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Everything posted by OREO™

  1. v2 - text, effects. Text "garrix" on v1? Why?
  2. v2 - text (even it's to large), and collors.
  3. v2 - text, effects. Dupa parerea mea, acest battle nu isi are rostul.
  4. v1 - text.
  5. v1 - amazing text, great effects, collors, border.
  6. The work are simple, but I'll give #upvote for acitvity.
  7. The works are poor, but I think everybody deserve a chance. Upvote from me. You will improve yourself on the way.
  8. Stop vot! I won with v2! GG you too! Locked.
  9. Read rules: Your title of the topic should have like this: Request Effect ; Request C4D etc. Locked.
  10. Accepted.
  11. E buna initiativa ta, insa mai mult de jumatate din staff-ul design nu sunt activi la cereri. Daca acum nu e activitate cand sunt doar CERERI, ce sa mai zicem cand vor vor fi deschise alte priecte? Parerea mea este sa nu ne grabim, si sa ne mobilizam crescand activitatea la cereri, si ulterior, conform progresului, daca il vom avea, se va putea deschide aceasta discutie.
  12. v1 - brushes, gradient.
  13. v1 - lights, effects.
  14. Stop vot! winner eL DrAg0 with v2! Congrats! Locked.
  15. V1 - text, brush, efecte.
  16. V2 - text, brushes.
  17. V2 - blur, text, border.
  18. v1 - text, redimensionare.
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