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    2. ITS OZX-

      ITS OZX-

      GOO LUCK  :P

    3. -Valak-The Demon

      -Valak-The Demon

      Congratulation my friend

    4. ITS OZX-

      ITS OZX-

      hhhhhh no th3afk he is good man


  2. Hello Welcome back To CsBlackDevil & Enjoy Your Stay With Us
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  4. Turkey has formally charged 99 generals and admirals in connection with the weekend's thwarted coup attempt, just under a third of the country's 356 top military officers. Authorities have banned all academics from travelling abroad, as the purge of state employees suspected of being connected to the failed coup continues. More than 50,000 people have been rounded up, sacked or suspended. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is expected to announce further measures. President Erdogan, seen here outside his Istanbul home, is now back in Ankara for meetings As soon as it became clear that the coup had failed on Saturday, the purges began - first with the security forces, then spreading to Turkey's entire civilian infrastructure. Human rights group Amnesty International has warned the purges are being extended to censor media outlets and journalists, including those critical of government policy. "We are witnessing a crackdown of exceptional proportions in Turkey at the moment. "While it is understandable, and legitimate, that the government wishes to investigate and punish those responsible for this bloody coup attempt, they must abide by the rule of law and respect freedom of expression," Amnesty's Turkey researcher Andrew Gardner said. Turkey is struggling to return to normal in the aftermath of last week's abortive coup The WikiLeaks website has been blocked in Turkey after it released thousands of emails purportedly showing exchanges between ruling AKP officials.  The documents - ranging from this month back to 2010 - were obtained a week before the attempted coup and the source has no connection to that event, WikiLeaks says. Turkish daily Cumhuriyet said that one of the emails contained a letter sent to President Erdogan. "My family and I suffered in our own country because of your actions. Aren't we as precious as Egyptian Esma?" it says, in a reference to Mr Erdogan's tears on TV after the daughter of a Muslim Brotherhood politician was killed in Egypt. Other emails contain media reports on Fethullah Gulen and his movement.
  5. Experts are trying to work out exactly how a US carer has caught Zika after tending to a dying elderly man with the virus. Until now it was thought that only mosquitoes and sex spread Zika, as well as the risk of mother-to-child transmission in the womb. The carer, from Utah, did not have any of these known risk factors. US officials say they are monitoring the situation carefully and carrying out more tests. They stress that the chance of spread from one person to another without sexual contact is still very unlikely or rare. The Centres for Disease Control says the patient, who died in June, had travelled to an area where Zika-infected mosquitoes are present. Lab tests showed he had uniquely high amounts of the virus - more than 100,000 times higher than seen in other samples from infected people - in his blood. The CDC has sent out an emergency response team to investigate. They will be interviewing and testing family members of the carer and any health care workers who may have had contact with the deceased man. Gary Edwards, director of the Salt Lake County Health Department, said the infected individual was a family contact of the man who died. "We know that the patient had contact with the deceased patient while the deceased patient was very ill," he said. "The exact nature of that contact, we are still investigating." The investigators also plan to trap and test local mosquitoes to check that they are not carrying and spreading the virus. Tom Hudachko, from the Utah Department of Health, said state officials were not aware of any mosquitoes known to carry the Zika virus within Utah. He said there had been a few Aedes aegypti mosquitoes - the kind that carry Zika - discovered in traps in the south-western parts of the state several years ago, but there had not been any since. CDC expert Dr Erin Staples said: "The new case in Utah is a surprise, showing that we still have more to learn about Zika. "Fortunately, the patient recovered quickly, and from what we have seen with more than 1,300 travel-associated cases of Zika in the continental United States and Hawaii, non-sexual spread from one person to another does not appear to be common."
