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R e i

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Everything posted by R e i

  1. we are protect to help each other
  2. welcome and have fun Good Luck
  3. welcome here read the rules
  4. In that life we have very important 2 rules that we need to know forever 1-NEVER QUIT 2-ALWAYS REMEMBER RULES
  5. Pray for Albania.God please cover all people in albania and also bless they 


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  7. A 400-year-old Welsh bible described as “one of the most important books” in the country’s history is being protected from water damage by a miniature hydropower system. One of only 24 known copies of the first bible translated into the Welsh language is displayed at Ty Mawr Wybrnant near Betws-y-Coed in Snowdonia, now cared for by the National Trust. The book, along with over 200 other bibles in different languages on show at the property, is susceptible to moisture in the air. Increasingly heavy and persistent rainfall, flooding and damp have put the collection at risk. The National Trust says it has found a sustainable solution by installing a “pico” or small-scale hydroelectric turbine to use water from the nearby stream to help power the heating system to prevent damp. The Trust said pico hydro is “perfectly suited” to remote communities that need only a small amount of electricity, i.e. under 5kW. At Ty Mawr Wybrnant it will borrow water from the stream close by. The turbine will generate power for the electric radiators that control levels of humidity in the Grade II listed farmhouse, with the switch to renewable energy protecting the books in a sustainable way. It means the bible is being protected by the very thing, water, that is also putting it at risk through increasingly heavy and persistent rainfall, flooding and damp, as the climate changes. It will only take a proportion of water from the stream to drive the turbine when water levels rise to a certain point - likely to be just when the electricity is most needed, as the air is full of moisture after rainfall. The turbine, discreetly housed in a larch-clad shed, is expected to cut the property’s carbon dioxide emissions by 5.2 tonnes a year. The bible translation was originally undertaken by Bishop William Morgan, who was born at Ty Mawr Wybrnant. The Welsh bible edition was printed in 1588. Experts say it helped standardise the Welsh language and is considered to be the single most significant step in ensuring the survival of the language today. Keith Jones, the National Trust’s climate change adviser, said: “Earlier this year we experienced the worst flood at Ty Mawr Wybrnant in living memory and that extra moisture meant we needed to use more heating to ensure the humidity levels didn’t get too high. “Climate predictions indicate likely increases in the severity and frequency of rainfall in the area. “This small-scale technology is allowing us to adapt to future changes more sustainably.” He added: “The energy is consumed directly on-site, solely for the conservation of this priceless bible collection. “We must reduce our impact on the climate, but we can harness the tools nature gives us to adapt to the challenges we are facing.” It is the first time the National Trust has used hydroelectric power for the primary aim of protecting a historic collection. In July the body said it would divest from fossil fuel companies to ensure it “continues to support its aims as a conservation charity”.
  8. Capital T - 600PS Noizy ft. Rimz - No drama TOQUEL - Business
  9. Happy birthday
  10. Hardware is the physical part of a computer, that is, everything that can be touched. This includes the keyboard, network cards, mouse or mouse, DVD disc, hard disk, printers, etc. A computer is an electronic device that processes a large amount of information in a very short time. For this it requires some instructions (the software) that are performed by some devices or equipment (the hardware). We have then that the hardware of a computer fulfills the following functions: input, processing, storage and data output. Basic hardware parts The hardware of a computer consists of four main parts: input, memory, processor and output. Input or input The input devices allow data to be collected, just as the eyes and ears receive information from the world around us. Through the keyboard we can enter data and information, and with the mouse we select the icons and menus of the different programs. Memory Memory contains information in sections, such as books in a library. It stores programs and data. It is also known by RAM (for its acronym in English of random access memory) which means that any part can be accessed randomly. The circuits or "chips" of memory are recorded in a fiberglass material. Processor The processor works like the human brain: it examines and alters the data, loads and carries out the instructions of the programs, and searches for the programs in memory to run them. It is composed of two parts: the control unit and the logical arithmetic unit. The control unit is the one that searches the programs in memory and executes the instructions of the same. For its part, the logical arithmetic unit searches for the necessary data in memory and performs the calculations that the programs need. In the processor there are very small and complex circuits mounted on a fiberglass sheet. There are also transistors, which are suiches or switches. Circuits and transistors work synchronously, like the musicians of an orchestra conducted by a conductor.
  11. welcome here read the rules
  12. This is not your problem because some thing happend to me tell to who have server to reopen server and fix maps too Good Luck if you want to follow my steps
  13. try to unistall and reinstall again bro Good Luck and have a nice day
  14. problem is solved
  15. i tryed to install re install 100 times
  16. po hemo ti cbn sje dukur fare

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  17. i try guys thats not work because i have problem with screen not problem with addoons confing bill etc
  18. Your Nickname:PrO[T]ExX Your Problem:i cant see setings in cs ,i cant see setings and i dont have full screen Screenshot:https://prntscr.com/pz7jw9


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