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Everything posted by [MC]Ronin[MC]

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  2. Fight Night Round 4 is a boxing video game developed by EA Sports. This is a sequel to Fight Night Round 3, released in 2006. Released in 2009 for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Windows Mobile, and BlackBerry. The featured boxers in the game are Mohammed Ali and Mike Tyson. Premiere Date: June 25, 2009 Designer: EA Canada Series: Fight Night Platforms: PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Blackberry, PlayStation 2, Windows Mobile Programmers: EA Sports, EA Canada Modes: Single player game, Multiplayer game To the untrained eye, boxing involves little more than two fighters punching each other until one of them falls down. There's a lot more to the sport than that, though, and Fight Night Round 4 is a game that, while not necessarily realistic, encourages you to think about every punch you throw in much the same way a real boxer does. The action is fast-paced, the career mode really sucks you in, and there are some neat online options to boot. On the flip side, the career mode places too much importance on frustrating training minigames, and all too often opponents in ranked online matches suck the fun out of the fight by mindlessly spamming punches. Regardless, Fight Night Round 4 is a great boxing game, and one that improves upon its predecessor despite a few noticeable shortcomings. From the moment you start playing, it's clear that Fight Night Round 4 is a unique animal. Some of the controls will feel familiar if you played Round 3, but as you play through the brief-but-adequate tutorial it becomes apparent that this year's action has a much more organic feel. Almost nothing about the fighters' movements feels scripted, so you need to look for openings before throwing punches, and every time you flick or rotate the right analog stick to throw a punch, any number of things can happen. Your punch might catch your opponent off guard and stun him temporarily, it might glance off the side of his head doing very little damage, your arm might become entangled with your opponent's as he tries to throw a punch at the same time, you might miss completely and leave yourself open, and so on. Furthermore, if your opponent manages to perfectly time a block or dodge move, the action will slow down for a moment as he's given the opportunity to land a powerful counterattack. It's a great gameplay mechanic that doesn't interfere with the flow of the fight and that encourages you to place as much importance on defense as on offense. Boxers in Round 4 are capable of throwing a lot more punches in each round than their real-life counterparts, but that caveat aside, fights play out in an impressively believable fashion. In a fight that lasts 10 three-minute rounds, for example, it's not uncommon for the momentum to shift from one fighter to the other as fatigue, heavy punches, and different strategies all play their part. Also deserving of a mention is the ingenious new corner system introduced this year. In between rounds, you get to spend points on replenishing your stamina and health and on repairing damage, and the number of points that you get to spend is determined by different aspects of your performance in the previous round. For example, you earn points for having a high percentage of your punches find their target, for avoiding your opponent's punches, for stunning or knocking down your opponent, and even for managing to get back to your feet via a first-person minigame after hitting the canvas. It's a great system, because it acknowledges that a boxer throwing five times as many punches as his opponent isn't necessarily throwing better punches, and so while he may well earn more points from the judges, he's also going to expend a lot more stamina, and if many of his punches are being blocked or dodged, he's handing his opponent more to points to spend in his corner at the end of the round. There are more than 40 instantly recognizable professional pugilists on the Round 4 roster, and that number is growing thanks to users who are taking the time to create them as custom fighters and share them online. Zab Judah, Evander Holyfield, Danny Williams, and Floyd Mayweather are just a handful of the fighters who have been brilliantly re-created using photos uploaded to the EA Sports World Web site, along with all manner of celebrities. The powerful toolset for creating custom fighters is easy to use, but satisfying results are much easier to achieve by uploading digital photos to the aforementioned site than by using the console's own camera. Whichever method you choose, the head generated using a frontal and a profile photo requires some major tweaking afterward, but the rewards are well worth the effort--especially if you're keen to play through the Legacy career mode as yourself. In Legacy mode, your chosen fighter starts out as a "bum" at the bottom of his 50-strong weight class. Your goal, of course, is to work your way up to number one and claim the title belt, but Round 4 takes several steps beyond that as well. After winning your chosen division and earning the rank of champion, you're really only about halfway to achieving your full potential, because in addition to defending your title, there are other belts in other weight classes up for grabs. The criteria for retiring as a Hall of Famer, a ring legend, or the greatest of all time are numerous, and not for the fainthearted. Examples include maintaining a win percentage of over 95 percent across dozens of fights, defending a title successfully as many as eight times, and holding three championship belts simultaneously. The road to achieving that kind of success is long, which is a good thing, save for those occasions when obstacles on the road seem unnecessary or are just the result of bad design. Legacy mode fighters are 19 years old when their careers get under way, and because they age and must ultimately retire, you have only a finite amount of time in which to achieve your goals. Your fighter's attributes are mediocre when you compete in your first amateur tournament, and improving them is a long and often challenging process. After every fight, your first job in Legacy mode is to schedule your next one, which in itself is an unnecessarily clumsy procedure that involves picking the date that you want to fight on, choosing which of the available opponents you want to fight, and then choosing the date that you want to fight him on again. The only way to improve your fighter between bouts is to train, and the number of training sessions you get is determined by how far apart the fights are. To fit in the maximum three sessions, you need to schedule your fights a full six months apart, which would be fine if your fighter weren't growing old in the meantime. Compounding that problem is that even acing a training minigame session results in only a very small gain for your fighter, and while the six minigames are fun, some are so difficult that the gains you get are even smaller. There's an option to simulate the training and receive 50 percent of the potential gain, but earning two or three skill points just doesn't amount to much when your fighter's profile is composed of 12 attributes rated from 1 to 100. The result of the training problems is that at some stage you're likely to move up the rankings to a point at which all of your potential opponents (or at least those who can further your career) are vastly superior to you on paper. It's still possible to win, and it's not terribly difficult to do so, but you're unlikely to knock these guys out, so every fight becomes a 30-minute exercise in making sure that you land more point-scoring punches than your opponent--even if they're too weak to hurt him. It's unfortunate that the training in Legacy mode isn't more effective, because while it's still compelling to create a fighter and guide him up through the ranks, maintaining a good win/loss record almost necessitates fights against guys you know you can beat while you wait for your attributes to catch up to your ranking. Pointless, poorly written, and repetitive e-mails sent to your fighter also detract from the Legacy mode somewhat, though they're so pointless that ignoring them has no impact whatsoever. When fighting against AI opponents in Round 4, regardless of whether you're in Legacy mode or just pitting favorite pros against each other in a single fight, it's hard not to feel like you have an unfair advantage. AI fighters will, for the most part, throw something resembling a realistic number of punches in a round, but you can easily throw three or four times as many without risking tiring yourself out too much. Online fights, on the other hand, pit you against opponents who can fight just as unrealistically as you, and because the fights very rarely suffer from noticeable lag, it's here that Fight Night Round 4 really shines--at least when you play with friends. In addition to one-off fights, which can include licensed fighters as well as custom creations, Round 4 features an Online World Championship mode that ranks you against every other player in the world on weight-specific leaderboards. The downside to ranked online fights is that too many players are simply creating fighters with long reaches and then throwing as many punches as they possibly can in every round. It doesn't guarantee them a win because, if you're patient, it's certainly possible to avoid their blows and counter-attack while they tire themselves out. It's no fun to come up against opponents like these though, and quitting out of a fight prematurely is only an option if you don't mind having a loss and a DNF (did not finish) percentage on your profile. When you're in the ring, hopefully with an opponent who's not going to exit prematurely, Fight Night Round 4 is a real treat for the senses. The fighters, the audiences, and the arenas that they're packed into all look great, and the slow-motion replays of knockout punches are brutal, but the real star of the show is the audio. Punches sound satisfying, crowds get excited and shout fighter-specific chants, your corner men can be heard yelling useful instructions, and the color commentary is great. The guys on the mics not only call the fight accurately, but also offer anecdotes and analogies aplenty (enough that they don't repeat themselves too often) and drop a good amount of fighter-specific knowledge--mentioning things like Ricky Hatton's affiliation with Manchester City Football Club as well as a couple of his recent real-life fights. In Legacy mode, they also reference your custom fighter's career record, though they don't go into any detail about previous fights or anything like that. Fight Night Round 4's greatest strength is that while it's accessible and relatively easy for newcomers, it can also be challenging and rewarding for pugilism perfectionists. It's unfortunate that online matches are being dominated by players who are mindlessly spamming punches rather than fighting realistically, because on those occasions that you do meet someone who's playing with some finesse it really is a lot of fun. Stepping into Fight Night Round 4's ring is definitely recommended if you have any interest in the sport whatsoever, just be aware that not everyone you come up against will be fighting in the spirit of the Queensbury rules. Editor's Note: Our original review incorrectly stated that players aren't penalized for disconnecting from online fights prematurely. In fact, players who disconnect automatically lose the fight, even if this isn't always immediately apparent on the leaderboards. GameSpot regrets the error.