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  6. La doar două luni după ce a fost închis, Isohunt a redevenit ce-a fost înainte. Noul IsoHunt, cel mai accesat site de către cei care descarcă filme și muzică, estimează că va atinge 15 milioane de unici și 30 de milioane de afișări întro-o lună. Site-ul isohunt.to este în momentul de față pe locul 8 în topul site-urilor de torrente din lume, conform unei clasificări făcute de TorrentFreak. Unul dintre administratorii site-ului a declarat că după ce a fost redeschis, IsoHunt ajunsese intr-o săptămână la 200.000 de unici pe zi, iar în preajma Crăciunului, isohunt.to a atins chiar 500.000 de unici într-o singură zi. Unul dintre cele mai mari site-uri de torrente s-a închis Fondatorul site-ului IsoHunt, Gary Fung, a ajuns la o înţelegere cu studiourile de film americane, iar site-ul s-a închis la finalul lunii octombrie. Reprezentanţii Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA), asociaţia marilor studiouri de film americane, se judecau cu Gary Fung încă din 2006. Acuzat că încurajează pirateria la scară largă, Fung declara că activităţile sale sunt protejate de legislaţia privind drepturile de autor - Digital Millennium Copyright Act. Înţelegerea din octombrie dintre Fung şi studiourile de film prevedea ca în termen de şapte zile site-ul IsoHunt să fie închis definitiv, împreună cu alte trei domenii Podtropolis, TorrentBox şi Edtk-it.com, care redirecţionau utilizatorii către site-ul de torrente. De asemenea, Fung trebuia să plătească daune de 110 milioane de dolari. Chris Dodd, şeful MPAA, a declarat că această decizie trimite un mesaj important celor care vor să îşi construiască afaceri care încală legea drepturilor de autor. Fung a scris pe site un mesaj în care explică decizia de închidere a site-ului. "Sunt trist, am luptat, am terminat cursa, am fost fidel. 10,5 ani, a fost o călătorie lungă". În 2009, un judecător a decis ca site-ul să fie închis, însă acesta a continuat să opereze, serverele fiind mutate în Canada. În final, isoHunt a fost închis definitiv pe 23 octombrie 2013.
  7. Lansat acum aproape un an, Google Hangouts a unificat într-o singură platformă software vechile serviciile Talk, Google+ Messenger şi Hangouts, compania anunţând că acesta va deveni inima sistemelor de mesagerie şi telefonie din Android. Această centralizare a fost extinsă odată cu lansarea versiunii 4.4 a platformei Android, când Hangoutsa preluat opţional şi sarcinile unui client SMS, iar noua sa versiune 2.1 îmbunătăţeşte o parte din deficienţele remarcate între timp. Cea mai importantă noutate este gruparea mesajelor schimbate cu o persoană într-o singură conversaţie, indiferent dacă este vorba de SMS sau de mesageria instantanee. Amintind oarecum de Apple iMessage prin departajarea coloristică a mesajelor în funcţie de canalul de comunicaţie folosit, noul Hangouts are avantajul de a permite separarea firului de discuţie în cazul în care această unificare vă deranjează. Lista persoanelor a fost şi ea îmbunătăţită, aceasta oferind acum doar două secţiuni care sunt dedicate contactelor Hangouts, respectiv contactelor telefonice, ceea ce simplifică regăsirea rapidă a unui număr telefonic pentru iniţierea unei convorbiri sau trimiterea unui mesaj text. Alte noutăţi sunt apariţia unui widget pentru accesul rapid la conversaţiile recente, îmbunătăţirea calităţii apelurilor video şi repararea unor deficienţe în trimiterea sau recepţionarea mesajelor SMS şi MMS. Google Hangouts 2.1 va deveni disponibil tuturor utilizatorilor Android în cursul acestei săptămâni.
  8. The Luxury Line has also been eliminated. A new Luxury Package is a no-cost option that includes most of the features of the previous Luxury Line model. The M Sport Line was also eliminated. The M Sport Package takes its place. Overview The 4's wide stance is accentuated up front by a muscular, creased hood, a flared lower fascia and BMW's new fused-grille/headlight design. The flanks feature sharply creased character lines and vent-like "Air Breather" aerodynamic aids that work with "Air Curtain" front intakes to cheat the wind, while a racy, elongated roofline combines with a lengthy hood to create classic proportions. The 4 is fitted with a three-piece retractable hard top that electronically opens or closes in 20 seconds at speeds of up to 11 mph. The hard top provides a quieter ride and better all-weather insulation than a conventional fabric top while giving the convertible a coupe-like silhouette when closed. Backing up the sporty appearance is a choice of two powerful yet efficient turbocharged and directed-injected motors. The 428i uses a 2.0-liter four-cylinder with 240 horsepower and 260 lb-ft of torque - potent enough to propel the coupe from zero-to-60 mph in the mid-five-second range - while the 435i packs a 3.0-liter inline-six with 300 horsepower and 300 lb-ft of torque. When properly equipped, BMW says the 435i can hit 60 mph in five seconds flat. Both motors are available exclusively with an eight-speed automatic with optional paddle shifters; the coupe's six-speed manual is not available. A 75-pound lower curb weight courtesy of wide-spread high- and ultra-high-strength steel translates to improved efficiency compared to the old 3-Series Convertible. Also aiding economy is an auto-start system, regenerative braking and an ECO PRO system that provides tips on reducing consumption. Mileage is rated at 23/34 city/highway mpg for the 428i and 22/30 mpg for the 435i. The 4-Series Convertible is fitted with a lowered, specially tuned version of the 3-Series sedan's suspension. A strut located between the front axle's subframe unit and the body stiffens the front end for more precise steering and better body control, while the rear five-link suspension is also optimized for spirited driving. As with the 3-Series sedan, the 4-Series is offered in several "Design Lines," two of which feature a unique suspension setup to go along with their model-specific exterior and interior equipment. The Sport Line and M Sport Line trims utilize a taut M Sport suspension with a firmer spring/shock absorber arrangement, stiffer anti-roll bars, and tweaked bearings and bushings. Alternately, the 4-Series can be fitted with an adaptive suspension that electronically adjusts the dampers to suit any road or driving style. It's available as part of the Dynamic Handling package, which also replaces the standard electric-assist steering setup with a Variable Sport system that changes its ratio depending on the amount of steering lock the driver inputs.
