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Everything posted by Ghost Warrior

  1. We are searching for Moderators!


  2. Because both of you @olle#CsMoldova and your Manager Pufuletz you were active on the forum and you didn't care about this announcement, your server was removed
  3. Does anyone want to take care of a cs2 server? I'll take care of the host, you have to put a mode and try to bring players. Who wants send me a PM

  4. Hello, @olle#CsMoldova You have 12 hours to change the server name or it will be deleted from the community!
  5. As i can see you posted nothing but old topics. Start doing something not just to copy old topicsπŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ
  6. Hello, start doing some posts on Devil Harmony category then come back with another request. Locked!
  7. Hello, I like your activity, I will give you a chance. But you are 2 days in test. Accepted Locked!
  8. Hello, I want to see for 5 days your activity on Devil Harmony, because you created the account yesterday and you only have 8 posts, 5 of them wrong as I can see I will come back with an answer after 5 days. Good luck and start doing activity if you want a chance. EDIT: You can check:
  9. I think you want to become admin on a cs 1.6 server from CSBD. https://csblackdevil.com/forums/forum/120-counter-strike-16/ Locked!
  10. Hello, Your request its in pending because you have only 9 posts. I want too see your activity for 3 days and then I will give you an answer.
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