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Everything posted by walker™

  1. To be honest V6 got is clear and i like the blur V1 got the best effect and v2 got the best text its hard to chose but i will vote for v2 just becouse of that text
  2. don't miss out the giveawayyy

  3. ➥Age: 18 ➥Contact(Steam, TS3, Discord etc): ts3/discord ➥Experience in Adobe Photoshop(Months or years): about 4 years ➥Obligatory attach your Gallery link (If you have one): ➥Any other editing program you use?: no only photoshop ➥What version of Photoshop do you use?: Adobe Photoshop 2021 ➥In what section you have your most contribution?: requests ➥Have you read all the rules from each section?: yes ➥How many hours you want to dedicate to forum & gfx?: 1-2 hours ➥Do you agree that once accepted, you need dedicate a few hours of your daily time to the forum/gfx/ts3: i will try my best ➥Do you agree that once accepted, we as a team need to communicate more so we know each other's time: yes ➥Do you agree that once accepted, we 100% need a way of contacting you, either is from forum's PM, TS3, Discord or any other contact method: yes ➥What can you say about you that will make us interested about your Photoshop skills & experience?(Minimum 10 words): I have been a designer before and i have a new style of working on avatars now , but i can't promise you that i can stay for too long
  4. today its the birthday of one of the best members here @REII™ Happy Birthday buddy wish u the best in this life and hope u are doing good ❤️
  5. i've seen you in the past few days and you seem like a cool dude + your activity is nice #pro
  6. smexy boy 

  7. u still the biggest gay this comunity ever had 

  8. may allah help u in the future


    1. Ema12
    2. walker™


      Welcome Back 

      See that god is beautiful 

  9. hbd still missing you ❤️

  10. wasting some time on avatars ,_,


  11. should i start trying to be a designer again 😝

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Inkriql


      @walker〆 You are free to join if you wish, of course making a request

  12. Welcome to ur family ❤️ 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. walker™


      @Dave we're not saying anything btw what @Hannibal 亗 said its true anyways darkii is our brother we allways make fun of each other there's nothing bad we said ab him

    3. 𝓐𝓵𝓲𝓮𝓷-
    4. Hannibal 亗

      Hannibal 亗

      dude, we all were brothers in Thunderzm before, it's fine, we dont mean any offense to each others, Chill!

  13. Any Valorant player here


    1. walker™


      @-GloWayo help me to get to immo xD im stuck on Ascendant1

  14. i've allways wanted for TZM to be the best server becouse i spent almost half of everyday playing on the server and i've made alot of friends and we're like a family it doesn't matter who you are or what you are, I hope it works but you can add some new features like Summer mode(example) / like the Christmas Mode when you add it on december ,,, there are alot of ideas if you ask the community. But they changed the whole mode you could've added some new things that you can buy with ammo packs (exp: new zm mode / Switch the AP from 100 to 150 or make it 200 for 7 packs) something like this... i will try to play on it and good luck guys ❤️
  15. Alot of things have changed from the past when everyone used to play and help the server to reach Top1 and that was called the best server The rank doesn't help anyone btw BUT THATS ONLY FOR THE RANK/STATS so what about the players who will leave the server becouse they can't play the new mode and there are some features that are stupid like invisiblity on zombies and the bullets doesn't slow them anymore + they got speed while the only zombie with speed was Raptor and as i said i've allways wanted the best for the server and the players but as soon as it doesn't help you and good luck on it


CsBlackDevil Community [www.csblackdevil.com], a virtual world from May 1, 2012, which continues to grow in the gaming world. CSBD has over 70k members in continuous expansion, coming from different parts of the world.



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