  9. Gândită parcă special pentru cei care obişnuiesc să posteze citate celebre in locul mesajului de status, o aplicaţie pentru iOS se oferă să automatizeze întregul proces, ba oferă şi ceva în plus. Atunci când nevoia de a atrage în mod constant atenţia celor din jur devine prea consumatoare de timp, Rando ne scapă de orice efort trimiţând automat mesaje predefinite către contacte alese la întâmplare din agenda telefonului mobil, pe Twitter, în reţeaua Facebook sau altă aplicaţie de iOS. Ducând lucrurile şi mai departe, aplicaţia se oferă să trimită în locul nostru GIF-uri amuzante din colecţia Giphy, sau citate celebre alese în mod complet aleatoriu. Amatorii de senzaţii tari pot seta aplicaţia inclusiv pentru a trimite poze din memoria telefonului mobil, fără a vedea măcar despre ce imagine este vorba. Opţional pozele alese aleatoriu pot apărea într-un chenar cu efect de blur, care devine transparent doar atunci când este activat cu o comandă touch.
  10. Se pare ca intgratorii de placi video ar face orice pentru a avea un avantaj, oricat de mic, in fata concurentei. Chiar si sa triseze putin, oferind spre review exemplare cu frecvente ceva mai mari decat in mod normal. Insa cum toate caracteristicile unei placi video sunt cunoscute din start, acest artificiu este atins prin bios-uri diferite. De astfel de practici se fac vinovate companiile MSI si Asus, descoperite de TechPowerUp ca trimit presei de profil placi cu bios-ul mai rapid. Sau mai corect spus cu forma de bios ce atinge frecventele cele mai inalte. MSI de exemplu ofera trei profiluri diferite: silentios, normal sau de overclocking. Iar trecerea intre ele se face imediat, prin intermediul aplicatiei aferente. Dar pentru ca oficial la review nu sunt folosite si software-urile companiilor examinate, MSI a decis sa dispuna placile sale direct in modul de overclocking la teste, desi in magazine se folosea modul normal. Ca si reactie la demascare, MSI a incercat sa ne atraga atentia asupra faptului ca nu a ascuns existenta celor trei moduri de bios, si ca schimbarea lor a fost mereu la indemana utilizatorului. Dar in acelasi timp a realizat update-uri de bios care sa activeze din start modul cel mai performant. In total sunt afectate peste zece modele de la MSI, si vreo doua de la Asus. Cu chip-uri atat nVidia cat si AMD, din cadrul ultimelor generatii. Asus nu a avut pana in acest moment nicio reactie.
  11. Samsung a lansat recent doua noi telefoane: On5 si On7 Pro. Acestea fiind spuse trebuie sa stiti ca se vor afla in gama modelelor pentru un buget scazut, al caror pret nu va depasi suma de $170, dar care au in componenta ecrane HD, procesoare quad-core si memorie RAM de 2GB. Samsung Galaxy On5 Pro este un telefon cu un ecran de 5 inch HD, processor quad-core Exynos 3475 de 1.3GHz, o memorie RAM de 2GB, memorie interna de 16GB si cu o baterie de 2600mAh. Camera foto principala este de 8MP, pe cand camera selfie este de 5MP. Vine cu conectivitate 4G LTE, Wi-Fi si dual-SIM, ruland Android 6.0 Marshmallow. Este disponibil in doua culori, auriu si negru, la pretul de $137. Cel de-al doilea model, Samsung Galaxy On7 Pro vine cu un ecran mai mare, de 5.5 inch cu rezolutie HD, un processor quad-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 410 de 1.2GHZ. De asemenea are 2GB memorie RAM si 16GB memorie interna, insa aduce cu el si un slot microSD si o camera foto principala de 13MP, pe cand camera pentru selfie ramane la fel, de 5 MP. Redescoperim si la acesta o conectivitate 4G LTE, Wi-Fi, dual SIM, insa cu o baterie mai mare, de 3000mAh, ruland cu sistemul de operare Andoid 6.0 Marshmallow. Costa $167, pe auriu si negru.