  3. Poor review Premiere Date: 2019 Platforms: PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Microsoft Windows Weakless Developed by Punk Notion & Cubeish Games Published by Punk Notion In life and love, more often than not it takes two to make things work. Things that pair together are almost essential . Peanut butter and jelly; peaches and cream; anything and bacon. In Weakless, you need to stick together because one is blind and the other is deaf. The two of you are the only ones that can help save your tribe from a blight that threatens to destroy your lands. Weakless starts off with a very artistic opening in which the world of the Weavelings, the race of woodland creatures we follow, is explained. We then see our two heroes, one born blind and the other deaf, being shunned by their tribe. Through some divine intervention, our heroes are brought together and start to help each other. Thoughout the start, the two need to complete puzzles to get further through to restore the lands. Firstly, I very much enjoyed the interactions and usage of the two mains. Using the Deaf One showed you the vibrant, detailed visual look of the world. Besides shedding light on some of the muted views of the world, you get to enjoy the artwork from the world it sees. The Blind One has a very Daredevil-esque view on the world with the use of his staff. Banging it on the ground allows it to see details of both the ground and extended areas. Along with that, it has the ability to hear and enjoy the sounds and music of the tribe. The visuals and sounds of this game are very well thought out and attention to detail. When you’re the Deaf One, the tones are very muted and subdued. The Blind One has a black & white, limited view of the world. However, each one’s other view on the surroundings is spectacular. The depth and richness of the music that you hear and the sounds while performing puzzles as the Blind One is amazing. Seeing the brightness and richness of the world through the artwork of the Deaf One is quite stunning. Gameplay throughout is gentle to pick up as you learn the additional abilities of the two. You see and hear the solving of puzzles using their innate abilities to the benefit of the other. Overall the game was very pleasurable to play and it really was enjoyable from an abstract point of view. As a former musician, it was very pleasing and enjoyable to hear the organic music and the various sounds. The visuals were very lush and inviting and really pulled you into the world of the Weavelings. This game is definitely a great pickup for your collection for a casual play-through. Weakless is currently out for Xbox One and will be out for PC early in 2020.
      • 1
      • I love it
  4. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS MINIMUM: Requires 64 bit processor and operating system OS: Windows 7/8 / 8.1 / 10 Processor: Intel Core i3-4160 (3.6 GHz) / AMD A6-5400K APU (3.6 GHz) Memory: 8 GB memory Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 Ti with 2 GB VRAM / Radeon R7 370 with 2 GB VRAM DirectX: Version 11 Storage space: 15 GB available space RECOMMENDED: Requires 64 bit processor and operating system OS: Windows 7/8 / 8.1 / 10 Processor: Intel Core i7-3930K (3.2 GHz) / AMD Ryzen 5 1600 (3.2 GHz) or better Memory: 16 GB memory Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 with 4 GB VRAM / AMD Radeon RX 570 with 4 GB VRAM DirectX: Version 11 Storage space: 15 GB available space DESCRIPTION OF ADULT CONTENT The developers describe the content as follows: Warlander is a roguelike action game with real-time mesh slicing where players can cut through enemies and chop them into pieces. Violence is graphically but not overexaggerated. I have a spotty relationship with roguelites. I often feel like the genre is so po[CENSORED]r now due to the comparative ease of a small amount of content being repeatedly recycled for hours on end. This can just as easily be leveled at Warlander, a new 3D roguelite based around lightsaber combat. And even then, Warlander will likely take most players a fraction of the time to see everything as its competitors because it just doesn’t have much in the way of unique content or as many reasons to jump in for additional runs. But the combat is so fun, unique, and clever that I’m willing to forgive many of its issues. If you’ve ever wanted to literally slice through hordes of enemies in a roguelite, here’s your chance. What’s happening? Who cares? Warlander tells the extremely generic story of a guy named Bruce whose people are slaughtered by a stereotypical bad guy. Instead of dying along with the rest of them, he’s miraculously revived and greeted by a talking not-lightsaber named…Ferguson. Yeah. With this talking sword’s help, Bruce aims to cut a swath through the enemy army and get revenge for his people. As you can probably tell, the game is by no means plot heavy. It starts with an opening cutscene, but there isn’t much story after that. There are glowing yellow lights you can pick up that add lore to your codex, though. Bruce and Ferguson will occasionally share some banter and the bosses will sometimes have some dialogue attached to them, but you’re free to skip it. If you don’t, be prepared to hear the same few lines repeated ad nauseam. Speaking of things being repeated ad nauseam, every new run you start in Warlander replays the same intro cutscene and the dialogue that follows immediately after. And that includes the dialogue that Ferguson repeats when you first lay eyes on the tree that you use to purchase skills in each run. It seems strange that the game doesn’t let you just turn these off outright, but skipping them isn’t a problem or anything. Follow the path The structure of each run of Warlander is fairly similar to last year’s Slay the Spire. The game’s overworld is made up of a series of nodes that represent level types, ranging from level advancement, combat, and bosses, to those that sell health and power ups. In the beginning, you choose between several starting nodes and go through the randomly-generated path these lead through. The path you choose can easily dictate how difficult or easy your run is going to be. For instance, a path can have a line of treasure chests in a row, which can make you that much stronger, while another might just be a long string of fights. The combat nodes obviously take much longer, so the length of a run will also vary based on how many of these are in your way. Of course, in the long run, not hitting enough combat nodes will also prove problematic, as you’re going to want as much experience as possible. Experience is used to purchase skills, which are where the bulk of your strength is going to come from. The issue with the node system is simply that it’s pretty common to get a selection of nodes that just don’t lead to good odds. Because it’s truly random with seemingly no safeguards, you can go a long time without being able to spend your experience, leaving you weaker than you should be, which naturally leads to death. Do or do not I’m going to go out on a very hypothetical limb here and say that the thing most people will first notice about Warlander is the lightsaber-esque nature of the combat. Bruce wears Ferguson’s hilt on his back when he isn’t fighting. When he is, though, the hilt grows a long blade of green energy that he uses to slice through foes. And yes, I do mean slice. Much like Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, this is very much a game about dismemberment. And it’s an extremely entertaining one, at that. Before purchasing skills, Bruce has four default attacks. He has left and right horizontal slashes with Ferguson or a strong downward slash. The downward slash can also be charged for additional damage. There’s also a sweep attack where Bruce crouches and aims for the legs. Depending on how much health an enemy has, you can hack off their limbs or just kill them outright. If a weaker enemy runs up on you and doesn’t have head armor, you can decapitate them with a single swing of your sword and kill them instantly. You can also cut off a weapon-holding enemy’s arm and severely reduce the threat they pose. Or you can cut one or both legs off and they won’t even be able to stand, which will allow you to kill them on the ground. The ground kill is wonky, though, as the animation is janky and it doesn’t always work. Bruce will generally stab the ground to dispatch a fallen foe, but the animation usually misses, so he literally stabs the ground and nothing else. The prompt to do this often doesn’t show up at all when you approach a downed enemy, making it unreliable. Chopped in half I feel like I need to make it crystal clear how fun and satisfying the combat is in Warlander. You start in an arena and see three or four enemies with lightsabers coming at you. You wait for them to get close. One swings at you, only for you to dodge it, stand up and cut their head clean off. You use a vine to throw one of the others to the ground and impale him. You then use your stakes to shoot the armor off another before removing on of their arms. And then they keep coming. Enemies will occasionally drop healing orbs, but they do so more commonly when you’re low on health. This leads to great moments where you’re just a hit or two away from losing the entire run, only to pull off a last-second decapitation and score a second wind. Some of these combat encounters are undeniably tense. This is the kind of game where you finish off a wave of foes and then exhale, realizing you’d been holding