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Everything posted by Spy^

  1. V2: text, blur and its very creative.
  2. Finally back at CsBlackDevil.

    I miss you all so much. :)

  3. V1: text, blur
  4. Welcome martin have fun in csbd
  5. V2: nice c4d placement and good text.
  6. V1: blur
  7. V2: text
  8. V1: text, blur, brush
  9. Clear your inbox kuku have to talk something with you bro.

  10. Administrators I guess i have a problem, i have my accses of ZmOldSchool but Manager cs 1.6 its not shown for me can you guys fix it please?

    I have send message to @Mr.Love but he is busy i guess and he dont reply to me :) 

  11. V2 : text
  12. V2: Gif effects, blur
  13. Wow, this update is very awsome guys, best update that you guys have done till time i come here.

    You have done great job guys, thanks :) 

    1. ☞[E]vick'David.☜


      This is the best.... :yuhu:

    2. KrowN


      Spy^ slot request accept and reject


  14. Guess who's back to the best community :P:) 

    I hope that everyone of you is good :) 

    Like my song xD ? 


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dark-ImmoRtal^


      Hhhhhhhhh like mia 

      Welcome btother 

      Knife battle xd

    3. ***MAHAUVA***


      hello..welcome Backk

    4. DhoM^


      welcome back bro <3 

  15. V1 : blur, text, border
  16. V2: text blur but he put wrong text he must put Battle
  17. V1 : blur , text
  18. V3 that photo is very creative keep it up
  19. V1: Blur effects.
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