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Everything posted by Wassim™

  1. @#Drennn. @[N]ico @NA-NO @Daliath. 

    Wow Nice ! I am the first time I see this Behind some of them ? 


  2. hi bro ❤️ 

  3. Although the arrival of Photoshop to the iPad is a rumor that has been coming for some time, its 'almost official' announcement took even the Adobe team by surprise. "We have to admit that we were surprised when the engineers showed it to us, so powerful and easy to handle it," said Pam Clark, the company's senior director, in remarks reproduced by the portal The Verge. Here you can see a video about how Adobe Photoshop works on the iPad The main challenge for the development team was to convert a tool for personal computers into one that could be used in devices that do not have a mouse or keyboard. "In general, this version of Photoshop is a kind of desktop version adapted to a touch screen. It seems to have all the functions we have in the desktop version. But the most important thing will be to see how it develops on a day-to-day basis, and if it is able to take advantage of the power that is inside the iPad Pro, "adds the portal Applesfera. Price and availability of Photoshop for iPad Applesfera adds that the version of Photoshop for iPad will only be available to the public in the year 2019. "It is also not known if it will have single payment prices or it can only be used through the Adobe cloud suite." "This is real Photoshop on the iPad, so much so that the application shares the same underlying code and algorithms with the desktop, but with a renewed user experience to take advantage of the unique features of the device, such as the power of Apple's chips or the use of Pencil ", comments Hipertextual in his report on the new tool. The opportunity is also ideal for Apple to show the true power of the iPad Pro, a tablet that, in the opinion of many, has a computing capacity that far exceeds the demands of the applications that run on it.
  4. As I flip through these pages of our relationship – so meticulously tied together with string and stamps of experiences – a rush of passion overwhelms my being; my heart spills love over the edges in waves of tender affection while unconditional understanding binds it all together. My dearest, we have a relationship so special, so unique; it’s a Shakespearean love story set against the backdrop of picture-perfect sandy beaches where we stroll hand-in-hand in the moonlight as rays of hopes and dreams beam off our everlasting promise to have and to hold. My love, my one and only, do you remember how we met? Do you still remember the day when we first laid eyes on one another? It was in 2012. You stepped into my life like a knight on a white horse after a previous relationship went astray. For the first few fleeting moments it was difficult; you looked different, you felt different and you had competition because I still held on for dear life to the years of precious memories with the one that came before you. But the one that came before you had enough. He simply could not take anything anymore and ended the relationship – prematurely - years before the actual expiration date. And then you came along. You whispered promises of adventures in my ears and serenaded me with secrets filled with colourful discoveries. Do you still remember that day? It feels like yesterday when I first held your face in my hands, kissed your forehead and embraced our future. It feels like yesterday when you stepped up and said, “I got you”. It feels like yesterday when you officially engraved my name between your layers of potential and etched the essence of my being onto your dimensions of possibility. Over the years our relationship grew stronger than anything I’ve ever experienced before. You took my hand and whispered in my ear, “Oh darling, let’s be adventurers,” and I said, “Let’s go.” Together we have explored the depths of earth, soared with eagles, stepped foot on foreign soil and conquered mountains. Together got stuck in the rain, wandered along unfamiliar roads, met strangers, kept each other company during cold winter nights and supported one another side by side in difficult situations. Together we grew older, grew wiser and happier. I realised that you meant the world to me. You realised that I meant the world to you. I can’t imagine having anything else, being anything else, desiring anything else, without having you by my side. I can’t visualise life without you; I can’t wrap my head around the thought of not taking you in both hands, I can’t think what life would be like without the chance to caress the shape of your soul, the lines of your perfect heart and the togetherness of our tomorrows. My dearest soulmate, the apple of my eye, my lifeline, my love, my one and only… as I flip through these pages of our relationship, so meticulously tied together with string and stamps of experiences, a rush of passion overwhelms my being; my heart spills love over the edges in waves of tender affection while unconditional understanding binds it all together. You are the one. You are the only. You are mine. And I am yours. You are the book of love, my entrance to the world, my possibility of adventure. You are my passport. Will you be my Valentine until 2022? Much love and world wide wanderlust, Your Holder.
  5. Wassim™


