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The cobra

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  • cobra

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  1. Me Fal o Jetaaaaaaaaaa

  2. FrOsT i want back in server ?

  3. FrOsT please Unbanned me i want play in server

  4. BoldinG banlist me un ban plase

  5. I make request admin but nothing man 

  6. bro please back me 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. The cobra

      The cobra

      heyyy im not talk with you man go away

    3. maykel.


      okey :v

      but in your dreams you will back ^^ :)

    4. The cobra

      The cobra

      im talk to anakonda no with you

  7. Anakonda Are you kidding with me???? Why you not back all admins pffff 

    1. aNaKoNDa


      Calm down, if u have pacience good otherwise good dream

    2. The cobra

      The cobra

      ok bro im wait for admin

  8. You cant back me in server???

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. InfiNitY-™


      No one will back as they said,

      Only some will back and only them decide who will stay and who not,

      And who will manage and who not,

      So just wait for their decisions maybe its good for you and maybe no (: 


    3. aNaKoNDa


      Why so scared?

      We will resolve everything

    4. The cobra

      The cobra

      will back admins 

  9. [CENSORED] you angel

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