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Everything posted by jayden™

  1. Voted 🕶️
  2. I just want you to realize what I’m worth. I invited you into my life, my head, my heart, my family, my bed. That is all very special, and not everyone I meet is entitled to those things. I’ve given you everything and in return, you’re not even really mine 💔..

    1. Otman.™


      My heart is shattered. I gave you everything I had, and it still wasn't good enough for you. It's over!

    2. Z Ø D I A C
  3. Contra you've only managed to fill out your name.
  4. DH2 dh1 is more of a bed room song with a girl but I prefer DH2 as its more of a catchy melody.
  5. congratulations 😃🖤

  6. good job my handsome son

    i will honour you as my profile picture 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. sponxy.
    3. jayden™


      noticiciasss ur rank looks nice but looks better on me 😈

    4. Zuky
  7. pro good activity and you seem passionate to become a admin. I agree on a 1 week test base.
  8. for @Otman.
      • 3
      • Haha
      • Like
      • Confused

  9. new map exclusively to our server

  10. Decent activity you deserve a chance pro.
  11. A big lack of context here, @Isco47 you have 12 hours to reply preferably with proofs and your explanation of why you used slay.
    1. S e u o n g

      S e u o n g

      Jay join to the staff

    2. jayden™


      make me administrator I only got time to ban people and answer tickets 😘

  12. pro you seem motivated to join staff and good night activity good luck
  13. contra you have very little time on the server and very little activity.
  14. rejected. sorry sir but I'm going to have to dismiss your request! improve your activity and let us know you better. t/c.
  15. had a dream about the GOG project last night 😅

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. S e u o n g

      S e u o n g

      It could be happen....

    3. jayden™


      me and sniper can revive it , don't worry though we'll let the other projects try to keep up 😜

    4. S e u o n g

      S e u o n g

      @jayden™ but first of all the other project need attention, they are not than active as you think...

  16. try reject my tag request again lozer 😁

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