your breath for the last 30 seconds. It’s damn invigorating. Experience makes the man Much like a certain series that won’t be named, Bruce has a stamina gauge. It’s used when he attacks, runs, and dodges. The dodge works rather well, as it’s both responsive and gives a healthy dose of invincibility frames. You can also block with a magic shield Bruce calls forth. Blocking any normal attack will leave an enemy exposed for a moment, which is quite useful. But enemies with glowing swords have unblockable attacks that need to be dodged instead. So, trying to lean too hard on blocking isn’t your best bet. Every enemy you defeat grants you experience that you use to learn new skills in Warlander. These range from new abilities, such as a vine grip that allows you to grab your foes (or drop them to their deaths); a stake projectile that breaks armor; the ability to throw your sword; or even new moves like a ground slam and spin attack. You can also strengthen your regular sword attacks or greatly increase your health or stamina pools. Once you purchase enough skills, you’ll unlock some especially useful upgrades, such as the ability to steal your opponent’s life during a vine grab or being able to block any attack. All of these upgrades make you feel a lot stronger, but are certainly necessary as the difficulty ramps up. Towards the latter half of a run, you’re going to mobbed with enemies and the battles will end with the area swimming in their dismembered corpses. Interestingly, enemy parts are Warlander‘s currency. Every time you cut off an enemy head, arm, or leg, Bruce automatically picks them up. You can use these to purchase health orbs between levels. A single health orb can be found in each combat area too, with two being available in each boss area. Meet the new boss There are five bosses to face in Warlander. The first four you’ll be able to fight via making your way to one of their nodes. However, they vary in quality. Two of them are moderately challenging, although one of these is a damage sponge that takes an obnoxious amount of time to kill. The other two are extremely easy and pose very little threat to you. However, one of these is also a damage sponge that takes an obnoxious amount of time to kill. Luckily, they’re all unique. The first time you defeat one of these bosses, you gain a permanent skill unlock. For instance, the first time you beat the tree lady boss, you permanently gain the vine skill. At least, you’re supposed to. I’m not sure if this will be fixed at launch, but, in the version of Warlander that I have access to, these permanent unlocks don’t work if you close the game. If you start a new run immediately after a previous death, you’ll retain what you unlocked. But exiting out of the game and starting a new run always led to all of my permanent upgrades vanishing. It’s truly vexing. Another annoying thing about the game comes with the territory. When you die, that’s it. There aren’t any chances to come back, which is typical for the genre. But some of the deaths can feel a little cheap. One time I made it one node away from the final boss, only to die to an enemy that ran up next to me while I was fighting a much stronger one. It then promptly exploded and knocked me off the walkway to my death. I wasn’t even mad. Not really. War never changes One of the more curious things about Warlander is that it doesn’t try to have a great deal of staying power. Many similar games will have a slow trickle of unlockable items and a much steeper difficulty curve, but I’d imagine that a lot of people would be able to beat this one in a handful of hours. A successful run can take about 75-90 minutes and isn’t all that difficult to pull off once you get the right powerups. I wish there was more to keep players invested and more to unlock, honestly. It’s also strange that there isn’t an infinite mode for people who just want to fight, as that would be perfect here. But the combat is an absolute blast. I had so much fun fighting Warlander’s enemies and cutting them to shreds that it made up for some of the game’s shortcomings. The visuals are fairly generic and the character designs leave a lot to be desired, but the levels themselves look pretty decent. For a small indie team, I’d say they did a good job overall, aside from that giant, annoying progression bug. Anyone looking for a 3D roguelite with some unique, satisfying combat should be able to have a good amount of fun with Warlander.
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  6. Hexagon wall clock Use the mechanism of the old wall clock to create a thing with a new look and a pinch of naughtiness. You can use cardboard and multicolored fabric for making, and you can use scraps of other things. The watch is made up of hexagonal pieces that you can combine as you wish, use the desired number and arrange them as you wish. Materials needed: - cardboard - pieces of tissue - model knife - scissors - wall clock mechanism - glue Instructions: 1. Download and resize the hexagons, print them out, and cut them with scissors. Use the paper template to cut several hexagons of the desired size from the cardboard. The idea shown uses 19 pieces, but you can create a dial of fewer or more pieces of the desired size. 2. Put one of the cardboard pieces on the back of a piece of cloth. Outline with a 6 mm tolerance. Cut the fabric along the outlined lines. 3. Glue the fabric to the bottom of the cardboard by applying a few small dots from the glue around the periphery. Press the fabric to tighten the glue. Fold the fabric along the corner pieces to cover the entire periphery. 4. Lay the hexagonal parts side by side so that they touch the sides. Put some glue on the contact lines and press down to tighten the glue. Grasp all hexagonal parts as desired. 5. With a dummy knife, cut a hole in the center of one of the shapes to insert the top of the mechanism so that it locks the arrows on the clock. Extend the opening gradually so that it does not appear too wide for the sharp part on which the arrows of the mechanism are mounted. 6. You can cut several rectangles out of cardboard to better secure the parts of the dial on the back. Attach them with a little glue around the periphery of the clock to cover the center. This is necessary if the mechanism is too heavy and you think the adhesive will not be able to support the weight. 7. Mount the mechanism and put the arrows on the clock. 8. Turn on the batteries, set the clock, and hang the clock on the wall.
  7. Happy birthday dear friend!


    happy birthday beard GIF

  8. Video title : Funniest ? Dogs and ? Cats - Awesome Funny Pet Animals Videos Content creator ( Youtuber ) : Official YT video : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC09IvZwjpunzrdHH1EHok-w
  9. DS 9: The sedan can be beautiful, chic, modern and plug-in hybrid The classic sedan shapes are not dead, the new DS 9 is in direct competition with the Lexus ES and Volvo S90. In 1955, Citroen launched the DS, an exclusive car designed in the style of the purest French design language. The model has remained in production for about two decades, becoming the basis for the emergence (2009) of the standalone DS brand. The European version of the DS 9 business sedan looks impressive, to say the least. The Nine is based on the long version of the Peugeot 508 L, but differs from the mechanical donor in body type, interior design, luxury inside and the presence of modern electronic assistants. The exterior of the European version of the DS 9 echoes that of the Chinese analogue of the business sedan, which appeared five months ago. Even the bold edge in the middle of the front hood, the chrome edges of the air intakes in the bumper and lights, as well as the concealed door handles, are preserved. There are some differences, but they are almost imperceptible. The overall dimensions are identical to those of the BMW 5-Series: length 4933 mm, width 1855 mm, height 1468 mm and wheelbase 2895 mm. The DS 9 is 83 mm longer than the Renault Talisman, which means that the DS 9 is the French flagship in the midst of three-volume colorful sedans. We also get to the DS 9 showroom, which is really impressive. While there are many similarities to the DS 7 Crossback (steering wheel, front panel and center console architecture, identical virtual dashboard and 12-inch media system screen), the sedan is really impressive with its materials and performance. And the French chic takes care of the Breguet clock on the dashboard. The list of options includes adaptive LED "rotating" optics, special suspension with a camera that detects irregularities and pre-adjusts the hardness of the shock absorbers of each wheel, multi-contour leather seats with ventilation, heating, cooling and massage, autopilot second level, DS Safety Complex. incorporating a night vision system of up to 100 meters, etc. At the start of sales (they do not say when and what the prices will be) the DS 9 will only be available with front-wheel drive and plug-in hybrid drivetrain. It will consist of a 1.6-liter PureTech petrol turbo engine, an 8-speed automatic transmission, an 109hp electric motor. and a 11.9 kWh battery. The total power of the system is 225 hp, and the model will be able to travel between 40 and 50 km. In the future, the range will be supplemented by a 360 hp all-wheel-drive plug-in. The European premiere of the DS 9 will take place next week when the Geneva Motor Show launches. Our team will be in the halls of Palexpo to see live the most interesting of the automotive world.