  12. Joggingul ne ajută să ne menţinem forma fizică şi sănătatea, dar dacă este făcut după ureche şi fără consultarea prealabilă a unui medic de specialitate poate avea şi efecte negative. Chirurgul ortoped Vlad Predescu oferă câteva sfaturi demne de luat în seamă înainte de alergat, scrie One.ro. "Înainte de a începe alergarea, este bine să faceţi o uşoară încălzire a articulaţiilor şi a muşchilor. Ar fi recomandat să mergeţi raid pe jos preţ de câteva minute. Ideal ar fi să practicaţi acest sport de 2-3 ori pe săptămână. Dacă sunteţi începătoare, trebuie să alergaţi pe suprafeţe plane. Treptat, veţi face trecerea spre cele în pantă sau denivelate. Evitaţi străzile aglomerate şi intersecţiile", spune Vlad Predescu. Acesta menţionează riscurile la care se expune oricine încearcă să facă acest sport şi de ce este periculoasă practicarea acestuia. "Alergarea poate suprasolicita articulaţiile genunchiului. De aceea, se recomandă să purtaţi încălţăminte cu talpa moale, care va permite mobilitatea piciorului şi totodată va atenua şocurile. Indicat este să alergaţi pe pământ şi nu pe asfalt, acesta din urma fiind mult mai dur. Este foarte important ca în timpul alergarii să călcaţi corect pe pământ (asfalt), fiindcă altfel vă poate deforma scheletul şi vă poate afecta articulaţiile", a adăugat acesta. Conform One.ro, un studiu britanic a indicat că alergarea uşoară poate prelungi viaţa, unele persoane simţindu-se revigorate, mai vesele sau într-o stare generală mai bună după o sesiune de exerciţii. Dar potrivit unor noi studii, alergatul în exces poate să fie dăunător, pe termen lung.
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  13. Although its basic design dates back to the 2009 model year, making it one of the oldest models in its segment, the Q60 Convertible certainly doesn't look its age due to a crisp lines and a well proportioned-form that draws the eye without appearing flashy. The Q60 Convertible features a three-piece retractable hardtop that adds weight compared to a conventional cloth setup but retains a coupe-like roofline and allows less road noise into the cabin. The retractable hardtop also provides a little extra cold weather insulation. Like the exterior, the Q60 Convertible's rear-wheel-drive platform isn't exactly new, but it's still highly effective at striking the balance between precise dynamics and refined ride quality that luxury coupe buyers prize. Performance isn't lacking, either, with the only engine choice being a strapping 3.7-liter that makes 330 horsepower and 270 lb-ft of torque. The mill does show its age in the somewhat uncouth noise and vibration it produces at higher revs. Most Q60 Convertible models leave the factory with a smooth seven-speed automatic transmission that boasts downshift rev matching and available magnesium paddle shifters. However, the 6MT trim level offers a close-ratio six-speed manual for those interested in getting both feet involved in the driving experience. The performance-oriented 6MT also boasts a sport-tuned suspension, uprated brakes, a limited-slip differential and a number of other goodies. Fuel economy is rated at 17/25 mpg for the auto and 16/24 with the stick. While the cabin's overall design is starting to look a bit dated, material quality remains among the best in the class, with available touches like Japanese "Silk Obi" brushed aluminum trim (wood trim is optional) creating a classy atmosphere. Unlike with some rivals, controls for the A/C, stereo and optional navigation system are logically arranged and user-friendly. Space and comfort are in ample supply for front seat passengers, but, typical of the convertible genre, the rear seats are best utilized as a supplemental cargo space or for transporting children. At 10.3 cubic inches, trunk space is respectable with the top up, though a miniscule two cubes is all that's left when the top is stowed. Trim Level Breakdown The Q60 Convertible is offered in two separate trim levels. The Q60 Journey comes well equipped with leather upholstery, heated front seats, a power-adjustable driver's seat, dual-zone automatic climate control, a proximity key, a rear parking camera, a six-speaker AM/FM/CD/SiriusXM stereo with a USB input, Bluetooth smartphone connectivity, a seven-inch touchscreen display, cruise control, fog lights, auto on/off HID xenon headlights and 18-inch aluminum alloy wheels. The enthusiast-focused Q60 6MT substitutes the other trims' seven-speed automatic for a six-speed manual and also adds a sport-tuned suspension, sport brakes, sport steering, a more aggressive front fascia, a limited-slip differential, aluminum pedals, a 12-way adjustable sports seat, a moonroof, a navigation system, a premium Bose stereo, a rear sonar system and 19-inch alloy wheels. The Q60 Journey and can be spec'd with six different options packages; as it comes fully-loaded, no extras are available for the Q60 6MT. The Premium Package brings a moonroof, a Bose audio system, memory functionality for the front seats, power lumbar support for the driver's seat and a power tilt and telescopic steering column. The Performance Tire and Wheel Package adds 19-inch alloy wheels shod with summer tires. The Sport Package includes all of the Q60 6MT's performance and appearance content except for the manual gearbox. It also includes magnesium paddle shifters. The Technology package nets intelligent cruise control with preview braking, rain-sensing windshield wipers, an advanced climate control system and front seat pre-crash seat belts. The Navigation Package includes - logically enough - a navigation system with voice-recognition capability, NavWeather, NavTraffic and Zagat survey restaurant guide. Finally, the Interior Accents Package adds high-gloss maple interior trim. Occupant Safety The Q60 Convertible comes standard with dual front and front-side airbags in addition to active head restraints and traction and stability control systems. Also included are pop-up roll bars that deploy in the event of a rollover incident.