    Se spune că jocurile violente nu provoacă o creştere a numărului de criminali din lumea reală, precum nici jocurile de management al oraşelor nu creează experţi în planificarea urbană. Totuşi, fără să doresc a fi un specialist al urbanismului, SimCity mi-a oferit sentimentul că sunt un mic expert al administrării orăşeneşti şi regionale, construind o urbe pe placul maselor. O iluzie superbă ce te face să te simţi ca un copil ce construieşte un oraş grozav din piese de Lego. Din păcate însă, aici unele piese sunt sparte. SimCity, lansat abia de doar câteva zile, este al cincilea titlu din seria SimCity şi unul dintre cele mai aşteptate şi bine vândute jocuri ale acestui început de an, în pofida faptului că nu conţine scene de război, vedete fotbalistice sau curse nebune cu maşini. MEREU ONLINE Noul SimCity are o mulţime de părţi bune dar şi părţi mai nefericite care ştirbesc experienţa de joc. În primul rând, SimCity nu a fost jucabil timp de câteva zile după lansarea sa. Asta deoarece pentru a fi jucat, SimCity cere o conexiune permanentă la serverele Maxis care în primele zile au fost supraaglomerate. Între timp situaţia s-a remediat: numărul serverelor a fost suplimentat iar EA a oferit şi un joc gratuit tuturor celor care au achiziţionat SimCity şi l-au activat pe sistemul Origin până pe 25 martie 2013. Însă problema principală nu rezidă în faptul că jocul nu a funcţionat în perioada lansării, ci în faptul că jocul cere o conexiune permanentă la Internet pentru a putea fi jucat şi salvat, lucru pe care producătorii l-au motivat prin faptul că o mare parte din procesele de simulare a oraşelor este ajutată de serverele Maxis. Aceasta afirmaţie s-a dovedit a fi falsă după ce un hacker a reuşit să modifice codul jocului astfel încât aceasta a putut fi rulat offline pe termen nelimitat, dar fără opţiunea de a salva progresul oraşului. Primul lucru care sare în evidenţă este interfaţa grafică, mult simplificată şi modernizată faţă de jocurile anterioare. Alegerea unei categorii de servicii publice se face rapid prin tab-uri, interfaţa fiind una de tip ribbon (oarecum asemanatoare celei din suita Microsoft Office). În general orice lucru important este la maximum două clicuri de jucător, de la transferul de resurse între regiuni şi până la construirea unei centrale nucleare sau adăugarea unui heliport la secţia de poliţie. SimCity oferă de asemenea posibilitatea de a vedea informaţii esenţiale despre oraş şi locuitorii săi prin implementarea unor “învelişuri” colorate care schimbă modul de vizualizare a oraşului în funcţie de un criteriu de interes. Astfel putem vedea clar locurile în care se află rezerve de petrol, gradul de poluare a solului, gradul de fericire a po[CENSORED]ţiei sau chiar numărul de indivizi care nu au casă. Construirea drumurilor se realizează foarte simplu şi beneficiază de o complexitate sporită faţă de jocurile anterioare. De exemplu, în afară de banalele drumuri de tip segment de dreaptă avem la dispoziţie drumuri curbate şi chiar drumuri circulare, de tip rond. De asemenea reţelele de canalizare şi alimentare cu apă şi curent electric se vor construi automat pe traseul drumurilor rutiere, scutind astfel jucătorul de o muncă plictisitoare. Există totuşi şi anumite probleme în construcţia drumurilor, jocul refuzând uneori să accepte construcţia unui drum din motive de teren abrupt, unghi prea ascuţit al unei intersecţii sau chiar fără vreun motiv logic. Şi pentru că am vorbit despre terenul abrupt, un lucru foarte important care exista în SimCity 4 dar lipseşte din noul SimCity este opţiunea de Terraform, adică de modelare a terenului oraşului. Dacă în jocurile precedente se puteau crea câmpii, văi, munţi, depresiuni, cascade şi alte asemenea, în SimCity nu este posibil niciunul dintre aceste lucruri. Din acest motiv, anumite terenuri dintr-o zonă nu pot fi folosite datorită faptului că nu permit construirea de drumuri. Şi poate nici asta nu ar fi o problemă dacă oraşele din noul SimCity nu ar fi atât de mici! În SimCity oraşele sunt mai mici decât în jocurile anterioare. Atât de mici încât m-am găsit nevoit să îmi construiesc un al doilea oraş în zona primului pentru a le face oarecum să se completeze. Jocul promovează extinderea pe verticală a clădirilor şi specializarea oraşelor. Un oraş turistic poate fi o sursă de venit excepţională care să compenseze problemele financiare ale unui oraş ineficient din regiune în caz de nevoie (se pot face transferuri de bani şi resurse între oraşe). Întotdeauna trebuie avut în vedere balansul dintre zonele rezidenţiale, cele industriale şi cele