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Everything posted by S e u o n g

  1. uneori nu înțeleg unele lucruri, dar lipsa logicii unor oameni este incredibilă... 

    exemplu: Zayn ? 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Russ ;x

      Russ ;x

      Say everything u want ,but i don't care ,just keep talking...blah blah blah

    3. S e u o n g

      S e u o n g

      He says he does not care, but he responds HAHAHAHA băiat

    4. Guest



  2. good morning my blackdevils !! ? 

    1. Shadox


      gm my devil xd 

  3. Good Night my csblackdevils!! ? 

    1. Guest


      Good Night  Bro ?

  4. What are you doing guys? ? 

    im boredd

  5. Welcome dude ; Read rules ? and have fun ?
  6. The best mix h 

  7. Happy Birthday... have fun in ur day ?
  8. Welcome to CSBD - Read Rules and have fun! ?
  9. I sell my acc of League Of Leyends : 2017 Diamond / 2018 Platinum / 

    1. Lock流


      how much xD? and how much skins u have?

    2. S e u o n g

      S e u o n g

      @Lock ♕ 30$ man, but the acc is on Server LAS 

    3. Lock流


      ah thanks for information mate ! ❤️

  10. Vine a saludar mano ❤️❤️❤️❤️ 

    Sos lo mejor, el numero 1° bro, tu sabes ? 

    No pude conocer alguien mejor que vos rey 


    1. Tweek
    2. #CeLTiXxX


      Papi te quier muchisimo no dejes de enviarme, me encanta hablar contigo ? Cuidate bebe 

  11. hola mano, vine a saludar ❤️ 

    te amo bb, besitos en el popo ? 

    1. #CeLTiXxX


      awwwwww mano por el ws te wa contar lo que paso con la chama :c


  12. I will never forget Adytzasfantuu and Bask***Off ? 

  13. WELCOME BRO, AND HAVE FUN HERE hhhh enjoy t comunity ❤️
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