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  14. Overview Derived from Ford's Evos show car, the Mustang GT Convertible's style blends new with old. Up front, it adopts a version of the design language that debuted on the Ford Fusion, but the look is clearly more aggressive than before. From its tail, the Mustang is more evolutionary than revolutionary, continuing the vertical lamp arrangement of so many of its predecessors. The topless 'Stang offers a multi-layer cloth soft top that automatically retracts at the push of a button. Ford promises the top opens and closes twice as fast as the outgoing pony car's soft top. Under the Hood The Mustang GT Convertible is powered by a 5.0-liter V8 engine that sends over 420 horsepower and 390 lb-ft. of torque to the rear wheels. The GT comes standard with a Getrag-developed six-speed manual transmission, and a six-speed automatic unit controlled by shift paddles mounted behind the steering wheel is available at an extra cost. The V8 returns 15 mpg in the city and 24 mpg on the highway when bolted to the six-speed automatic. Underneath, the Mustang's rear solid axle has been chucked for only the second time ever (the SVT Cobra model briefly offered an independent rear setup). Up front, Mustang gains a new MacPherson strut/double ball joint design that takes up less space and offers improved handling. The suspension tweaks also helps the Mustang GT weigh less than the outgoing model. Life Aboard The Mustang GT Convertible's interior is highlighted by a sporty dual-cowl dashboard design, easy-to-read vintage-inspired gauges and an oversized three-spoke multi-function steering wheel. Aviation-inspired toggle switches mounted at the bottom of the center console let the driver turn the traction control system off and adjust the car's electric power steering, which can be adjusted between standard, sport and comfort modes. All Mustang GT Convertibles come standard with SYNC, Ford's Bluetooth-based connectivity system that allows smartphone users to place calls and stream music by using voice commands or steering wheel-mounted buttons. SYNC can also read incoming texts aloud to help the driver keep his or her eyes on the road, and allows the use of Ford-approved apps like The Wall Street Journal news and Pandora radio. The GT Convertible also comes standard with MyFord Touch, an infotainment system that builds on SYNC by letting users control everything from navigation to climate control to the sound system with voice commands. MyFord Touch also replaces conventional sound system knobs and buttons with a center-mounted eight-inch touch screen, dual 4.2-inch displays in the instrument cluster and touch-sensitive controls in the center stack. Many consumers report that the system is a "love it or hate it" item, so those interested in the Focus are advised to try before they buy. When called upon to haul a full load of sun-worshippers and cargo rather than deliver impressive performance numbers, the Mustang GT Convertible functions fairly well - the rear seats can hold two small adults in a pinch (though long journeys aren't recommended), and the trunk offers a respectable 11.4 cubic feet of stowage space. Trim Level Breakdown The Mustang GT Convertible is offered in a single trim level called Premium. The GT Convertible Premium is the most expensive member of the Mustang lineup. As expected, it comes with a long list of standard features that includes dual-zone automatic A/C, cloth bucket seats, six-way power-adjustable front seats, a leather-wrapped multi-function steering wheel, a nine-speaker stereo system with an amplifier, keyless entry and go, an AUX input, SIRIUS Satellite Radio, SYNC with MyFord Touch, a rear-view camera, heated mirrors, HID headlights, a rear diffuser, fog lights and 18-inch alloy wheels. The list of standalone options includes rear parking sensors, a spare tire, a wheel locking kit, different wheel designs ranging from 18- to 20-inches, Recaro bucket seats, a Shaker Pro audio system, adaptive cruise control, navigation with voice command and a Premier Trim with Color Accent package that adds two-tone upholstery and trim. The topless Mustang can be further decked out by opting for the extra-cost 401A equipment group. The package adds a twelve-speaker audio system, HD Radio memory driver's seat and mirrors and a blind spot monitoring system with cross-traffic alert. Occupant Safety All Mustang GT Convertibles are fitted as standard with dual front and side airbags and a driver knee airbag in addition to traction and stability control systems, a post-crash alert system and a tire-pressure monitoring system.
