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Everything posted by Sinan.47

  1. Cadillac Aera is the answer to General Motors Advanced Design California Studio's luxurious, reliable, efficient and stylish car creation technology. The vehicle is incredibly fuel-efficient and aiming to be as aerodynamic as possible, featuring an ultra-light design. With the Aera Pneumatic Drive System you can go over 1,000 miles with the engine powered by compressed air.
  2. Toyota, 2010 yılında Los Angeles 2010 Auto Show’da Tasarım Yarışması’na Nori isimli bu araçla girdi. Nori inanılmaz çevre dostu olarak tasarlanmasının yanı sıra alışılmadık donanımlarıyla da dikkat çekiyor. Otomobilin gövdesi ve şasisi ayrı değildir. Bu durum aracın daha az malzeme kullanılmasıyla daha düşük bir maliyetle yapılmasını sağladı. Ayrıca araçta, elektrik motoru için, yedek olarak saklanmasına imkan veren güneş hücreleri bulunmaktadır.
  3. Automobile manufacturers have begun to develop new types of technology that will strengthen their vehicles to think about the limited source of fossil fuels and to contribute to the fight against global warming. The electric car created for this purpose is a good example of this situation. Kia Pop shows this feature with its electric motor. In addition to its car-efficient features, it has a design out of science fiction. The electrically powered motor vehicle is ideal for traveling in urban areas. This engine allows to go about 100 kilometers per charge.
  4. Many auto companies see individual vehicles as the potential future of the car. Such tools can actually carry only one or two people and make you comfortable in crowded streets in big cities. Toyota's own project, iRoad, is almost a mere size between a motorcycle and a car and is lightweight. iRoad is ideal for traveling in heavy traffic and allows people to park more easily.
  5. Mercedes Benz is usually the front line in automotive technology. BIOME debuted at the Los Angeles Design Challenge for the first time. The design, which is totally unique, attracted great interest. The Mercedes Benz BIOME with its natural materials has been created with the latest technology and the resources provided by nature. The most wonderful feature is the special material called Biofibre, which is incredibly light but at the same time so powerful.
  6. Chloe Jennings-White is a 57-year-old chemist. Being the biggest fictitious handicapped person lives like a disabled person to be close to this hayaline. He does not go to wristbands on his feet and without a wheelchair under him. Doctors say it's a psychological disorder called BIID. The irregularity between the body and the identity caused these movements and there were many similar cases.
  7. In plastic ducks given to children, it appeared that there were fungi and bacteria that caused serious diseases. Parents started to share toy pictures on social media. BBC Plastic In Toys Filled With Deadly Bacteria 5 hours ago In plastic ducks given to children, it appeared that there were fungi and bacteria that caused serious diseases. Parents started to share toy pictures on social media. Scientists from the Swiss Federal Institute of Water Science and Technology and ETH Zurich and Illinois found that between five and 75 million bacteria cells per square inch were found in toys. According to the research, there are "potentially diseased bacteria" in the dirty water that comes out when the toys are tightened. LEJYONER BACTERISM Legionnaires bacteria leading to Legionnaires' disease, and bacteria that are found in toys, especially the bacteria of pseudomonas aeruginosa, which may be fatal to those with weak immune systems. According to the research, the hot and humid bath environment is an ideal environment for micropillaring. INVITES IN INFECTIONS Bacteria growing on the plastic surfaces of toys can also cause eye, ear or stomach infections. Researchers also note that the plastic that carries carbon contents helps feed the micros. PARENTS PHOTOS SHARING Parents share photos showing toys for Rachel Burden of the BBC's radio interviews, four children's mothers, said, "My tiny duck looks pretty clean this morning, and I'm starting to regret it if I told him to stop him." The researchers conducted controlled experiments on toys for 11 weeks in a bathroom-like environment. They exposed toys, dirty water, soaps, cresses and urine. As part of the experiment, toys were also collected from the families of the children. The toys were opened and examined in a laboratory environment. Four of the five toys examined contained bacteria that could be dangerous.
  8. With a $ 200 billion investment agreement signed between the Saudi Arabian government and Japanese SoftBank, the world's largest solar energy facility will be established. Muhammad bin Selman, the crown prince of Saudi Arabia, who was in contact in the US, and Masayoshi Son, the founder of SoftBank, announced the project at a press conference they held. WANT TO REDUCE PETROLE DEPENDENCES Saudi Arabia, the world's largest crude oil exporter, is taking steps to reduce the country's economy's dependence on oil. Solar energy investment is also a step taken in this direction. SOLAR ENERGY ESTABLISHMENT The project envisions the construction of a 200 gigawatt solar energy field. This ratio is twice as high as that of China, which has 100 gigawatts of installed solar energy power. Prince Mohammed, who said the project is an important step, said: "It is a big step for the history of humanity, it is an ambitious and risky project. ELECTRICITY PRODUCTION INCREASES THREE FLOOR If the giant solar energy project planned by Saudi Arabia is outdated, it is likely that the kingdom will triple its electricity generation. By 2016, Saudi Arabia's electricity production was at 77 gibawatt. Two thirds of this production is provided by natural gas, and the remaining three units are supplied by oil. SoftBank founder Masayoshi Son stated that the project will create jobs for 100,000 people. Lastly, "Saudi Arabia has a magnificent sun, there are vast landmarks and wonderful engineers for Panels, but most importantly there is an appreciated vision."
  9. where are those old myths now the children are invading the society :rambo:

  10. I'm know is good but 6.2 very good
  11. Welcome To CSBD.
  12. <22:48:33> "#Mr.SekA" was banned for 10 minutes from the server by "Mr.Love" (spamm)
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    <22:48:58> "*exo*" was banned for 10 minutes from the server by "Mr.Love" (spamm)

    <22:49:35> "-=MaTRiX=-" was banned for 7 days from the server by "Mr.Love" (fake payment!)

    <22:54:10> "FeNoMeNaL" was banned permanently from the server by "Spawn" (Abusing Channel Group)


    <2064> "AkaPi" was added to server group "Administrator" by "Mr.Love".


    1. H O L D F I R E 流

      H O L D F I R E 流

      Mr.love angry xD

      no mercy!

  13. I swear Today I was adminstrator for 30 second after back manager cs 1.6 :/ 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sinan.47


      ahahahah go sleep Cord but me was for 30 second xD 

    3. 【Ж】ℜєηιχ ツ
    4. Sinan.47


      No one :v 

  14. Happy birthday.
  15. Hello Guys Yesterday my account is hacked and I think from palastine hacked my account But now I back.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sinan.47


      ahahahaha no no castillo my son xD 

    3. CastLe


      Shhh @EL CASTRO™ × Feo i have told you save the Secret >:v

    4. H O L D F I R E 流
  16. Happy birthday to you.
  17. Good morning guys

    Today I hope nice day :ar:

  18. Welcome To CSBD.
  19. love pity is a very different feeling :( 

  20. Yo Yo yoyoyoyoyoyyoyoyoyoyoyyoyoyoyo :ar::ar:

  21. Welcome my mate <3 

  22. Happy Birthday Woman
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