comerciale. Orice dezechilibru duce la mari probleme financiare pe termen lung. În acest sens jocul oferă nişte indicii despre cum ar trebui făcută zonarea, “cerând“ lucrurile de care are nevoie. Şi dacă vorbim despre cereri, şi cetăţenii au tot felul de dorinţe din partea primarului strălucit. Unii vor cere reducerea poluării, alţii vor cere focuri de artificii sau chiar o arenă sportivă. Pentru că un primar trebuie să se aştepte întotdeauna la cazuri de forţă majoră, jocul oferă şi o serie de dezastre mai mult sau mai puţin naturale, continuând tradiţia titlurilor anterioare din serie. O ploaie de meteoriţi, atac extratereştru, cutremure, tornade sau un monstru ce distruge o jumătate de oraş, toate se pot întâmpla în oraşele primarilor din SimCity. ŞI FRUMOASĂ, ŞI DEŞTEAPTĂ? Grafica jocului, la modul general, este extrem de atrăgătoare şi eficientă. Nu mizează pe realism, ci pe un stil grafic simplu, colorat şi efecte vizuale tilt-shift ce dau senzaţia de oraş în miniatură. Iar faptul că imaginea oraşului poate fi apropiată până la nivel de stradă dă o senzaţie de măreţie întregii experienţe. Pot fi văzuţi efectiv locuitorii oraşului mergând pe stradă sau blocându-se cu maşina în trafic pe drum spre serviciu. Mai mult, oricare dintre aceşti indivizi poate fi selectat, caz în care jocul oferă posibilitatea de a îl urmări prin oraş sau de a vizualiza informaţii despre cine este el, care este destinaţia lui actuală şi care a fost punctul de plecare. Din păcate însă, inteligenţa artificială nu este atât de impresionantă pe cât s-a crezut iniţial, astfel că, urmărind o persoană pe parcursul a 24 de ore, am constatat că în fiecare zi ea locuieşte la altă adresă şi are un alt loc de muncă. Acest lucru se datorează faptului că de fapt indivizii nu ţin minte unde stau sau unde lucrează, ci sunt doar nişte orăşeni generici care urmează întotdeauna calea cea mai scurtă către prima casă, primul loc de muncă sau prima atracţie turistică în care există un loc liber în momentul respectiv. În SimCity acesta este un neajuns destul de mare pentru că, din păcate, persoanele care ies de la locul de muncă se vor urca în maşini şi se vor organiza într-un fel de coloană-trenuleţ din care întotdeauna prima maşină va parca la poarta primei case libere. Până la urmă am putea trece cu vederea faptul că, în mod dezamăgitor, oamenii nu au tocmai o individualitate a lor şi caută cel mai scurt drum, însă nu putem trece cu vederea faptul că din această cauză are de suferit traficul rutier, toată lumea mergând în aceeaşi direcţie. De aici pornesc şi mai multe probleme precum imposibilitatea maşinilor de pompieri de a ajunge în timp util la zona de incendiu. Efectele sonore şi muzica jocului sunt în ton cu stilul grafic şi creează o atmosferă plăcută, care te îndeamnă să continui să joci SimCity până dimineaţa. Pe plan artistic, cei de la Maxis au făcut o treabă excelentă, reuşind să creeze un joc care deţine acel factor de “wow” pe care îl caută pasionaţii seriei. CONCLUZII SimCity este un joc complex care abordează bine o mulţime de probleme legate de administrarea oraşelor. Din punct de vedere artistic jocul este o realizare de excepţie. Din păcate însă, AI-ul deficitar crează probleme de congestie a traficului, spaţiile mici şi lipsa terraform-ului nu sunt o combinaţie potrivită, iar cerinţa jocului de a fi mereu online s-a dovedit a fi cauza multor probleme, în special legate de pornirea şi salvarea jocului. Dacă trecem peste aceste neajunsuri, SimCity este un joc care dă aceeaşi dependenţă precum titlurile precedente din serie şi are capacitatea de a îl ţine pe jucător aţintit în faţa monitorului, construind oraşul visurilor sale. Sunt convins că jocul va primi tot mai multe patch-uri pentru rezolvarea unora dintre problemele anterior menţionate, însă nota noastră se bazează strict pe ceea ce am putut juca până în acest moment, la două săptămâni de la lansare.
  6. Publisher: Kalypso Media Digital Categorie: Strategie Platforme: PC Data lansarii:12 octombrie 2011 Descriere joc : This is a new landmark in the history of Nevendaar, when a new race ascends to power – the ruthless and merciless Undead Hordes. It is the story of selfless love and unfading glory. Heroes of the past, who had lost their lives, but not their sentience, are exacting their revenge in the name of Mortis, the Goddess of Death. This Disciples 3 game is dedicated to a new race – the Undead Hordes. It was the mostly anticipated race among the gamers and fans of the Disciples series, and now their dreams have come true. Trailer:
  7. E3 2016: WATCH DOGS 2 FEELS SO MUCH BETTER THAN THE ORIGINAL For one, its setting speaks to my heart. "Well this is weird," was my first thought as I opened up Watch Dogs 2's map of San Francisco, a city I've lived in for the past 8 years and know as well as any place on Earth. The topography was so incredibly familiar -- the bridges, North Bay, Cupertino, each individual neighborhood of SF itself. As I bummed around places like Coit Tower, The Embarcadero, and Pier 39, I felt weird. I felt like I was at home; a stretched out, slightly rejiggered version of home, but still home. Hell, even the famous parrots of Telegraph Hill were there, chilling on a railing near the famous landmark. Tiny details like this made me appreciate the lengths Ubisoft goes to flesh out their settings. As I bummed around places like Coit Tower, The Embarcadero, and Pier 39, I felt weird. I felt like I was at home; a stretched out, slightly rejiggered version of home, but still home. Hell, even the famous parrots of Telegraph Hill were there, chilling on a railing near the famous landmark. Tiny details like this made me appreciate the lengths Ubisoft goes to flesh out their settings. Familiar city aside, Watch Dogs 2 takes the driving, running, and hacking of the original, and makes them all much more consumable, and more importantly, fun. Hopping on the back of a motorized scooter (it was the closest thing available, give me a break) and bombing down Telegraph Hill immediately showed me that driving in Watch Dogs 2 has a tighter, more arcade-y feel to it, and I'm totally digging it. It's less realistic, for sure, but I'd gladly take a more enjoyable set of mechanics over realism. Likewise, Marcus' ability to parkour across the Bay Area makes running around on foot a much exciting than it was in the original. Alanah already went over why Marcus seems like a far more interesting hero than Aiden was in WD1, but I'm happy to report that not only is that true, but his agility makes the moment-to-moment gameplay more entertaining. Marcus can scurry up fences, hop over low walls, and climb up buildings with an Assassin's Creed-level of ease. I can't wait to explore more of my city as him. Watch Dogs 2 - Gameplay Walkthrough - E3 2016
  8. Dragon's Dogma From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Dragon's Dogma[c] is an action role-playing hack and slash video game developed and published by Capcom for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 in 2012. An enhanced version subtitled Dark Arisen was released for the game's original consoles (2013), then later ported to Microsoft Windows (2016), PlayStation 4 and Xbox One (2017), and Nintendo Switch (2019).[1] Set in the high fantasy world of Gransys, the player takes on the role a human protagonist dubbed the Arisen on a quest to defeat the Dragon, a being said to herald the world's end. The gameplay focuses on the Arisen—a customizable avatar—exploring Gransys completing quests and fighting monsters in real-time combat. The protagonist is accompanied by Pawns, characters who provide combat support and advice; the protagonist has one customized Pawn, and two additional Pawns either pre-set within the game or other customized Pawns shared by other players through an online lobby. Both standard combat and boss battles involve grappling with or climbing on enemies. The design document for Dragon's Dogma was created by director Hideaki Itsuno in 2000 prior to working on Devil May Cry 2. Itsuno successfully pitched the project and production began in 2008. The 150-strong staff took inspiration from Western RPGs including The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion and Fable II. The music, led by Tadayoshi Makino and including contributions from Western composer Inon Zur, used on a full orchestra and focused on ambiance. Dark Arisen was designed to incorporate fan feedback and offer a complete experience for both old and new players. The original version of Dragon's Dogma was praised by critics. Praise was given to the gameplay and the Pawn system, while the narrative was generally criticized as lacking. The Dark Arisen version was praised for its technical improvements and additional content. The original Dragon's Dogma sold over one million copies worldwide, and the different versions of Dark Arisen also met with positive sales. A Japan-exclusive massively multiplayer online role-playing game titled Dragon's Dogma Online released in 2015.
  9. Your Nickname:Wassim ♔♔♔ Your Problem:when I want Access To server Says Server tried to send invalid command: " connect Screenshot:
  10. Gifts bro you ❤️ 