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  15. 228i and 228i xDrive models have now gained much of the Sport Line package as standard equipment, less the sport suspension. An all-new Luxury package is also available. Overview The 2-Series Convertible is almost identical to the 2-Series coupe from the rocker panels up to the belt line. Above that, the 2 gains a multi-layer cloth soft top that can be opened or closed at the push of a button in just 20 seconds, even while driving at speeds of up to 30 mph. The top comes standard in black, but buyers can order it in gray or in brown at an extra cost. Life Aboard Inside, the 2-Series borrows much of clean design and comfortable appointments with the iconic 3-Series sport sedan; the two also share numerous powertrain and platform components. A duo of simple, legible gauges greet the driver from behind a sporty three-spoke steering wheel, while a choice of brushed aluminum, wood or silver matte trims adorn the dashboard and door panels. Available Sport and M Sport lines - more on those later - let buyers personalize the interior with unique trim, upholstery and design elements. Supportive standard seats or optional sports thrones provide a comfortable experience for those sitting up front, though limited leg- and headroom means that the rear seats are an occasional-use only affair. Cargo capacity checks in at 9.8 cubic feet with the top down and 11.8 with the top up. All 2-Series models are fitted as standard with BMW's knob-based iDrive infotainment system, which has evolved over the years from a bewildering complex unit to surprisingly simple and user-friendly system. It displays stereo and vehicle information on a tablet-style 6.5-inch screen mounted atop the dashboard; navigation-equipped coupes get a larger 8.8-inch display along with a touchpad mounted on the iDrive knob that lets users write out phone numbers, contact names and navigation destinations - and also zoom in or zoom out the map - with a finger. Other notable technologies include options such as automatic high beam headlights and an automatic parallel parking system that steers the 2-Series into a spot while the driver controls the gearshift, accelerator and brake. Performance The 2-Series is offered in 228i and M235i forms, each of which is powered by a unique motor. The 228i's engine bay is home to a turbocharged 2.0-liter four-cylinder with 240 horsepower and 258 lb-ft. That output lets the 228i sprint from zero-to-60 mph in 5.7 seconds. The M235i takes things up a notch with a turbocharged 3.0-liter inline six-cylinder that produces 322 horsepower and 332 - making it roughly powerful as the acclaimed 1-Series M. Sixty mph arrives from a dead stop in five seconds flat. Both the 228i and the M235i come standard with an eight-speed automatic transmission, and the 235i can be ordered with a six-speed manual as a no-cost option. Fuel economy is rated at 23/34 city/highway mpg the 228i, while the M235i returns 21/32 with the auto and 19/26 with the stick. Buyers in cold climates can order the 228i with BMW's xDrive all-wheel drive system at an extra cost. xDrive lowers gas mileage to 22 in the city and 32 on the highway. Aside from its more powerful engine, the M235i is set apart by an Adaptive M Suspension with electronically-adjustable dampers; Variable Sport Steering that adjusts to provide heightened low-speed agility and increased freeway stability; upgraded M brakes; an aggressive exterior bodykit; and sport-flavored interior trim. Notably, all of these items can be added as optional extras to the 228i. Standard and Optional Features The 228i is fitted as standard with leatherette upholstery, an AM/FM/CD/HD radio stereo with USB input, Bluetooth connectivity, dual-zone automatic climate control, cruise control, iDrive with 6.5-inch display, multi-function steering wheel, rain-sensing windshield wipers, auto on/off headlights, foglights, power windows and locks and 17-inch alloy wheels. High-gloss black exterior trim, upsized 18-inch alloy wheels, sport seats and oxide silver matte interior accents are also standard. The 228i can be upgraded with optional Sport and M Sport Lines. The Sport Line brings a stiffened M Sport suspension and a less intrusive top speed limiter that increases maximum velocity from 130 to 155 mph. The M Sport Line includes an aggressive exterior body kit, shadowline exterior trim, a rear spoiler, 18-inch M alloy wheels, M Sport suspension, an M Sport steering wheel, a unique instrument cluster, special Estoril Blue interior accents, M driver's footrest and ambient interior lighting. The M235i adds the more potent turbo straight-six motor, the contents of the M Sport Line, an M Adaptive Suspension, variable sport steering, Xenon adaptive headlights with LED accent lights, retractable headlight washers, power-adjustable front seats and an advanced vehicle & key memory that retains climate control, exterior mirror, stereo tone and lighting preferences. Many of the M335i's features can be added to the 228i. Both models are offered with several optional equipment packages. The Cold Weather Package includes heated front seats and a heated steering wheel. The Driver Assistance Package brings parking sensors and a rearview camera; while the Driver Assistance Plus Package builds on those items with speed limit info, Lane Departure Warning and Active Blind Spot Detection. The Technology Package adds a navigation system with an 8.8-inch display, real-time traffic info, BMW Online and BMW Apps, an iDrive touchpad, enhanced USB and Smartphone integration, and BMW remote services emergency communications system. The Premium Package brings leather upholstery, auto-dimming mirrors, Comfort Access with remote start (automatic models only), SirusXM radio and a universal garage door opener. The all-new Luxury Package is available on the 228i Convertible and the 228i xDrive Convertible and adds a different exterior design with added chrome elements. The Luxury Package is only available in combination with Premium Package and Leather upholstery. Finally, the Track Handling Package adds a lower Adaptive M suspension setup, variable sport steering, beefier M brakes and Michelin Pilot Super Sport tires mounted on 18-inch alloy wheels. Stand-alone options include a 16-speaker, 600-watt Harman/kardon premium stereo, automatic high beams, an anti-theft alarm system, heated front seats, parking assistant auto parallel parking system and concierge services, which includes personalized services such as restaurant and hotel recommendations that are sent to the 2-Series' navigation system. Occupant Safety All 2-Series models are fitted as standard with dual front, front side, front knee and full-length side curtain airbags in addition to traction and stability control systems. Available safety options include a lane departure warning system, blind zone alert and automatic collision notification. Key Competitors As a compact luxury sport coupe, the 2-Series doesn't have any true rivals. The Audi TT Roadster is similarly coddling but larger, less agile and more expensive. The Infiniti Q60 Convertible is similarly sporting, though it too is bigger and much pricier. On the lower end of the price spectrum, the Ford Mustang Convertible is quicker but less luxurious.
