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BANG BANG! last won the day on December 18 2018

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  • Birthday 08/04/2002


  • Its My Way Or Sky Way


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  1. hello guys how are you all

  2. welcome
  3. Un nou model low cost de la Microsoft si-a facut aparitia pe piata. Este vorba de modelul Lumia 540, un dual-SIM accesibil si destul de potent. Lumia 540 ofera un display de 5 inch si rezolutie HD 720P. Are o platforma Snapdragon 200 cu procesor quad core la 1.2, 1 GB de RAM, camera frontala de 5MP si principala de 8MP. Dispune de 8GB de memorie interna, slot de card microSD si functie dual-SIM. Are Windows Phone 8.1 si va suporta update-ul la Windows 10. Ai la dispozitie 15GB de stocare in OneDrive timp de 1 an, baterie de 2200 mAh, iar telefonul masoara 9.3mm grosime si cantareste 152 de grame. Este disponibil in mai multe culori si va costa in jur de 150 de dolari.
  4. Ai nevoie de un player usor de folosit, capabil sa se descurce cu orice fisier. Cei care au fisiere video pe calculator, au nevoie si de un player comod si usor de folosit, care sa poata sa ruleze orice fisier si sa nu puna probleme niciodata. Cei de la lifehacker au ales 5 cele mai bune playere video, in functie de recomandarile utilizatorilor. 1. PotPlayer (pentru Windows) a primit titlul de cel mai bun player video. El poate sa redea orice fisier si ofera un numar mare de optiuni pentru rularea in conditii optime a videourilor tale. Are filtre precum noise reduction, luminozitate, contrast si asa mai departe si este gratuit. Exista setari multe si la sunet si o multime de skinuri. 2. GOM Player (Gretech Online Movie Player). Si acesta functioneaza doar cu sistemul de operare Windows si este gratuit. Acest player se lauda cu faptul ca daca nu poate reda un anumit fisier, va cauta pe Internet toate componentele necesare pentru a-si duce la bun sfarsit sarcina, fara sa fie nevoie sa deschizi un alt player si sa incerci cu acesta. De asemenea, ruleaza si fisiere video corupte. 3. MPC-HC (Media Player Classic - Home Cinema). Playerul acesta a fost lansat tocmai in 2006 si functioneza sub Windows. In spatele sau se afla o comunitate destul de mare care a eliminat bugurile si a adaugat o multime de functionalitati. Este un soft de dimensiuni mici si foarte rapid. Suporta, de asemenea, o multime de formate. Este gratuit si open source. 4. XBMC merge pe Windows, OS X si Linux si este foarte configurabil. Si acesta este open source, iar daca il instalezi nu trebuie sa iti faci griji ca nu va fi in stare sa redea un anumit format. Acest soft cotrobaie pe net pentru a-ti face rost de informatii privind filmele sau emisiunile TV preferate. Se descurca foarte bine si cu muzica si cu streamingul video. De asemenea, are multe-multe optiuni daca esti un maniac in privinta configurarii. 5. VLC functioneaza cu Windows, OS X si Linux si este open source si gratuit. Este un player foarte apreciat, care si-a castigat renumele dupa ani buni de treaba facuta cu simtul raspunderii. A fost unul dintre playerii care "reda orice". Nu este perfect, ca niciunul dintre playere, insa are fanii lor fideli. Link-uri utile: PotPlayer : http://tvpot.daum.ne...on/PotPlayer.do GOM Media Player : http://player.gomlab.com/eng/ MPC-HC : http://mpc-hc.org/ XMBC: http://xbmc.org/ VLC: http://www.videolan.org/vlc/index.html Sursa: link
  5. What's your nickname?

  6. ¤ Name[/nickname]: bang bang ¤ Age: 27 ¤ Country: Canada ¤ Occupation: University Student ¤ A short description about you: I'm a helpful person and i'd like to become something here soon. ¤ How did you found out Csblackdevil Community: My friend suggested it : @Mr.PirattY ¤ Favorite games: Counter-Strike 1.6 / CS:GO ¤ Favorite server [community only]: Ev!l Zombie Plague ¤ A picture of you: -
  7. hi mates little visit by me to family

  8. ¤ Name[/nickname]: BANG BANG ¤ Age:27 ¤ Country:Venezuela ¤ Occupation:Student ¤ A short description about you:- ¤ How did you found out Csblackdevil Community:For my Friend @Blexfraptor ¤ Favorite games:Samp and Counter Strike ¤ Favorite server [community only]:Street ZM ¤ A picture of you:-
  9. Windows 7 is a personal computer operating system that was produced by Microsoft as part of the Windows NT family of operating systems. It was released to manufacturing on July 22, 2009 and became generally available on October 22, 2009,[8] less than three years after the release of its predecessor, Windows Vista. Windows 7's server counterpart, Windows Server 2008 R2, was released at the same time. Windows 7 was primarily intended to be an incremental upgrade to Microsoft Windows, intended to address Windows Vista's poor critical reception while maintaining hardware and software compatibility. Windows 7 continued improvements on Windows Aero (the user interface introduced in Windows Vista) with the addition of a redesigned taskbar that allows applications to be "pinned" to it, and new window management features. Other new features were added to the operating system, including libraries, the new file sharing system HomeGroup, and support for multitouch input. A new "Action Center" interface was also added to provide an overview of system security and maintenance information, and tweaks were made to the User Account Control system to make it less intrusive. Windows 7 also shipped with updated versions of several stock applications, including Internet Explorer 8, Windows Media Player, and Windows Media Center. In contrast to Windows Vista, Windows 7 was generally praised by critics, who considered the operating system to be a major improvement over its predecessor due to its increased performance, its more intuitive interface (with particular praise devoted to the new taskbar), fewer User Account Control popups, and other improvements made across the platform. Windows 7 was a major success for Microsoft; even prior to its official release, pre-order sales for 7 on the online retailer Amazon.com had surpassed previous records. In just six months, over 100 million copies had been sold worldwide, increasing to over 630 million licenses by July 2012. As of February 2019, 33.89% of computers running Windows are running Windows 7.


CsBlackDevil Community [www.csblackdevil.com], a virtual world from May 1, 2012, which continues to grow in the gaming world. CSBD has over 70k members in continuous expansion, coming from different parts of the world.



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