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MasterKid™ last won the day on February 8 2020

MasterKid™ had the most liked content!

About MasterKid™

  • Birthday 03/19/2003


  • AlYn DaNyEl


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    Make NewLifeZm best server from this comunity
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  1. thanks to all i solve the problem have a nice day guys!!!
  2. i have connection at internet on m laptop but the game cs 1.6 dosen t find the servers and say that "no internet games responded query" https://postimg.cc/5Qwk29Gr the same problem on cs go i think i have this problem on all games on steam who need connection at internet help me please
  3. ] cl_allowdownload "cl_allowdownload" is "1" ] "IP Adress" "ip" is "localhost"
  4. hello all can you help me please with this? My internet is on I have cs 1.6 on steam photo: https://postimg.cc/tYdBZKxP
  5. Thank you very much♥️♥️🥳
  6. omg Crazy thanks a lot and thanks to all,i appreciate Health and you have everything you want thank you from the bottom kf my heart🥳♥️♥️
  7. Thanks a lot guys I appreciate it very much🥳🥳❤️💯
  8. Hello everyone,is for the first time I post on the forum that it's my day:))),to do it with you on the game for the sake of times past Many memories and many years spent on cs,peforum,on zombie servers,what quickly passes my brothers time You have been and will be my family!!! Tomorrow 19.03.2022 it s my birtday and I want to celebrate it with you on the forum for the first time!! 19.03.2022----19 years old----I'm no longer a child at all:)) How quickly the years pass!!! I wish you with all my heart much health and all the desires to dream come true!!! Have a good life guysss,miss you all!!!
  9. miss you too guys :(((( have a good life and god bleese you all
  10. yes i am fine but i'm afraid i'm getting old fast:))) i dont know how the years went by so fast my whole childhood is here What times guys...:))
  11. Hello all Long time no see:) How are you guys? What are doing:))? Everything alright? how quickly time passes,omg i remember when i play a lot this game,nice time,nice years
  12. ¤ Your name: MasterKid ¤ Claimed Admin name: destroy ¤ Date and time: Between 3:45 am ¤ Reason of complaint: i want to know why he gagged me? --»I wasn t careful when he gave me the gag when i use retry because my cs was blocked and i went back to the server i can t because he give me ban i want the proof of the gag Admin Tedy can you say something you was active when i get the gag and ban! ¤ Proof (screenshot or console or demo): https://postimg.cc/RNYBtBFj him ss
  13. Nick: MasterKid Nume reak: Alin Cati ani ai?: 17 Ce jocuri te joci? si cat de mult ca timp?(fiecare dintre ele): cs 1.6 am 12 mii si ceva de ore si pe cs go in care am 700 De unde esti?(tara si oras): Romania,Bucuresti Descrie-te(cel putin 50 de cuvinte): Sunt un om bun,imi place sa-i ajut pe altii,vorbesc si ma comport frumos ; cand trebuie sa fac neaparat ceva l am facut ca sa nu ma risc! Noteaza cateva din calitatile tale: Descurcaret,destept Spune-ne cateva din defectele tale: Vorbesc mult cand nu inteleg un lucru mai greut chiar daca mi se explica mai intreb de cateva ori...si uneori renunt repede ca mi se pare prea greu:) I speak a lot when I'm not understand a hard thing even if somebody explain me few time.And sometimes I give up very easy because I think is very hard Ai avut vreodata orice fel de responsabilitati(descrie): Am avut sv NewLife pt prima data si l am dus pe 8 mondial dupaia m am lasat un pic si l am preluat de la wizz si de pe 245 l am dus pe 69 dar n am mai avut bani ca sa l pot tine in continuare:) Pe care categorie/categorii ai fost activ/a in ultima perioada?(descrie-ti activitate): Pe forum,si pe sv zombie.csblackdevil.com sunt mereu afk! Care categorie/proiect doresti sa ai sub responsabilitate?(alege din ACEASTA LISTA): Media:Youtube Cat de bine vorbesti engleza?(si alte dialecte): Stiu franceza si la engleza ma descurc bn cu vb si cat de cat cu scrisul ? Folosesti TS3? Ai un microfon activ?: Da,am primit si moderator pe ts3:) de la mr love dar n am mai intrat dar o sa intru nu este nicio problema Metode pentru contact: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197997514586/ instagram:alin9558, facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100013269702949 Ultima cerere: Este prima
  14. I MISS YOU BRO ? 

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