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  16. După ce au prezentat noul Megane Estate în martie 2016, cei de la Renault întregesc acum familia aducându-l în faţă pe noul Megane Sedan. Cel mai recent model din familia Megane face parte dintr-un proiect de reînnoire a gamei, şi are un stil dinamic ce se reflectă în suprafeţele bine proporţionate şi o formă distinctă a farurilor în forma literei C. Acoperişul de sticlă care leagă parbrizul la lunetă conferă un aspect elegant pe două tonuri. Partea din spate este dominată de stopurile supradimensionate. e vedere al spaţiului noul Megane rămâne la fel de încăpător ca şi predecesorul său, oferind suficient loc pentru cinci pasageri şi un portbagaj de 508 litri. Din punct de vedere al dotărilor cel mai proaspăt membru al familiei va avea sistemul Easy Trunk Access. În funcţie de ţară, gama de motoare cuprinde două motoare pe benzină şi trei diesel. Cele pe benzină sunt reprezentate de unităţile SCe de 115 de CP, disponibilă cu o cutie de viteze manuală cu 5 trepte, şi una TCe de 130 de CP, disponibilă cu o cutie de viteze automată cu dublu ambreiaj cu 7 trepte EDC sau o cutie de viteze manuală cu 6 trepte. Cele trei motoare diesel cuprind unitatea dCi de 90 de CP, disponibilă cu o cutie de viteze manuală cu 6 trepte, dCi de 110 de CP, disponibil cu o cutie de viteze manuala cu 6 trepte sau cutia de viteze automată cu dublu ambreiaj EDC6, şi dCI de 130 de CP, disponibilă cu o cutie de viteze manuală cu 6 trepte. Noul Megane Sedan va fi produs la uzina Bursa din Turcia, urmând ca modelul să fie vândut în mai mult de 20 de ţări din întreaga lume. Acestea sunt: Algeria, Arabia Saudită, Australia, Bulgaria, Croaţia, Egipt, Emiratele Arabe Unite, Estonia, Ungaria, Irlanda, Italia, Israel, Letonia, Liban, Lituania, Maroc, Polonia, Republica Cehă, România, Serbia, Slovacia, Slovenia, Tunisia, Turcia şi Ucraina.
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  17. O echipa de 30 de stundeti din Zurich au realizat ceva cu adevarat uimitor. O masina electrica capabila sa accelereze de la 0 la 100km/h in doar 1.5 secunde! Da, ati citit bine, doar o secunda si jumatate. Masina este construita din fibra de carbon pentru a fi cat mai usoara. Studentii de la Academic Motorsport Club Zurich sau AMZ, sunt responsabili pentru aceasta masina, in colaborare cu alti studenti de la Lucerne Univeristy of Applied Sciences and Arts. Masina a fost realizata pentru Formula Student, competitie unde AMZ sunt pe primul loc de 3 ani incoace. Puteti vedea mai multe in clipul atasat. Această mașină mirifică nu doar că are o viteză super mega mare , dar arată și foarte bine . Dacă v-ați întrebat dacă acest model de mașină va ieși pe piață vreodată , atunci nu , este strict științific !
