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Everything posted by walker™

  1. check dm papichulo

  2. i might do a remontada

    1. 𝐌𝐑-𝐀𝐇𝐌𝐄𝐃 体

      𝐌𝐑-𝐀𝐇𝐌𝐄𝐃 体

      u need anchelotti in ur life xD

    2. walker™


      calling... Don Carlo Anchelotti

    3. Otman.™
  3. finding people like you in this community is rare, wish u the best of luck and come and visit us someday 

  4. kj main 1v1?

    1. Dark


      im noob 😞 

  5. ramadan kareem ❤️

  6. im questioning my eyes twice is there a man or a woman in the pfp

    u better answer 

    TV gif. In a black and white scene, George McFarland as Spanky from The Little Rascals holds his head in one hand and drums restlessly on a desk with the other.

    1. REVAN


      That's Harley Quinn


  7. ¤ Nick: walker ¤ Grade: slot ¤ New Tag: uNique
  8. Gabirela what doink.

    1. pulse.exe


      Gabirela ahahah 😄

  9. this update reminds me of good old days

    1. walker™


      and it dissapears

    2. Blexfraptor


      It's good, it should never have changed.

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