  10. Street artists receive $ 7 million after wiping out their graffiti After deleting their graffiti, the artists are suing the owners of the building Last week, a New York court ruling confirming that real estate dealers Gerald and David Walkoff had to pay $ 6.75 million to street artists whose works were destroyed at the 5Pointz Large Street Art Gallery in Queens. The decision came after Gerald and David Walkoff deleted 5Pointz, one of the most famous places for street art. Although, initially, upon acquiring the property, they decided to remain a street exhibition, they changed the design of the building to make it a future luxury apartment complex. The graffiti was deleted overnight and without warning. See other Ben Guttmann tweets Artists are bringing an action to destroy works of art against the owners of the building. Following a February 2018 ruling that traders must pay millions for artists' damage, Gerald and David appealed, but the court rejected the claim. Thus, Gerald and David Walkoff will pay $ 150,000 in damages for the 45 graffiti removed - meaning they will pay $ 6.75 million in total. See other tweets by the art lawyers The court's ruling is of great importance both to the artists who painted the building and to all the street artists whose works have been destroyed. The judge said this would serve as an example for future homeowners and realtors who need to engage in dialogue and negotiation with artists to better integrate street art into their future projects. Do you like street art and do you think the judgment is right?
  11. 10 habits that will protect us from disease With these easy steps, anyone can prevent the oncoming viruses 0 In the cold and flu season, the risk of getting infected at work and in urban transport is very high. On these days, when the flu hit us, we wonder how doctors don't catch the infection from their patients. It turns out that health workers follow 10 simple and easy steps in their daily lives that protect them from viral diseases. 1. Disinfect and wash your hands frequently The first and foremost thing that prevents the spread of flu is to wash your hands. And it's never too often. Be sure to bring a disinfectant for cases where you do not have access to water and soap. 2. Avoid touching your face Keep your hands away from the face, especially the nose, eyes and lips, the places where bacteria can easily penetrate. 3. Sleep is the key to good health Sleep is crucial for good body tone. If the body is tired, it will not be able to cope with infections. 4. Take care when using common objects and surfaces Using common areas and appliances with other people is one of the risks of transmitting infections. Therefore, it is best not to use common utensils, wipe computers and phones as often as possible, as well as your desk. 5. Disinfect the surfaces properly Wiping it with a dry cloth or alcohol-based cloth and then absorbing the wet residue is not one of the right approaches. When disinfecting the surface, it is good to leave it wet with the alcoholic fluid for at least 45 seconds and then soak it so that all the bacteria can escape. 6. Take enough Vitamin D Vitamin D maintains healthy bones and muscles and is also important for maintaining a good immune system. Vitamin D deficiency is linked can lead to infection. To get it, get exposed to sunlight and eat vitamin D-rich foods such as fish, eggs, milk, yogurt, almond milk, orange juice, oatmeal, tofu and cheese. 7. Eat healthy For good health, the most important thing is to eat healthy, take vitamin C, zinc, magnesium and other beneficial ingredients that deal with infections. 8. Nutritional supplement If you have any deficiency, nutritional supplements are a good solution in the season of influenza and viral diseases. But do not overdo it because you can harm your body. 9. Be careful not to spread the infection to your home Disinfect your belongings and keep an eye on what surfaces you put them on so you do not spread bacteria to your loved ones. When traveling by public transport, try not to put your clothes and bags on dirty surfaces. 10. Wear a protective mask No matter how ridiculous you look or feel, masks are one of the best contraceptive measures available. They limit, though not completely, the infections that are spreading sick people around you.
  12. Free up space in your box!

  13. Premiere Date: March 17, 2017 Developer: PlayWood Project Aps Platforms: PlayStation 4, Microsoft Windows, Mac OS Publishers: PlayWood Project Aps, Deck13, WhisperGames SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS MINIMUM: Requires 64 bit processor and operating system OS: Windows 7 or newer Processor: Intel dual Core i5 or better Memory: 4 GB memory Graphics Card: GeForce GTX 560 or Radeon HD 6870 DirectX: Version 11 Storage space: 10 GB available space RECOMMENDED: Requires 64 bit processor and operating system OS: Windows 7 or newer Processor: Quad Core Processor Memory: 6 GB memory Graphics Card: GeForce GTX 1050 or RX 460 DirectX: Version 11 Storage space: 10 GB available space Tabletop games are all the rage these days with shops full to the brim with turn-based and deck-building adventures of various different genres; from murder mystery to exploding cats. With any board/card game, there is an element of imagination and that’s why videogames and board games are a match made in heaven, or in WARTILE’s case: Hel. WARTILE is a self-defined ‘cool-down based strategy game’ set in a fictional Viking world, specifically Norse mythology - the same setting as used for BAFTA Games award-scooping Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice. You control figurines around terrarium-style battle boards with movement and abilities having cool-downs and point costs, rather than being reliant on turn-based mechanics. Move your figurines to a hexagon in range and when an enemy is nearby they begin attacking automatically in a staggered fashion. There’s a lot to like with WARTILE. It’s got a unique aesthetic, with music, visuals, and menus all fitting the theme well. The score can vary from sombre string and choir to epic drum and orchestral, and the diorama battle boards are lovingly created and wouldn’t look out of place on a window-sill or in an art exhibition. Personally, however, I don’t think the boards translate well to the actual gameplay. Navigating around said boards can sometimes be a bit of a challenge, given that there’s no auto-camera movement - you will find yourself battling it a lot. Visually there’s a lot going on and it’s often difficult working out what hexagon your pieces can move to, especially when you have scenery blocking your view. Each board has different primary and secondary objectives that are pretty basic and repetitive: wipe out your enemies, reach a certain point, or pick up a certain item and bring it somewhere. Some boards task you to navigate through narrow caves with options in the paths you take, giving them a bit more depth. Early-on, you’ll seldom need to backtrack, with forward movement normally leading to success. Whereas in later stages in the game, the entire boards are used to complete both sets of objectives. There’s a frantic nature about WARTILE that ironically wouldn’t really work on a real-world table due to the number of intricacies such as; the various different abilities and cool-downs, and the constant movement and attacking/defending. The game’s speed is regulated at the touch of a button with a simple slow-down feature, allowing you to make moves and attacks at a fraction of in-game time - a crucial addition for when you start managing three or more figures at once. The figurines themselves are well detailed and have a good variety of animations. New ones can be unlocked and then customised as you progress through the story by using the gold you find and earn for completing missions and objectives, with bonuses given for the number of enemies destroyed and the time it took to complete the missions. Items collected from boards can be equipped on the home screen, giving boosts to stats like attack and defence as well as new weapons relevant to certain figurines. You can also buy these from the merchant too, with new equipment available after each successful mission. Alongside individual character abilities that vary from figure to figure, Godly Cards are used throughout the game to give boosts, buffs, or effects in battles to your team and enemies. To use them, you must defeat enemies to earn battle points - each card has a varying point cost. Despite a deck of five cards being chosen before you begin, you only wield a hand of three cards. Whilst usually that would be fine, in the first few missions, the ‘Touch of Eir’ card is vital to keeping your health up - which costs three. The ‘It’s a Trap’ card places a trap on a hexagon you choose - costing just one point. So, if your ‘Touch of Eir’ card isn’t lining up in your hand of three, you end up just spending a bunch of single points on trap cards waiting to draw the healing card. This leads to having loads of traps on the field you have to avoid that enemies seldom land on, draining your health further. When you’re going to be ‘burning’ cards just to roll the one you want, there’s no point to this whatsoever, considering you’re always playing a CPU and not another player. Furthermore, at times combat and movement can feel a little disorganised and unintuitive. Dragging cards from the HUD (or selecting with the numerical keys) onto a space doesn’t always ‘land’ on the space or figure you want, either selecting the adjacent one or just deselecting the card altogether. The ability to position figurines as a group instead of individually gives inconsistent results, so you end up fine-tuning your moves most of the time anyway. It’s also not immediately clear when attacks hit - sometimes your figurine will defend an attack, sometimes it’ll land in seemingly random accord with attack and defence stats failing to show any coherent effect. For a game that will only set you back £14.99/$19.99, there’s enough going on to keep you going for a little while. As the game progresses, you’ll find yourself replaying missions on harder difficulties to level-up figurines for future missions, extending the game’s only mode a little longer. What starts off as a tricky to grasp, linear and honestly boring yet unique tabletop game, does begin to be more tactical and interesting but fails in being wholly engaging - due almost entirely to the clunky and unreliable controls, with character abilities and attacks feeling a little hollow and uninteresting. The developers - Playwood Project - intend to not just fine-tweak WARTILE in its current state, but use the core mechanics in other worlds and themes. Before they do the latter, communication of abilities and meaningful stats on-screen, more of a focus on satisfying player control, and maybe an eventual dynamic camera should be at the top of their list for improvements and tweaks. If you’re looking for something different as a fan of tabletop games and have the patience to bear with the controls, you’ll likely enjoy WARTILE.
