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Solito/Im Alone

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    Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic Of

Everything posted by Solito/Im Alone

  1. My dear brothers, I will be with you again soon, I hope that soon I will finish the big energy problem and there I will be I love you many

    Freedom for Venezuela

    Estoy Solito(JAJAJAJAJAJA)

  2. Rejected Read the rules first to be able to make an application (Required) Have good activity within 7 days Go back then
  3. I am very sorry my dear friend, it is unfortunate to know such unpleasant news, it will only remain in your memories, my sense weigh me, improve soon brother, I am very sorry
  4. Tu nick: Estoy solito Su ip ( www.iptest.ro Tu STEAMID:no La razón por la que ha sido prohibido: IDK El administrador que te prohibió:IDK El tiempo: IDK Tus pruebas (captura de pantalla o demo): again, autoban sv
  5. Tu nick: Estoy solito Su ip ( www.iptest.ro Tu STEAMID:no La razón por la que ha sido prohibido: IDK El administrador que te prohibió:IDK El tiempo: IDK Tus pruebas (captura de pantalla o demo): look Retrying You have been banned from this server. Connecting to You have been banned from this server. Retrying You have been banned from this server. Retrying You have been banned from this server. Retrying You have been banned from this server. Connecting to Retrying You have been banned from this server. Retrying You have been banned from this server. Retrying You have been banned from this server. and more
  6. rejected you do not know the rules
  7. im back girls 

    1. MosterOfficial ☆

      MosterOfficial ☆

      What good news I'm glad you came back?

      Soon I will also return

    2. #DEXTER


      yeah baby we miss u ? 

    3. Blackfire


      Welcome back fea ?

  8. Contra no read rules no have activity
  9. I did not want them removed, with a suspension enough, you have to be aware of the rules brother, you are a former member of the server PRO
  10. at the moment that I bought nemesis, he gave free up to 40K, and that is allowed, and then he began to kill, since he liquidated me in the first instance because he was in front of him. If you wanted to be generous and good, I should wait for the next map to turn it into nemesis, you know I have many experiences and I asked you why you had done it and you never gave me a sensible answer, I'm not to ask questions, but my years of experience in the server, I propose to help the new admin, and you are not theirs, you have enough time here, to break the rules so silly and everyday, sorry friend
  11. Your name: Estoy Solito(JAJAJAJAJAJA) Claimed Admin name: |NeVeR B@cK Down| ans -psycho Date and time: 10/02/2019 Reason of complaint:I am not a person to make complaints, those who know me know, if I get to this institution it was because an infraction was committed. I am no longer part of the server ranks, but still I am, but I just want to help, I asked him for a little explanation of why he had done it and he did not answer d`Squad> <pLay ^ b0y was in that moment and also I ask, I do not know if they talked by chat admin then The truth is that several infractions were committed. I think in my opinion the -psyco is part of the ranks again, also an old member of the server correct me if -psycho is not admin? I do not know, do not detail your skin Proof (screenshot or console or demo): this happened first and at 2 rounds this rules that were violated NEMESIS, ASSASSIN, (zp commands). Twice each 12 hours, you can use it one time for you, and the other one for player. Its Forbidden to be used on another admin. Its Forbidden to buy another mode in same map if you turned yourself nemesis/assassin. Its Forbidden to be used between 2 AM to 10PM in romania time. Admin is obliged to give the 1 mod on payer (zp_assassin, zp_nemesis)once each 12 hours!)
  12. freedom for vzla


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Solito/Im Alone

      Solito/Im Alone

      laugh? for asking for freedom?

    3. YephersonM


      pronto mi Amigo pronto seremos la Venezuela de Antes, con el Favor de Dios ?

    4. Solito/Im Alone

      Solito/Im Alone

      eso es correcto mi amigo, muy correcto 

  13. te lo digo para que no pases mas trabajo, te van a rechazar debes seguir el modelo Modelo: ¤ Su apodo: ¤ Su dirección Skype, Steam: ¤ Edad (debe tener 14 años o más): ¤ Idiomas que puede hablar: ¤ Su ubicación: ¤ Experiencia como administrador: ¤ ¿Puede quedarse en el espectador o jugar entre estas horas? (22:00 a 12:00): ¤ Enlace de horas que Jugo en el servidor ( haga click aquí Debe escribir su apodo ) ¤ Razón por la que desea ser administrador: ¤ Contraseña [Obligatorio - Lea las Reglas]: Reglas para ser aceptado. Debe respetar todas las reglas del servidor Debe estar activo diariamente en el servidor o semidiario. Debes seguir el modelo anterior. Después de iniciar la recepción de su administrador, no se puede responder al voto de ningún administrador, de lo contrario, su solicitud será rechazada. Sin excepciones. Respetar el título del tema : Solicitud de administrador [Su apodo]. NOTA: Para una nueva solicitud, debe esperar una semana desde la última solicitud. I'm sorry guys, I'm helping this player
  14. my Venezuelan friends will understand

    mis amigos venezolanos reportense 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. WartoolT
    3. WartoolT


      Solito es hijo de cecilia a ese no lo van a reclutar jajajajaja ??

    4. Solito/Im Alone

      Solito/Im Alone

      jajajajaja algo asi 

  15. amigos amigos, aqui estamos, aqui seguimos 

  16. Buenos dias a todos 

    Good Morning all 

    so happy 

  17. no por que, cuando veo esas cosas, me imagino a mis amigos todos virgenes ellos @[N]audy @elpadrinos ♔♔♔ @el-barto @Ace lo siento, tenia que publicarlo


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Solito/Im Alone

      Solito/Im Alone

      no te hace, es virginidad de nacimiento XD

    3. YephersonM
    4. el-barto


      hasta aca me llego el olor a obo :v

  18. im here again, hi all my friends

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. [N]audy


      El firulais en la pc :v 

    3. WartoolT


      Jajajaja firulais haciendo de las suyas ajjakakajajajka ??

    4. Empty  @CSBD

      Empty @CSBD

      JAJAJAJAJAJAJA, Qloq? le tomaste foto a mi perro? xD 

  19. 49800328_313730546152878_8659790959464153088_n.jpg?_nc_cat=100&_nc_ht=scontent-mia3-2.xx&oh=cf74e2f01b61550dff4f42f88db9282f&oe=5CCBACF8

    no me presta la pc ahora 

    does not lend me the pc now

    1. Empty  @CSBD

      Empty @CSBD



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