    1. lonut gfx

      lonut gfx

      oh!! thanks bro i like it !!! 

    2. Wassim™
  11. Hello,I have a gift Mine Staff csblackdevil they Administrators and Global Moderators and Moderators and Ex Staff I wish You like it a lot 

    Administrators: @Mr.Love @*bLn*@CSBD @ANA.S @EMMA @G.O.G @pulse.exe @REVAN @Sethhh. @Supremache❤️❤️❤️

      Global Moderators: @- !el Catire *O* @- hNk @-Dark ✖ @growndex. @Lock 流氓 @Jaguar-™❤️❤️❤️ 

    Moderators: @Angrry™ @Equin0x @FearLess @Tsunami @ CSBD❤️❤️❤️ 

    Ex Staff : @-DarkJesús- @[N]audy @#Askor lml @#CeLTiXxX @blonda @Călin™ @D@rk @d3v0uTT™ @DaNGeROuS KiLLeR @El L0rd @eXpLoReRs @JoKeR-™ @ CSBD @Jully @KIT @Kleo @Legends ♛ @Loading @LuMiX @miQ*.ҳ̸Ҳ̸Ҳ̸ҳ̸Ҳ @Mr.Daniel ♔♔♔ @RaMpO @rusu-- @ Zombie @Twix# @Verox @Yo.NuTz❤️❤️❤️ 