  14. To Hell with Hell Premiere Date: July 19, 2018 Developer: Lazurite Games Platform: Microsoft Windows Publishers: Deck13, WhisperGames DESCRIPTION OF ADULT CONTENT The developers describe the content as follows: This game may include content that is not appropriate for all ages or may be inappropriate for job browsing: Frequent violence or bloodshed, General adult content Apocalypse has arrived. And you are going to hell. Not because Natasia has been a bad girl, which she has been for sure. But because Asmodius, ruler of hell himself is calling. And he needs your help, as he got locked away by his enemies. There’s only one credo now: To hell with hell and the gruesome creatures it spit out! To Hell with Hell throws you, the last loyal child of Asmodius into a fight you can hardly win. In a classic Bullet Hell rogue-like crawler with unicorns and bananas you’ll survive deadly traps and fight dozens and dozens of mad demonic enemies. It’s Showtime: Are you going to despair, because you are just a mortal weakling, a common human being? Well, that ain’t a Problem! Take a mask and become whomever you want to be. You can transform into a Knight, a Demon or even a Clown - the choice shall be yours. In “To Hell with Hell” masks define your skills and you can combine them as you want. Chose. Your. Weapon: To shovel or to mortar, that's the question here. End the lives of your enemies your way. Take your Sword or your Pumpgun - it is up to you. How will you defeat the demonic mobs? Slice them, blast them - make it their worst day in hell! Hell is not the end of the road: Wait until hell has frozen over? That’s indeed a possibility here, cause there are more places than the heated home of the demons. And once you’ve reached the frosty caves, your journey will be far from over! SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS MINIMUM: OS: Windows 7 Processor: Intel i3 Processor or higher Memory: 2 GB memory Graphics Card: GTX 760 or higher DirectX: Version 10 Storage space: 2000 MB available space RECOMMENDED: OS: Windows 10 Processor: Intel i5 Processor or higher Memory: 4 GB memory Graphics Card: GTX 760 or higher DirectX: Version 10 Storage space: 2000 MB available space Hell has been portrayed in countless ways throughout history from the lofty classic like The Divine Comedy, to slightly grubbier and comedic takes like in the Disgaea games. To Hell With Hell certainly fits more into the latter's take rather than a dark place full of fitting punishments. Here you play a character tasked with helping the overthrown lord of hell get back on its feet. Your only instructions are to kill all of the demons, then jump through any portal that appears as a result of this. Nice and simple. In order to accomplish this you have various types of tools at your disposal which serve different roles. Weapons are the more classic grouping and have an entertaining range of styles. You can pick up pistols and shotguns of course, but you can also find police batons and broadswords. Melee weapons make you more vulnerable but also allow you to deflect certain attacks which can make them invaluable if you learn how to use them. The more ranged weapons have different strengths and weaknesses, but all have the advantage of helping you keep away from the denizens of hell that don't want you to succeed. The other group, and frankly the more interesting one are the masks that you find. When you start off you can have two equipped at one time and you can switch between them. Each mask grants its own special abilities and properties. Some even completely change your attacks, whether by adding an element to all of your attacks, or just by changing your weapon entirely. Each mask also has a health pool, if the mask runs out of health it gets destroyed and you will be worse off as a result. It is an interesting idea that helps To Hell With Hell standout from the other twin stick roguelikes that are around these days. There are multiple difficulties which are unlocked as you succeed and allow you to increase the game's challenge providing you have earned it. The easiest difficulty allows you to save six times during a run which helps more than can be imagined, it is another great idea that will make the game more accessible to anyone new to the genre or just anyone who doesn't want the frustration of losing everything. This is less a mask and more of a riot helmet To Hell With Hell has some genuinely interesting features and ideas that help to make this more than just another roguelike. The gameplay feels good but is also incredibly punishing which will put some people off, of course this is true of any game in the genre but it is certainly worth mentioning just in case. The story is pretty cliche and the main character is just a bit drab really, it feels as though more could have been done there. Ultimately. that doesn't really impact the way the game plays but it still would have been nice to see some more innovation here as well. Overall it is a solid twin stick roguelike that certainly takes inspiration from some of the greats in the indie pantheon and tweaks some of the ideas to make it feel new.
  15. When twilight fades. Where darkness reigns. DreadOut is a third person supernatural horror game where you play as Linda, a high school student trapped in an old abandoned town. Equipped with her trusty smart-phone and an SLR camera, she will battle against terrifying encounters and solve mysterious puzzles which will ultimately determine her fate. Help her overcome the challenges that will stand before her. Survive the Dread! When a group of high school students went astray from a field trip, they came across something totally unexpected. A town long forgotten trapped in a peaceful state of slumber. What they did not realize was what lurks within. And what seemed like an innocent stroll turns into disaster as the secluded town reveals its dark and terrible secrets. The presence of sinister forces from beyond their realm of existence. It all comes down to Linda. She will experience stirrings of unfamiliar powers, emerging from within her. These new found abilities might just be the only way she can save her own life and those of her friends. Explore a haunted environment in an Asian - Indonesian setting. Battle against terrifying beings from a supernatural realm. Solve mysterious puzzles that block your path. Switch between first person and third person view. Engage in a thrilling storyline. Play Act 1 and 2 of Linda's terrifying journey along with Act 0 (previously released as DreadOut Demo). Get access to Linda's unlockable wardrobe Rated 17+ for the following : Frequent / Intense horror / fear themes Infrequent / Mild Realistic Violence Infrequent / Mild Sexual Content or Nudity Infrequent Mature / Mild Suggestive Themes SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Windows MINIMUM: OS: Windows 7/8 Processor: Intel Dual-Core 2.4 GHz or AMD Dual-Core Athlon 2.5 GHz Memory: 4 GB memory Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce 8800GT or AMD Radeon HD 3830 or Intel HD Graphics 4000, 512 MB VRAM DirectX: Version 9.0c Storage space: 5 GB available space Sound Card: DirectX Compatible Additional Notes: 32-bit Windows is supported but known to have a problem running DreadOut if it has less RAM available RECOMMENDED: OS: Windows 7/8 - 64 bits Processor: Intel Core i5-2300 or AMD Phenom II X4 940 or better Memory: 8 GB memory Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 550 or AMD Radeon HD 7750 with 1 GB VRAM or better DirectX: Version 11 Storage space: 10 GB available space Sound Card: DirectX Compatible By this point the player will likely start to wonder if Linda—and, by extension, DreadOut developer Digital Happiness—has played a lot of Fatal Frame, an early 2000s Tecmo game where a remarkably familiar schoolgirl fights ghosts by taking pictures of them. The similarities don’t stop there. DreadOut, like Fatal Frame, is about exploring a dark, spooky place and piecing together the grim history that lead to its current, extremely haunted state. Comparing the actual experience of playing these two games doesn’t necessarily work in DreadOut’s favour, though. For as many cues as DreadOut takes from the Japanese survival horror classic, it struggles to understand how to convey the kind of story that instils a real sense of horror in the player. Following a heavy dose of exposition during its introductory cutscenes, DreadOut mostly becomes a game about running back and forth throughout a repetitive series of dusty classrooms and hallways hunting for a way to progress. Throughout a brief two and a half hours, Linda learns little more than that something bad happened in the school’s past. What exactly this entailed isn’t made clear at all. The credits simply roll at one point, the player left with about the same amount of information they started with. The protagonist herself is never developed, either. Linda’s character has no discernible personality, and is differentiated from the other students only by the fact that her uniform skirt and blouse are far tighter than her peers. Without either a compelling cast or plot, there’s little to draw the player into the mundane gameplay. If DreadOut was more fun to play it might be possible to look past its shortcomings. But, as mentioned above, there’s little to do except hunt