times online on gameing,work very hard,love casino games,i' loyal,a realy helpfull guy,a friendly one,love to meet new people,love to get a lot of friends virtual/real life etc. Note some of your qualities: Patient,Correct Tell us some of your defects: cant manage money adn smoke weed Had you before any kind of responsabilities(describe it): managed Newlife before and trying my best right now too On which category/categories have you been active lately?(describe your activity): My activity is overall on the Newlife Zm section and lately exploreing the whole forum Which category/project you want to care off?: Intrest on GFX Helper and can help with codeing and other stuff (not Pro) How well you speak english?(and other languages): English very well Speak and Write/German very well Speak and write/Albanian very well Speak and Write Do you use TS3? Do you have an active microphone?: Yes i use ts3 and i've got an active microphone For how long can you be active after you get accepted?(days, weeks, months, years): i do a daylie activity ingame on Newlife ZM(1.2-1.4k),Forum (most of time if on my free time and after work about 6-8h daylie) and TS3 (always like ingame ts3 stays open) Contact methods:Facebook,Phone,Whatsapp,Viber,e-mail Last request:
  7. Low activity And spamming your own request Request Rejected T/C
  8. Pro/Contra i'm not sure about it the activity isnt good at all but everyone deserve a chance lets give a try by incraseing you daylie activity and Reading the rules a good way to be a good one an get upgrades GL to you
  9. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  10. Accepted as Helper PM me: Nick Pw Tag -Incrase activity T/C
  11. Doesnt look bad at all i saw you plazing good and fair. Accepted Pm:Nick Pw and Tag T/C
  12. Hello evyone i have a question? im really wondering what happen lately on Newlife and worried a bit about that how the hell got this guy a rank as Legend by playing only 1 day on the server and have overall 2715 minutes played on the server No wonder of the rank drop cuz i see some new guys whos only intrest is theyre own rank(frags) no intrest on a better gameplay,arogance at the highest,insult everywhere and non following rules and i think thats the only reason of that drastic drop loseinng Players and Admins i mean good ones that are worth to be a part of Newlife you made the old admins and players leave and recruting new ones that dont even know any rule something to cry to look at the server like this anyways Hulk wish you good luck but re consider what your doing
  13. ¤ Nickname: TheIncredibleHulk ¤ Grade: Plazer ¤ New Tag: [Always]- ¤ Link of Hours Played GT link:https://www.gametracker.com/player/TheIncredibleHulk/ Sry for spam but last req. got accepted still didnt get my TAG
  14. ¤ Nickname: TheIncredibleHulk ¤ Grade: Player ¤ New Tag: Represent ¤ Link of Hours Played GT link:https://www.gametracker.com/player/TheIncredibleHulk/
  15. Hello Friends Hulk is Gonna Join ZMDoux also who wanna join is invited ?

    Adios Newlife 

    1. Nyx.


      oh wtf u leaving ??????

    2. ThheIncredibleHulk


      yes i will and who wanna join me are welcomed ?

    3. Nikhel Nice

      Nikhel Nice

      good luck hulk ? take care ❤️

  16. Hi @linko i dont blame you for anything theres a missundertanding im saying that you suspended me nothing more we just know each other and i feel a kind of a huge respect to you and you had the chance to prove that i respect you. on this topic im not asking for an Upgrade cuz for the in Game nick i dont even care i never asked anyone for an Upgrade and im never ask them but the problem is im the only one who effected by your deccison and after that guy destroyed the server my VIP status got removed,my Manager got removed and FTP acc too heres the problem cuz i see all other the guys as Manager but im the only one that got removed About my susp. we talked about this in private and it was so clear until next decision and i accepted this decision of yours. meaning of this is I dont say to respect me or other old mambers more then the new ones at last thats the point is to manager it all together but my feeling is that you blame me for everything what happen on server even i offered you my help to take care of worse situation like this you know better than anyone here that you gave me a houndert times a bunch of ammo to donate and i donated everything to all players and never use only 1 of that ammo for myself i was ready to take further steps in helping to manage Newlife cuz no one did more for this server and will never do you or anyone from the staff and the players have to be another 365 days 24/7 to reach that effort of mine i dont blame you,i dont blame @myCro ? and i dont blame anyone from the staff or players but that decision of you feels wrong for me and as you can see everyone proved that too to you those proofs up there show you my loyality and my effort for this server and im not threatning to leave/If i leav Newlife means i quit playing that game i said that you have to re-consider the decision of you and Cro about my suspend im not feeling guilty still accepted this always if i have to donate ammo or jets i do it same way doesnt matter if hes my friend,brother or normal player i respect them the same that donation from the suspend can be a missclick from my side or maybe someone tried to bring the situation here where it is you showed me a proof and it was very clear and at this time i didnt donated to cani 2k ammo even the talk wasnt about ammo we talked about work,proffesion ond so on you said i ignored you but i didnt do this on purpose cus i answer to everyone and i mean everyone and everyone proved you that up there I love this server adn hes Players and thats the only reason im here im ready to to share my knowledge and help if you re-consider that if not im staying at my currenty rank as Legend set from myCro im not beging for it but im asking you like a friend,like a brother like a staff mamber and like game comrades apology if my english is bad ❤️ Hulk
  17. thats corretly my friend ty 2 Bob1,you and everyone who support me ❤️❤️
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