  12. Nume : Age of Conan Unchained Gen : RPG Platforma : Microsoft Windows Data lansarii : 23 mai 2008 Producator : Funcom Descriere : În Age of Conan, victoria se obţine prin subjugarea provinciilor vasale folosind puterea militară, prin crearea de alianţe folosind emisarii, luptând cu ceilalţi jucători şi prin atingerea unor obiective specifice ce apar pe parcursul jocului. Poţi beneficia de aventurile lui Conan prin acumularea de jetoane de aventură şi, la sfârşitul jocului, încercând să-l faci pe Conan regele regatului tău. Jocul se termină dupa a treia eră sau când, în timpul celei de-a treia ere, un jucător incearcă să-l încoroneze pe Conan ca rege în regatul său. În acel moment, jucătorii îşi compară reuşitele iar câştigătorul este cel cu scorul cel mai mare. Durata fiecărei ere este determinată de mecanica cărţilor de aventură: când toate cele patru cărţi din teancul curent de aventură au fost descoperite şi îndeplinite, atunci se termină era şi toţi jucătorii fac acţiunile de sfârşit de eră în care îşi pregătesc regatele pentru bătăliile şi cuceririle din era care urmează. Se crează apoi un nou teanc de cărţi de aventură şi aşa începe o nouă eră. Trailer : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ksXQx8UX9Ng Cerinte de sistem : Minime OS: Windows Vista/XP Procesor: 3GHz Pentium IV Placa video: Shader Model 2.0 and 128MB RAM: NVIDIA GeForce 5800 or ATI 9800 RAM: 1GB RAM Recomandate Procesor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHz (E6600) Placa video: NVIDIA GeForce 7950GX2 RAM: 2GB or more
  13. ntel's newly-minted graphics group has set up a new twitter account (Intel Graphics), and in a bit of marketing glory, the first tweet features a video revealing a shadowy new discrete GPU that should arrive in 2020. The shadowy GPU, which has a faint hue of blue, makes an appearance. Aside from the single-slot design, the image doesn't give us much to go on. Lest we forget, the video also reminds us that Intel "lights up quintillions of pixels across the planet every day," which is a true statement based on the fact that, courtesy of its integrated graphics chips in its CPUs, Intel is the world's largest GPU producer. Now the company is bringing that experience to the discrete GPU market, and yes, that means it is bringing gaming-focused GPUs to market. Translating that experience in integrated graphics to its new lineup of discrete GPUs isn't going to be an easy task: the last successful entry into the GPU space occurred 25 years ago. But Intel has an IP war chest (at one point it owned more graphics patents than the other vendors combined) and has been on a full court press recruiting the right talent for the task. Famed graphics architect Raja Koduri recently abdicated his leading role at AMD's Radeon Technology Group to join Team Blue's newly-formed Core and Visual Computing Group. The new group is working to bring Arctic Sound (the rumored GPU codename) to market by 2020, but it also takes a few other ingredients beyond "just" the hardware to make real waves in the graphics market. Intel also has to beef up its driver group, which is notorious for slow graphics driver releases. In a sign of things to come, Intel has increased the cadence of driver releases lately, with a heavy focus on zero-day releases. Koduri has also taken to Twitter recently to profess the importance of software to the graphics ecosystem, so we know the company is headed in the right direction on that front. Remember, market-leader Nvidia employs more software engineers than hardware engineers, so success in this area is key. And then it takes marketing magic like we see with Intel's first tweet from the graphics group. Hype fuels GPU releases, look no further than the noise generated by Nvidia's impending launch as proof, and Intel brought in hypemaster Chris Hook from AMD to head up the company's graphics marketing. Hook is Intel's first dedicated marketer for graphics, and it appears he's getting started early. It'll take a while to see the culmination of these efforts, but Intel's 2020 target date means the new graphics cards should come packing its oft-delayed 10nm process. That means the GPU could be exceedingly competitive against AMD and Nvidia's offerings, even in 2020. Intel's past two failings at discrete GPUs, which includes Larrabee, still hang thick in the air. But the company's entrance into the discrete GPU arena has the potential to upend the established AMD and Nvidia duopoly. Jensen Huang doesn't seem to feel particularly threatened, and AMD has been silent on the matter. The hardware and software will tell the story, but we'll have to wait until 2020 to see the end result.
  14. There are not many interface changes in iOS 12, but the photo management application has experienced some changes that might not seem very friendly to you. Like any experienced iPhone user, I like to think I'm doing pretty well when it comes to interacting with the Apple smartphone. After every firmware upgrade, I have to learn again how to make the most of preinstalled programs. Surprisingly, some of them are seemingly trivial. When it comes to the new iOS 12, this category includes the Photos or Pictures app, depending on the language you have configured on your phone. This seems a little strange at first glance, but if you're going through the new sections a bit, you will realize that the situation is not so complicated. Next, the first section at the bottom left is titled Pictures and displays your entire photo library sorted in chronological order and location. If you make a tap on a city or city, it will automatically generate a clip you can see or, with a tap on the top right, you can share it. With a tap on an image, you can move it to favorites to find it easier in the future, and you can easily edit or share it. The second section titled For You, centralizes the important moments of your past with shared albums. If you tap one of the "Memories" at the bottom of the screen, you can see them in video format. There are also some "recommended" pictures, but they do not know what criteria they were selected for. With a tap on Albums, you can find both albums you've created manually in the past, those shared with friends, and those that are automatically generated by the operating system. So, you will not waste too much time if you want to get clips, self-styles, pro-animated or animated images (GIF). The search area is more useful and more efficient than ever. In addition to person-related suggestions, you can find pictures taken in a city or pictures containing a certain type of information in one tap. There are pictures of food, cars, babies, animals, snow, flowers and more. At the top of this window, you can type everything that goes through your head as a search criterion, and the possibility of showing you results is great.
  15. 3hla Bik Wink sa7bi Cv ? 

  16. 5c570c50cdc5d.jpg

    Bro A small gift for you wish you liked it ? 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. lonut gfx

      lonut gfx

      Not a small gift It 's great in my opinion Thank you I loved it .... You are the best bro .

    3. Wassim™
    4. Wassim™


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