for the weirdly obtuse solutions to puzzles. This mostly involves walking in circles throughout the school setting, trying to figure out if Linda missed a tiny detail hidden in the corner of one of the identical looking classrooms. And as effective a sense of foreboding as DreadOut establishes in its opening minutes, exploring the same areas and fighting only the occasional ghost quickly becomes more routine than terrifying. The only saving grace—a handful of boss fights against truly bizarre spectres—also squanders its potential. In one of these encounters, Linda must defeat the skeletal apparition haunting the school nursery. The fight takes place in a cramped room, eerily decorated with children’s drawings and rusted-out sewing machines. There is a real sense of fear at first as the scissors-wielding ghost drifts in and out of sight, Linda whipping her camera around to pre-empt an attack as the air fills with the sound of snapping blades. But even this—one of DreadOut’s most accomplished sequences—falls apart once the player takes out the spirit and goes to look up its background information in her handy notebook. The spooky creature that was just vanquished turns out to be the school principle, a “closet transvestite” who was driven mad by a “suppressed urge for motherhood.” Here, bad taste has combined with a lack of imagination to render the ghost that was unnerving a few moments ago both ludicrous and offensive. There’s a chance that the (freely distributed and forthcoming) second act of DreadOut will redeem the aimlessness and frustration that defines its debut half. An emphasis on environmental variety, plot progression, and actual characterization could be enough to compensate for a rough opening. Digital Happiness has shown that it’s a studio capable of crafting fascinating monsters and a suitably ominous tone, even if these elements are hard to appreciate within the context of DreadOut’s many other problems. All the same, the future potential of the game’s final act—a conclusion currently without a release date—is besides the point. Based entirely on what is already released, DreadOut is too unfocused and repetitive to offer a satisfying experience.
  16. Better not tell this to your children 12 phrases that parents are advised not to say Without a doubt, dedicated and loving parents only wish the best for their children. And it is because of this fact that they try to control their every step, constantly teaching and motivating them. Some phrases that sound harmless to adults can, however, harm the child's psyche. These are words that we usually say automatically, without even thinking, just because we have heard them from our parents. Based on the opinion of psychologists, Bright Side collects some of the phrases that may affect the lives of children in the future. "You can be what you want" Supporting children in choosing their hobbies and interests is good. However, research shows that if their ambitions are unrealistic, it can have a negative impact on them. They need to be aware that sometimes not everything happens the way they imagine it, and it is good to have a "plan B" in case they fail to fulfill their dream of a future career, for example. Not every child can become a talented surgeon, astronaut, or football star, even if he or she works hard to achieve that goal. And this is absolutely normal. The parents' task is to teach the child to be realistic and to set achievable goals, and to warn him that it is inevitable that there will be no disappointments in his life. "Even if you can't, you have to do it" If it is a physical activity, it can harm the child. This phrase is often spoken by parents who are trying to make their dreams come true (to become a ballerina or a famous and successful athlete) through their children. The child should only learn to listen to his body and respond adequately to pain and discomfort. "You're just like your mother / father" There is nothing wrong with comparing a child to a relative, but in a positive way. Unfortunately, however, these phrases usually have a negative connotation and criticize not only the child's but also the parent's behavior. This confuses the children and causes them to occupy either the father's side or the mother's side. "Your best. No one can compare to you" Even if uttered with love, such a phrase can have adverse effects on the child's self-esteem, as it may not dare to try something new for fear of failing and failing to meet his parents' expectations. "Eat broccoli, spinach, cauliflower, it's good" According to researchers at the University of Chicago, the word "healthy" has become synonymous with "not tasty" over time. This way, they can refuse to eat any healthy food without even tasting it. If you want your child to eat cauliflower, for example, it is better to say that it is delicious and crunchy. "Don't hit your brother, your sister" It is absolutely normal sometimes to experience negative emotions towards a certain person. Both children and adults may find it difficult to control their feelings, but this does not mean that it is impossible. And this is exactly what we need to teach our children - to accept emotions and to control their reactions. The phrases "don't beat your brother" or "don't insult your sister" are often not enough if the reason is not explained. No child will ever answer "Okay, no!". "Don't worry about bullshit" Do not underestimate your child's problems. Perhaps what is nonsense to you is of particular importance to him, even if it is a lost toy. When you show disregard for him, you may lose his confidence and refuse to turn to you for advice or help when the problem is really serious. "Let me help you" The child's ability to only determine when he really needs help and when he can cope is just one of the most important skills that he needs to acquire at an early age. "Don't touch this, you'll break it" Repeating this phrase often will only make your child feel restricted. It is very likely that if you say it, it will crack and break something just because you have set it at a subconscious level that it will happen. Subsequently, when he becomes an adult, he may be afraid to build a career, as he will fear that things will not work out as they should. If you are afraid that your child may break or ruin something of value, you better say "Watch this, I'm afraid it may break". "You're so smart" At first glance, this phrase may seem like a good way to praise your child. But this may make him think that he does not need to put much effort in order to succeed, since he has a natural talent. It is better to encourage the work and effort it puts into it. For example, "Work so hard on this project" or "I knew you would, because it took so much time and effort." "Mom's not crying. It's all right"
  17. Two people are accused of polluting the Yugovska River They were detained for 72 hours The prosecutor's office in Asenovgrad has blamed two people for cyanide poisoning on the Yugovska River. The indictment was served on the company manager and the tailing officer for "allowing, on February 22, complicity and perpetrators to contaminate the waters of the Yugovskaya River by leaking cyanide, thereby making them dangerous to humans, animals and plants, as well as unfit for use in cultural, domestic, health, agricultural and other economic purposes. " Excessive cyanide concentrations in the Yugovska and Chepelarska rivers The two defendants have been detained by orders of the supervising prosecutor for 72 hours; One of the defendants, the manager of the company, is 84 years old and in poor health, but the prosecutor on duty, Venelin Savov, said that he had not provided documents for illnesses and that he had all the conditions and organization in case of necessity. Both defendants did not provide explanations and exercised their right to remain silent during interrogations. The law provides for a crime of imprisonment of one to five years and a fine of BGN 5,000 to BGN 30,000. The investigation into the case is ongoing. It is known that they were informed on the evening of February 21 that the contaminated waters were flowing into the river, but did not do anything until the morning when the process interrupted independently of them due to a sudden inspection by the RIEW. Meanwhile, water control in the Yugovska, Chepelarska and Maritza rivers continues. This morning, excess cyanide values were only detected at the mouth of the Yugovska River. At the rate of 5 micrograms, they are 7 micrograms. In other places where water is monitored - the Chepelarska River at Narechenski Bani, before the discharge of the Yugovska River, at the fishpond after the discharge, in the village of Bachkovo, in Asenovgrad and at the Kemerovo Bridge at the discharge in Maritsa, the dam from the Maritsa River near the village of Manole and there are no increased values at the bridge in the village of Mirovo. Results are expected from the samples taken from the upper reaches of the Yugovska River and the unregulated discharge of wastewater from the tailings pond of Lucky Invest AD. An extraordinary inspection of RIEW Smolyan found that the illegal pipe from the tailing pond of Lucky Invest AD, as well as the two drainage pipes through which the deliberate discharge of production water in the Yugovska River was allowed, were already blocked.
