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☕ Eid al-Fitr ☕






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About Master[T]

  • Birthday 09/05/2003


  • ~Manager-ThunderZM/TS3 Founder~


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    Pls Wait A Few Seconds As We Trying To Load This File!
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    Greece Is My City,Greece Is My Home,I Want To Make Love So Get Lost!

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About me

Hello To My Profile :) My name is Master[T] and i play in ThunderZM server :D


I love counter strike!

Thx for looking to my profile

I Read the Rules and i Learned all rules :D


1. Username / profile / avatar / signature
1.1 The username / Display name should not contain vulgar or racist words. It must be different from the persons who belong to the administrative team of the forum.
1.2 The avatar / Signature must not contain pornographic pictures / racist meaning or to be related to cruelty to humans / animals. Prohibited are also images of the type 'NSFW "(not safe for work) because among us there are also members who visit us from work or public spaces in this category generally are ment adult pictures 18+.
1.3 The signature must contain only one picture because the signature is not a gallery of pictures or wallpapers.
1.4 It is forbidden to attach video clips in the signature.
1.5 The egistration of several accounts is punished with permanent suspension of all accounts / account removal.
2 Opening a new topic (thread)
2.1 Make sure you are in the right category before opening a new topic.
2.2 Use 'Search' before opening a topic as there may already be a topic containing the same subject.
2.3 Give a suggestive title to the opened topic to receive as quickly as possible an answer.
Example: If you have trouble changing your avatar, do not set a title like: "problem" set a title like: "problem with avatar change so when an administrator or moderator search for keywords like "problem", "avatar", "change" can find your Topic faster and help you.
3. Language
3.1 Using vulgar language itself brings permanent suspension on the forum
3.2 We do not tolerate the insulting brought to registered forum members in the community regardless of the spoken language. Challenges of verbal fight is also punished with the temporary or permanent suspension depending from each case.
3.3 Insults with racist remarks is punished with permanent suspension.
3.4 These sanctions are applied as well in private messages (PM) on the forum
3.5 The inadequate language represents the partial censoring of swearwords.
4. Posting rules
4.1 Off-topic/post-hunt/spam
4.1.1 Off-topic post is not related to the subject of the topic.This kind of post is not allowed.
4.1.2 Post-hunt refers to the posts that have the base on their amount and not on the meaning. Posts that contain a non-sense text or "generic" answers is considered post-hunt.
Example: "hello" "hard" "beautiful" "cool"
"generic" answer means: statements that are not real or have no connection with the subject, example: "I love the game, I played it, it was cool" this response can be considered "generic" because it is not a developed response or the user is unconscious about the subject.
4.1.3 If the rules have been broken in a post, those who will claim with a text "closed and warn", "Ban  bann" will be sanctioned for the post-hunt. For reports/announcements use the report command below the avatar you wish to report.
4.1.4 Spam defines the excessive posting in a certain category with unnecessary topics/posts or same subject/answer.
4.2 Double-post
4.2.1 The double-post is not allowed, use the edit button. It is not considered double-posting if the two posts were made at an interval higher than 24 hours.
4.2.2 It is not considered double-posting if the posting time is one made after a few seconds as this may be the cause of a connection conflict that leads to a quick double-posting.
4.3 Use of excessive/misuse of colors/smiley/fontsize is prohibited
4.3.1 Colors, fontsize are used to emphasize an idea, a fragment of a sentence not to "paint" every post/topic.
5. Piracy (warez)
5.1 It's forbidden to open any topic about piracy (warez)
The following topics will lead to permanent suspension without appeal right:
Instructions, discussions and links how a pirated software runs, crack sites are also included.
Request or publication serial numbers or cracks.
Request or publication  of DLCs.
Request or publication of trackers. (torrent sources)
Download link of some applications over which you have no copyright. (with exception of official websites who allow free software released / created by them)
Various advertising of private servers or statements that support the free private.
Example: statements like, let's play "free" on www.ewkew.ro than playing on the official with monthly fee.
6.Advertising / Spam
6.1 Advertising refers to the presentation of a website in order to attract more visitors. Any post, signature, avatar or private message from this type will result in permanent suspension of the member.
6.2 It is not considered advertising the referring to websites with informative purposes.
Example: Join the best community www.csbd.ro which is the best community in the world!
Example: Click here to win a iphone, Make money online by clicking
7. Report
7.1 Use the report in the casees someone is breaking the rules or if you consider a case of injustice. Noncompliance leads to ignoring the problem and not solving it.
7.2 Reports are not private messages to the administrative team, do not use the report function if you do not really encounter a problem.
8. Rules for each section
8.1 Some sections of the forum are governed by separately local rules. We recommend the careful reading of the rules to ensure that you will not be sanctioned.
9. Rules for managers of servers
9.1 Using the terms of Zombie Plague 6.0/ 6.2 / 6.2 UltimateX, 6.3, 6.4, 6.xxx in DNS or categories name is forbidden,  except if the Addons running on that server are original from CSBLACKDEVIL. 
To the readers attention!


CsBlackDevil Community [www.csblackdevil.com], a virtual world from May 1, 2012, which continues to grow in the gaming world. CSBD has over 70k members in continuous expansion, coming from different parts of the world.



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