@Vevo These are the causes and why this happens;
A blue screen error is an alert initiated by the system, upon receiving one of the error messages considered critical, the default solution by the system is to collect as much information as possible, save it and turn off the computer to prevent damage.
When an error occurs on our computer caused by an unrecoverable software or hardware problem, Windows shuts down or restarts the computer.
When this occurs, a blue screen will sometimes be displayed with the message "A problem has been encountered and Windows has been shut down to prevent damage to the computer." Other times, the message will display after the computer has restarted, stating that "Windows has recovered from a fatal error or unexpected shutdown."
These errors are known as blue screen, screen of death or STOP errors, they are caused by software problems, that is, programs installed or running incompatible with the operating system, drivers added to the system, etc. or hardware errors, caused by devices physically anchored and connected to our computer.
Every time an error occurs and the blue screen is displayed, you will see in a short time, almost instantaneous, a kind of countdown, it means that a memory dump is being carried out, that is, recovering the information that contains the technical data that Windows is able to obtain information about the problem and write it in a log (text file) that is saved in the Minidump folder, which is located in the path: 😄 \ Windows \ Minidump.
This allows an analysis to be carried out later, either directly by the user or by sending it to an error service on the network.
If you use Windows 8 you will find information regarding the error messages of this operating system, in another article on this site: How to avoid and solve Watchdog error messages in Windows 8
The causes of blue screen errors
Generally the cause of blue screen errors are failures produced by software, fatal errors due to physical failures in the RAM or hard disk, make it impossible for Windows to generate any type of report.
In these cases, what is known as a black screen of death occurs, it consists of a total blockage in which it is only possible to exit by manually restarting from the RESET button or physically turning off from the power source.
They can sometimes be caused by simple dust particles or other external objects such as garbage, hair, wires in electrical contacts of the motherboard, which is solved by carrying out proper maintenance.
Blue screen conflicts cannot be solved by reinstalling Windows, if the cause that causes them is provided again after reinstallation, the errors will remain and will continue constantly, the most logical thing is to know their causes.
STOP error codes (Blue Screen, BSOD)
Windows generates error codes for any failure detected by the system, they are numbered messages that correspond to errors in a specific application.
On the next page you can find a complete list of all the error codes used by Windows and download an application to effectively identify them.
List of all error codes generated by Windows.
There are different types of error codes, but those generated when the blue screen is displayed are specifically known as "STOP Error Codes" (BSOD).
Some STOP error codes share the numbering with other error types but are completely different, with different messages and meanings.
All error codes are displayed in hexadecimal format starting with 0x, for example a very po[CENSORED]r error code in blue screen errors is STOP 0x0000008E. They can also be represented in short notation by removing all zeros after the x, for example a shorthand for STOP 0x0000008E is STOP 0x8E.
In resumen to fix it do:
The solution may be one of the following:
Boot the system using the Last Known Good Configuration option.
Use the Return to Previous Controller feature.
Use System Restore.
Examine newly installed hardware.