  18. Welcome
  19. FIFA 20 update 1.13 patch notes: tighter dribbling and faster goal kicks 71 new star heads added alongside Ultimate Team tweaks in FIFA 20 update 1.13 Official updates to EA’s megabucks footballer keep on coming - we’re now up to FIFA 20 patch 1.13, AKA FIFA 20 title update 10. The focus this month is on improved dribbling and better goal kicks (really!), with 71 new player faces added. Wondering what else is new to FIFA 20 with this January refresh? Read on for the full FIFA 20 patch 1.13 summary. FIFA 20 patch 1.13: gameplay Way back in FIFA 20 title update 2, EA improved the responsiveness of dribbling for players rated 80 or above in three categories: dribbling, agility, and balance. It’s now amped up that responsiveness a touch further, so you really should feel a quality player’s on-the-ball abilities without having to bust out modifiers or skill moves. Shooting is tweaked for the better too, with Green Timed Shots less likely to be impacted by error, and a greater chance of players hitting the target on ‘easy’ shots - so those taken under minimal defensive pressure, from within 15 yards of goal. In more nuanced gameplay tweaks, goal kick pass animations have been sped up slightly to enable faster restarts when the ball exits play. Similarly, you can no longer stand in the centre circle without moving at a kick-off for 30 seconds in order to bore an opponent into quitting. Try it and the game will automatically kick off for you at the 15-second mark. FIFA 20 patch 1.13: Ultimate Team No wholesale changes to report from title update 10 where FUT is concerned, but the laundry list of tweaks is still a fairly long one. Incorrect numbers on the transfer list tile are gone, as are display issues with goal values in King Of The Hill, and the random disappearance of dynamic images. (I’ve had this issue for years so will be intrigued to see how long that sticks.) OTW cards now display properly in the on-pitch overlay after a relevant player scores a goal, and badge rewards no longer clip through the background on the Season Progress screen. Mostly visual stuff, then, but a spring clean can be no bad thing. FIFA 20 patch 1.13: player faces An impressive 71 new player faces are added as part of the new patch. Sneakily EA is yet to confirm exactly which individuals have been updated, but Paris St Germain, AS Roma, Millonarios, Universidad Catolica, Racing Club, and Independiente all definitely feature new scans. Young Newcastle United keeper Nathan Harker makes the list, too. FIFA 20 patch 1.13: round-up Some other noteworthy bits and pieces from FIFA 20 title update 10: - In career mode, Ultimate difficulty has been re-tuned to make it even more challenging. - Colour options for certain manager hairstyles in career mode have been adjusted. - The bespoke MLS tournament has been fixed so that all teams play the correct number of matches. - An issue where certain celebrations caused a temporary blank screen in CenturyLink Field has been resolved. - Adept Training Drills now display head-to-head leaderboards in Volta mode. For even more detail on FIFA 20 patch 1.13, check out the official EA forums. The latest Title Update for FIFA 20 is now available on Console & on PC and includes the changes below. Gameplay: Made the following changes: Further increased the impact of the Dribbling responsiveness change introduced in Title Update # 2. Increased the responsiveness of dribbling, when not using any dribbling modifiers or skill moves, for players that have an average rating of 80 or higher between the Attributes of Dribbling, Agility, and Balance. The effectiveness of this improvement will scale based on the average rating with the least improvement being felt at 80 and the most improvement at 99. Increased the effectiveness of easy shots taken inside of the box, from 45 feet/15 yards/13.7 meters and closer to the target. These shots are more likely to be on goal and not hit the post or miss the goal. The target is the exact location of where the ball is expected to go, determined through a mixture of directional input, and the Shooting Assistance setting. Shots taken from very small angles are slightly more likely to be on goal. Reduced the maximum amount of time a player can stand at the Kick Off from 30 seconds to 15 seconds. Increased speed of Goal Kick pass animations. The changes to Goal Kick Pass speed in TU #7 impacted other Set Pieces as well, and the changes were reverted due to community feedback. The change in this Title Update only affects Goal Kick pass animations and no other Set Pieces. Green Timed Shots are now less impacted by error. Adjusted Green Timed shot targets to be more effective. When transitioning into a Set Piece, players will have to apply their directional input after the transition in order to perform the Set Piece quickly. This change prevents accidentally triggering Set Pieces when holding the directional input and rapidly requesting Pass/Shoot actions during the transition. Increased exit speed when Sprinting out of a Strafe Dribble for players that have an average rating of 80 or higher between the Attributes of Dribbling, Agility, and Balance. This action can be performed during a Strafe Dribble by Sprinting in a specific direction. The exit speed and duration will scale based on the average rating with the least improvement being felt at 80 and the most improvement at 99. Addressed the following issues: A specific button combination was causing the Second Defender Switch Icon to disappear temporarily. Offside logic was detecting the wrong pass receiver in some situations. This was occurring when 2 potential pass receivers were closely positioned, with only one of them being offside. FUT: Addressed the following issues: The Squad Conflict SBC pop up was not considering all available squads for conflicts. The Transfer List tile was sometimes displaying incorrect numbers. On-pitch visuals were sometimes overlapping after a goal was scored in Squad Battles. Sometimes, Manager Items were listed as having 0% negotiations. Some Badge rewards were clipping through the background on the Season Progress screen. In King Of The Hill, the UI was not always showing how much a goal was worth until a goal was scored. During FUT Club creation, the Loan Player Item appeared to be placed in the wrong position even if the player placed them in the correct one. This was a visual issue only. Concept Player Items in the active squad were not automatically replaced by an active Player Item obtained through the Transfer Market tab on the Squad Screen. Addressed rare instances of freezing when attempting to Play A Friend and scrolling through the friend’s list. The OTW Player Item design was cut off when displaying on the pitch following a goal being scored. Sometimes, Dynamic Images were disappearing temporarily. Updates to some front end visuals. Career Mode: Made the following changes: Tuned Ultimate difficulty to provide a greater challenge. Added Squad Hub and Team Management links to Player Conversations. Adjusted color options for some Manager hairstyles. Addressed the following issues: Removed player form indicators from displaying in Career Mode and sometimes overlapping with other UI elements, the form indicators are applicable to Kick Off only. When editing goalkeepers in Player Career, they were not displayed as wearing a goalkeeper’s kit. VOLTA FOOTBALL: Made the following changes: Adept Training Drills now display head-to-head leaderboards. Removed the add/remove guest button callout when a second controller is not connected. Addressed the following issues: Multiple “Syd” in-game avatars were sometimes appearing in VOLTA STORY. Tournaments: Addressed the following issue: Some teams were not playing the appropriate amount of matches when playing with the MLS. Visuals and Presentation: Made the following changes: Added 71 Star Heads. These will only be available following a server update. Please follow @EAFIFADIRECT for updates on when this will be live in-game. Updates to multiple kits, balls, ad boards, badges, and 2D headshots. Addressed the following issues: Addressed instances of the in-game camera not smoothly transitioning during low trajectory passes. Addressed text misalignment when downloading a Squad Update. Celebrations were sometimes causing a temporary blank screen in Century Link Stadium. [Xbox One Only] Addressed rare instances where the player would lose control after a controller disconnect. [PlayStation 4 Only] There was no haptic feedback during gameplay sometimes.
