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- !el Catire *O*

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    Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic Of

Everything posted by - !el Catire *O*

  1. Asi en Amarillo Se Ve Mejor que Con Verde JAJAJAJJAJAJ?????? ????

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lunix I

      Lunix I

      si claro que es bueno felicidades :v

    3. - !el Catire *O*
    4. Inkriql


      Si claro, Lo que tú digas, Campeón.

  2. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  3. Bebe Alfin Me visitas Mi Perfil bebe como esta te extraño

    1. AndersoNN-


      Yo también lo extraño jaja. Un día de estos nos matamos en una partida, Saludos...

    2. - !el Catire *O*

      - !el Catire *O*

      Siva Manito Ya lo Dijo ❤️ 

  4. Welcome To CSBD Read Rules
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  6. no puedo con esto


    1. KEPY™


      La que cayo en la broma es un poquito identico ati >:V

    2. Guest


      hhhhhhhhhh ? 

  7. the winners are
    1 lugar @el-barto 125 puntos
    2 lugar @-Dark ✖ 75 puntos
    3 Lugar  @✘-KEPY™ツ  50 puntos
    4 Lugar @sr.silen 40  puntos 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. [N]audy


      no sera mucho puntos? xd tengo yo mas sin conectarme en csbd xddd 

    3. Tweek
  8. Man q stop doing post-hunt
    read the rules
    if you keep doing post-hunt
    You will continue to earn warnings

  9. stop being publishing those steam thing and stop spamming before you win a warning
    do not spam, read the rules

    1. Lunix I

      Lunix I

      (win a warning)? 

      rip english :v

  10. The manufacturing costs of the Samsung flexible phone have just been shelled in an estimated manner, which would explain why this high-end device can go to the market at a recommended price of $ 1,800. During the last weeks, different prices have been rumored for Samsung's flexible phone, which can even shoot its price up to $ 2,500. Now, the Korean research agency, CGS-CIMB Research, has published a report that estimates the list of manufacturing materials that the Samsung Galaxy F will count with, and compares it with the manufacturing costs of the Galaxy S9 + and the iPhone XS Max. This is the list of materials and the manufacturing cost of each of them from the Samsung flexible phone, and also its comparison with the materials and manufacturing costs of the latest high-end Apple and Samsung: As you can see, the most expensive element of manufacture is the screen, since this flexible device will have a large 7.3-inch panel that folds almost in half. Also this device will have two batteries, although that will not add much cost to the price. With all the above, it is estimated that this flexible Samsung device can be sold at $ 1800, a price that would be higher in Europe. Although it seems an excessive sale price, we must take into account that it is an innovative technology and that in principle it will only be focused on a very particular niche market, and not on the general public. Analysts estimate that 3.5 million units of flexible devices will be sold during the next year, a number that will increase to 24 million by 2022. However, by 2022, these devices could be priced at an average of 1300 dollars per year. reduction of costs in its manufacture. In any case, flexible devices will not be a standard in the market until well into the next decade, so for now they will simply be terminals available to very few users in the world.
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