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  18. Ca urmare a acestui experiment, cercetătorii din cadrul Universităţii din Bergen au elaborat "Scala de Dependenţă faţă de Facebook" Oamenii de ştiinţă norvegieni au realizat un studiu, în cadrul căruia au testat 20 de tineri, pentru a afla care este atitudinea lor faţă de platforma de socializare Facebook. Subiecţii au fost rugaţi să răspundă la întrebări legate de problemele de sănătate asociate cu dependenţa faţă de astfel de site-uri. Printre acestea: anxietatea, violenţa sau frica. În cadrul aceluiaşi experiment, studenţilor le-au fost prezentate mai multe imagini, pe care trebuiau să le asocieze cu anumite stări, prin apăsarea unui buton. În tot acest timp, cercetătorii au monitorizat activitatea cerebrală a subiecţilor. Studenţii care au apăsat butonul în momentul în care au văzut imagini asociate cu site-ul Facebook au fost tot aceia care au obţinut rezultate foarte mari în cadrul testelor de dependenţă faţă de faţă de platforma de socializare. Prin urmare, specialiştii au concluzionat că "dependenţa faţă de tehnologie are aceleaşi efecte asupra creierului nostru ca şi dependenţa faţă de substanţele halucinogene sau pariuri". Conform rezultatelor obţinute de cercetătorii norvegieni, imaginile asociate cu reţeaua de socializare Facebook activează acele zonele de la nivelul creierului responsabile de comportamentul compulsiv al oamenilor. Oamenii de ştiinţă susţin că acest proces are loc, în mod similar, la persoanele dependente de cocaină. Ca urmare a acestui experiment, cercetătorii din cadrul Universităţii din Bergen au elaborat "Scala de Dependenţă faţă de Facebook". Printre întrebările înscrise în acest sistem de repere se numără: "Folosiţi Facebook-ul pentru a uita de problemele personale?" sau "Deveniţi irascibili în momentul în care nu vi se permite accesul la acest site?". Cei care răspund la cel puţin patru din cele şase întrebări sunt consideraţi ca fiind dependenţi de Facebook. În momentul de faţă, 71de procente dintre utilizatorii de internet au un cont pe această platformă de socializare. Dintre aceştia, 70% susţin că accesează site-ul cel puţin o dată pe zi, în timp ce mai puţin de jumătate dintre ei au declarat că accesează Facebook de mai multe ori pe zi.
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  19. Folosim această combinaţie de ingrediente de aproape 400 de ani. Foloseşti sarea şi piperul la aproape fiecare masă, însă te-ai întrebat vreodată de ce faci acest lucru? Joe Hanson şi echipa sa de la emisiunea „It's Okay To Be Smart” au răspuns la această întrebare, spunându-ne motivul pentru care cele două ingrediente sunt atât de po[CENSORED]re în rândul celor care se îndeletnicesc cu arta gătitului. E lesne de înţeles de ce folosim mai multă sare decât piper. Ea se găseşte aproape în fiecare colţ de pe planetă, este o substanţă importantă pentru existenţa vieţii pe Pământ şi ne ajută organismul să funcţioneze la capacitate. În acest sens, în videoclipul pe care îl puteţi urmări mai jos, prezentatorul american ne dezvăluie importanța pe care a avut-o şi o are în continuarea sarea (clorura de sodiu) pentru noi. Mai apoi, ni se spune despre piper că a început să fie folosit în combinaţie cu sarea, în prepararea mâncărurilor, din timpul regelui francez Ludovic al XIV-lea, deci începând cu secolul al XVII-lea. Monarhul prefera să îi fie condimentate bucatele cu sare şi piper, însă cine ştie ce s-ar fi întâmplat dacă gusturile sale erau diferite? Poate acum presăram peste alimente sare şi scorţişoară...
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  21. Postarea frecventă a unor imagini cu familia poate amplifica starea de anxietate faţă de rolul lor de mame. Numeroase mame încearcă, prin intermediul Facebook-ului să valideze rolul lor de mame, postând numeroase poze cu familia şi copiii. Adesea ele pun ca fotografie de profil poze cu copilul, nerealizând implicaţiile pe care aceste acţiuni le pot avea, susţine Sarah Schoppe-Sullivan. Studiul arată că presiunea exercitată de societate asupra lor pentru a fi mame perfecte le determină să privească maternitatea ca pe o parte deosebit de importantă şi, în acest context. să posteze mult mai des informaţii şi fotografii cu familia şi copiii. De asemenea, cercetarea scoate în evidenţă un lucru extrem de interesant: postarea frecventă a unor imagini cu familia poate amplifica starea de anxietate faţă de rolul lor de mame. "Numeroase mame ar putea fi presate să arate această imagine pozitivă a maternităţii, iar dacă acest lucru nu le face să se simtă bine, poate fi în detrimentul lor", a spus Sarah Schoppe. "Facebook-ul este o modalitate nouă de a-ţi arăta identitatea, familia şi ce e important pentru tine", mai spune Schoppe.
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