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Everything posted by Mr.Ànimal™

  1. Au trecut aproximativ doua saptamani de cand nVidia a lansat, dupa cateva amanari, placa video dual GPU GeForce Titan Z. Aceasta reunea doua GPU-uri Kepler GK110 complet functionale, insa cu frecvente ceva mai mici, la un pret exorbitant, de 3000 $. Iar la o asa placa si un asa pret, faptul ca nVidia nu a furnizat mostre de testat ne-a facut sa ne gandim la adevarul crunt. Adevar confirmat acum de cele doua review-uri facute pe cont propriu dePCPerspective si HardwareInfo. Ca GeForce Titan Z nu aduce nici macar performante egale cu ale concurentei directe, AMD Radeon R9 290X2, sauGeForce GTX 780 Ti / GTX Titan Black in SLI, concurenta mult mai ieftina. Adevar intre altele usor de intuit numai uitandu-ne la frecvente. Asa ca, dupa ce Titan Z a fost cea mai rapida placa video pentru jocuri, sau mai bine zis ar fi trebuit sa fie, nVidia a hotarat sa o reprezinte ca o placa GPGPU, ce exceleaza in calcule cu precizie dubla. Intr-un fel similar primului Titan. Numai ca aceasta noua placa video nu mai detine dublul rol si de cea mai rapida solutie gaming. Iar pretul exorbitant ne face sa ne gandim la orice altceva… Nothing to see here, move on.
  2. Microsoft a declarat ca se pregateste sa prezinte un nou Sistem de Operare, si anume Windows 9 la conferinta anuala 'Build' ce va avea loc in luna Aprilie. Microsoft va incerca sa se distanteze de Windows 8, anuntand ca succesorul lui va fi Windows 9 la conferinta anuala 'Build' din Aprilie. Noul Sistem de Operare, care se spune ca va fi lansta in Aprilie 2015, si care are numele de cod "Pragul", are scopul dea fi pentru Windows 8, ce a fost Windows 7 pentru Windows Vista. "Pentru a se distanta de Windows 8, Microsoft in prezent planuieste sa renunte la numele si marca Windows 8 la urmatoarea lansare pentru Windows 9. S-ar putea schimba planurile, dar in prezent asta e ideea", scrie Thurott pe blogul sau. Una dintre cele mai importante actualizari va fi schimbarea interfatei de diviziuni. Thurott a zis " Nu este prea clar ce schimbari vor avea loc, dar, putem sa ne asiguram ca un mod ferestre este parte din aceea". Raportul spune ca Microsoft inca trebuie sa inceapa sa dezvolte Windows 9, si ca aproape finalizeaza setul de functii inainte de inceperea lucrului in Aprilie.
  3. hey deliquent and @Nadeem- i have forgoted to upload the  cover photo's in my gallery and now i cant edit it because that option is removed from it so what should i do?

    1. Shadox


      what you want now ? removed cover ?

    2. Mr.Ànimal™


      no i want to add some covers i have designed for tusinami


  4. Hahahah really you also need vip,profile video,points hahhahahhhh

  5. Why i cant react to anyone?

    1. [X]pErT-


      Tumne Zyada Like Dedya ek din ma

    2. Mr.Ànimal™


      Yes yae tu hai per last night say yae din khatam hi nahi hota hahhaah

    3. #DEXTER


      u got ony 10 reacts per day

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  8. ¤ Nickname : Best Man ? ¤ Grade : Helper ¤ New Tag : Psycho Fragger
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  10. La Renault Zoea est une voiture électrique de type polyvalente du constructeur automobile français Renault, fabriquée depuis 2012 dans l'usine Renault de Flins en Île-de-France3. La Renault Zoe Concept fût présenté au Salon de Francfort en 20094 puis au Mondial de l'automobile de Paris 2010 dans une version proche à 95 % du modèle final et enfin dans sa version définitive au Salon international de l'automobile de Genève 2012. Sa commercialisation a démarré en France en mars 2013. Elle utilise uniquement l’énergie électrique stockée dans ses batteries, sans l'aide d'un moteur thermique, contrairement aux voitures hybrides. Le nom Zoé a été créé par la société de création Pierre Bessis, et déposé par Renault dès 19915.
  11. At Horsforth School we aim to educate the whole child. We want our students to achieve and be their best academically, but we also want to develop our students personally and socially. We aim to teach our students how to be reflective, responsible, tolerant and respectful. We want our students to be confident individuals, responsible citizens who feel safe and happy at school. We aim to teach students how to be healthy, make the right choices and be informed. If our young people feel healthy and cared for they will be ready to learn and they will fulfil their potential. As part of our work within Life Skills, we aim to be a healthy school; teaching our younger generations about making the right choices in terms of eating, drinking, physical exercise, drug use, sexual relationships and lifestyle choices is crucial for later life. Our Life Skills lessons play an important part of the curriculum which aims to support students’ spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development and prepare them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life. Life Skills is our name for PSHCE - personal, social, health, citizenship education. Healthy Lifestyles at home A healthy lifestyle starts at home. The government recommends that all young people should be physically active for at least 1 hour a day. We ask that parents support their child’s education by; ensuring they have a nutritious breakfast each morning asking your child to bring a water bottle to school so they can access drinking water all day monitoring what your child is eating at school through ParentPay adhering to our food and drink policy – no confectionary or fizzy/energy drinks providing a healthy packed lunch using our guidelines encouraging your child to take part in extra-curricular clubs taking part in our “no car” zone days, allowing your child to walk or cycle to school considering the smart swaps challenge; swapping sugary/fatty snacks for those less in calories, with more nutrition.
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