  20. Alpha 47 - Ship Wrecks, Sharks, Primitive Shelters, Statues and more Islands Hi everyone, For this update we were mainly focusing on adding new content to the ocean: Ship Wrecks and Sharks. On the ground we have primitive Shelters and Native's Statues. Canoes are now affected by wind and there are some preparation works for future bigger and mixed islands also. There are more game changing elements added and a couple of the issues were fixed too. Sunken Shipwrecks near islands' shores are just the first ones from the wide list of ships to be added in the future on the Pirates' side and on the Royal side too. Materials can be salvaged from those wrecks to be re-used in interesting new building and tool recipes. Ships will add some more interesting gameplay and story elements in future updates. Our new White Sharks are the first ones to po[CENSORED]te the waters and will make the game more interesting and challenging. They are behaving rather neutral now and can be seen swimming near ship wrecks. Sharks will get a more sophisticated behaviour and some special features as the time passes. A new recipe was added to build a very simple and primitive A-type shelter which can be a big help in situations when the player needs some rest in a more or less protected environment while being very short on resources. As natives once also occupied a couple of islands, one island served as a special/sacred place for them. Some statues can be found standing on the cluster islands' shores looking in the direction of the sacred island or looking to the opposite direction trying to force visitors to turn back and run for his life. The island with sacred place will get some special meanings and interesting features in future builds. The island cluster was enlarged to have 20 islands at maximum. It will allow to add more diverse island types and there will also be more space to add some quest destinations/elements in the future. The amount of bigger island was increased too. A new collectible Old Stick paddle with already degraded quality was also implemented including an old burnt down medium Campfire with collectibles around. The very old savegames aren't supported any more and the game won't hang-up trying to decode them. Seagulls are finally sleeping silently during the nights and a couple of Hint screens were added to help understand some of the games new features. Changelog: New features: 01. Added: Ship Wrecks 02. Added: Sharks 03. Added: Primitive Shelter recipes 04. Added: Statues 05. Added: Wind blows the Canoe 06. Added: Old burnt down Campfires with collectibles General: 01. Changed: Increased maximal Island amount 02. Changed: Increased bigger Island amount 03. Added: Ritual place on one island 04. Added: Silenced/Sleeping Seagulls on rocks at night 05. Added: Limited backward savegame compatibility to ensure stability 06. Added: Collectible Old Stick Paddles with degraded quality 07. Added: Hint screen "Sails" 08. Added: Hint screen "Walk in Wind" 09. Added: Hint screen "Wind blows the Canoe" 10. Added: Hint screen "Attaching the objects to Raft" 11. Added: Hint screen "Statues" 12. Added: Hotkey info in ActionBar for Stand Up when Sitting 13. Added: Functionality for "Sit on floor" Fixes: 01. Fixed: Misleading Turtle Achievement texts on Store page (First Turtle and 50 Turtles) 02. Fixed: Incorrect Sleep_I achievement unlocking 03. Fixed: Cropped Objective Steps lines in Quests page in Journal screen 04. Fixed: Corrected all "Salt" texts to "Salz" in DEU language file 05. Fixed: Sometimes not displaying Boat wrecks and old paddles on islands 06. Fixed: Sometimes not displaying Old Shelter with Oil Lamp on islands 07. Fixed: Incorrect hotkey icon for "Sit on Stool" in ActionBar when using Controller As there were added a lot of new features in the last couple of releases for the next update we plan to continue with fixing issues with higher priority. Additional plans include also the Map UI, Fruit ripening, Fruit regrow, Spear, Smoker, Sailing UI, Dolphins, Simple Quests, Building modules aging ... We will work also on solving the new issues and we will recheck some older issues too. Other new features will be added as implementing the planned features and fixing issues will allow us to. Thank you for your patience and for your constructive feedbacks helping us to get rid of the issues as fast as is possible. Please be aware that during early access phase game code could change as much as affecting gameplay when loading/saving savegames from earlier versions. To always be on the safe side make sure to start a new game with each update. Thank you! CHANGED FILES IN THIS UPDATE Lost in Pacific Content Modified file – EscapeThePacific_Data/globalgamemanagers (+3.03 KiB) Modified file – EscapeThePacific_Data/globalgamemanagers.assets (+216 B) Modified file – EscapeThePacific_Data/level0 Modified file – EscapeThePacific_Data/level1 (+482.20 KiB) Modified file – EscapeThePacific_Data/Managed/Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll Modified file – EscapeThePacific_Data/Managed/Assembly-CSharp.dll (+20.50 KiB) Modified file – EscapeThePacific_Data/Managed/Assembly-UnityScript-firstpass.dll Modified file – EscapeThePacific_Data/Managed/Assembly-UnityScript.dll Modified file – EscapeThePacific_Data/resources.assets (+46.28 KiB) Modified file – EscapeThePacific_Data/resources.assets.resS (+22.57 MiB) Modified file – EscapeThePacific_Data/sharedassets0.assets Modified file – EscapeThePacific_Data/sharedassets1.assets (+5.02 MiB) Modified file – EscapeThePacific_Data/sharedassets1.assets.resS (+95.17 MiB) Depot ID 655291 Build ID 4705659 Manifest ID 6608955764814120067 Name Lost in Pacific Content Last Update about 13 hours ago (22 February 2020 – 19:45:30 UTC) Files EscapeThePacific.exe EscapeThePacific_Data ScreenSelector.bmp app.info globalgamemanagers globalgamemanagers.assets level0 level1 output_log.txt resources.assets resources.assets.resS resources.resource sharedassets0.assets sharedassets0.assets.resS sharedassets1.assets sharedassets1.assets.resS sharedassets1.resource Managed Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll Assembly-CSharp.dll Assembly-UnityScript-firstpass.dll Assembly-UnityScript.dll Boo.Lang.dll Cloudstoyv5.dll Mono.Security.dll Rewired_Core.dll Rewired_Linux.dll Rewired_OSX.dll Rewired_Windows.dll System.Core.dll System.Xml.dll System.dll TextMeshPro- UnityEngine.Analytics.dll UnityEngine.Networking.dll UnityEngine.UI.dll UnityEngine.dll UnityEngine.dll.mdb UnityScript.Lang.dll mscorlib.dll Mono MonoPosixHelper.dll mono.dll etc mono browscap.ini config 1.0 DefaultWsdlHelpGenerator.aspx machine.config 2.0 DefaultWsdlHelpGenerator.aspx machine.config settings.map web.config Browsers Compat.browser mconfig config.xml Plugins CSteamworks.dll Rewired_DirectInput.dll steam_api64.dll Resources unity default resources unity_builtin_extra
  21. Free up space in your box!

  22. Triumph Rocket 3 TFC - created to impress A special event at the Triumph Showroom in Sofia featured the limited edition Rocket 3 TFC, which is a true motorcycle legend. This giant is a masterpiece in motorcycling. Actor Asen Blatechki, who is a big fan of two-wheeled machines, came especially to enjoy the machine. He was impressed with the qualities of the Rocket 3 TFC. It sets a whole new standard in torque, performance, capabilities and style. With a 2500cc engine, the 3-cylinder engine delivers the highest torque in the world - 225 Nm and 180 bhp. The engine has the largest displacement of any other production motorcycle. Worldwide, only 750 TFC models have been manufactured and 546 are in Sofia. The machine is characterized by clean lines and dual LED headlamps, which is one of the trademarks of the two-wheeled machine. Distinctive to the model are the hydro-shaped exhaust pipes, the elaborately made aluminum wheels and the incredible silhouette. All this creates an absolute peak in the look and feel of the motorcycle. Now it is an incredible 44.5 kg lighter than the previous Rocket III, which comes from the weight reduction of the frame. The chassis is brand new, the rear suspension arm is already single sided, the braking system is a powerful Brembo with radials in the front. The Rocket 3 TFC is more sophisticated and with much more functionality. It is the absolute pinnacle of modern technology. From the latest color second-generation TFT tools to optimized ABS cornering. Clutch control is combined with the individually crafted, unique carbon fiber Arrow silencers for an incredible deep growl soundtrack. The motor is very comfortable and gives real pleasure to the fans of the motor, and there is certainly no speed fan who does not want to try it.
  23. Things we can and cannot take from hotels Useful information for all who wonder Staying at a hotel is always an extraordinary experience. Whether at home or abroad, we always go home with stories to tell. Have you ever wanted to take something from your hotel and bring it home? You're probably not the only one. Today, we come to your assistance with tips on what items you can and cannot take from the hotel you are staying at. Soap The soap is definitely in the safe zone, experts say. They are adamant that hoteliers do not encourage their visitors to take home soap, but they do not sanction it. So, if you want to have a soap from an Italian hotel, don't worry. Shampoo and hair conditioner As with mini soaps, you can grab a shampoo and conditioner for your hair. Nobody will penalize you for that.


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