A few things happened when Felix Kjellberg’s PewDiePie YouTube channel hit 50 million subscribers. First, Kjellberg didn’t delete his channel. The Swedish-born, UK-residing, 27 year-old behind the most viewed and most subscribed YouTube channel in the world vowed (seemingly seriously, btw) to delete his po[CENSORED]r Let’s Play gaming and personal vlogging destination when it hit the 50-million-subscriber mark. The act was positioned as an effect of the cause that something happened to the YouTube algorithm in recent months that’s dramatically impacting the view counts of some of its biggest (and smallest) channels. But, when the big day came on December 8, 2016 and Kjellberg said he would soon hit that “Delete” button, he did it for his second spoof channel JackSepticEye2 and claimed the whole thing was intended as a joke that got way bigger than he ever imagined. Second, YouTube sent Kjellberg a very large, heavy gift to commemorate the occasion. he world’s largest video-sharing site sent a tweet to tease Kjellberg and the world about the incoming hardware back on December 9, 2016, but the object to exemplify PewDiePie’s massive subscriber count didn’t arrive until last week. It’s in the vein of the Silver, Gold, and Diamond Play Buttons YouTube sends to creators whose channels have respectively amassed at least 100,000, one million, and ten million subscribers. Except this one is custom made for PewDiePie’s channel. The “Ruby Play Button” is composed of a heavy, solid, red, translucent substance that’s molded in the shape of a massive “Bro First” (which, for the uninitiated, is a kind of “friendly farewell or congratulation on a just-made accomplishment” that PewDiePie doles out to his “Bro Army”, which, again for the uninitiated, is what PewDiePie calls his fan base). That Bro First also rests on top of a base in the shape of PewDiePie’s “P” channel logo. Or, in the words of Kjellberg, “It has my YouTube logo. And there’s a Bro Fist coming out of it. It looks [CENSORED]in’ awsome.” Kjellberg made a video of him unboxing the Ruby Play Button, which came in a very nice custom wooden box, too. Here's A Video When he is unboxing the play button (ruby).