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Everything posted by GUCCI-

  1. <12:30:52> "! Evil BaBY": I want a program pictures name Alfotoshob :bad_boys_20:
    RIP Photoshop :25r30wi::25r30wi:

  2. Don't ever lose hope, you never know what tomorrow will bring. 

  3. happy birthday le3qoba l 100 ans 3mi salah haha
  4. take your avatar there !
    hope you like it guys ! 

  5. Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened. :)

    1. SoRrY.


      Dont Copy my Cover Quote :P

    2. GUCCI-


      hahahaha , i want to post it as status at my profil but i send it to him xdd 

    3. bloodychuck.


      I can't stop crying :25r30wi:

  6. Take you're avatar hope u like it :) 

  7. delete all files of cs then download a new cs ! good luck
  8. PYEONGCHANG, South Korea — Security is a top concern at every Olympics, where athletes and fans in scattered venues can be difficult to protect. But rarely do they take place in the shadow of a nuclear standoff, as is the case with the Winter Games that open next week here in South Korea. Nearly 3,000 athletes from 92 nations and 100,000 spectators per day are expected to converge on the area around Pyeongchang, 50 miles from the North Korean border, for what organizers say will be the largest-ever Winter Games. The South has mobilized tens of thousands of security personnel — including 50,000 soldiers — in what may be the most militarized security force in Olympic history. A last-minute diplomatic breakthrough in which North Korea agreed to participate in the Games has pushed fears of worst-case scenarios into the background, at least for now. But the North remains the most unpredictable factor in security arrangements, because it has a history of engaging in violence when South Korea hosts international sports events. The arrival on Thursday of a delegation of North Korean athletes — part of a larger contingent of around 500 athletes, officials and performers — raises a separate set of security challenges, including protecting them from attacks by extremists in South Korea. Organizers have long feared that the North might test a missile or nuclear weapon during the Games, perhaps even provoking a chain reaction of escalations leading to war. Such worries have subsided since the January deal, in which the two Koreas agreed to march under one flag in the opening ceremony. Continue reading the main story RELATED COVERAGE North Korea Cancels Pre-Olympic Event, Blaming South Korean Media JAN. 29, 2018 Olympic Dreams of a United Korea? Many in South Say, ‘No, Thanks’ JAN. 28, 2018 North Korea Signals It Might Hold Military Parade on Eve of Olympics JAN. 23, 2018 ON OLYMPICS North Korea Makes Peace With the Olympics JAN. 9, 2018 But there are still suspicions about the North’s intentions. “North Korea will cause trouble one way or another in order to interrupt the successful completion of the Games,” said Yoo Dong-ryul, the head of the Korea Institute of Liberal Democracy in Seoul. “In all the years the Kim dynasty has been in power, North Korea has never once properly cooperated with South Korea In November 1987, 10 months before Seoul hosted the 1988 Summer Games, North Korean agents detonated a bomb on a South Korean airliner, killing all 104 passengers and 11 crew members. The goal, one of the agents later told investigators, was to frighten international athletes and visitors out of attending the Games. When South Korea co-hosted the soccer World Cup in 2002, a naval clash with North Korea in disputed waters killed six South Korean sailors just hours before the South played in the third-place match. But the North did not take part in those sporting events. When North Korea has participated in events hosted by the South — the 2002 Asian Games in Busan and the 2014 Asian Games in Incheon, for example — there have been no major disruptions. That is why South Korean officials and analysts argue that the risk of a military provocation during these Olympics — nuclear or otherwise — has been significantly reduced. Still, South Korea plans to field up to 60,000 security personnel on each day of the Games, including the 50,000 soldiers — more than twice the number of military personnel deployed during the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. “The possibility of a missile or nuclear test is extremely low,” said Shin Beom-chul, an expert on North Korea at the government-run Korea National Diplomatic Academy in Seoul. “The North may use the Games as a political propaganda opportunity to show that while they may be a nuclear power, they also want to have peace with their neighbors.” Photo Another concern is South Korean activists, who last month burned an image of the North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un, as a North Korean delegation traveled through Seoul. Credit Ahn Young-Joon/Associated Press Since North Korea agreed to attend the Games, organizers have scrambled to coordinate security and logistics for its delegation, which includes a cheerleading squad. Jeong Se-yun, a provincial police official involved in the planning, said the North’s decision was a tremendous relief. “But it also created a lot more work for us,” he said. “I’ve barely slept in the last month. That’s why my eyes are always red now.” One fear is that something might happen during the Games that could prompt North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong-un, to recall its athletes and retaliate in some way. A small group of right-wing protesters burned an image of Mr. Kim as a North Korean delegation traveled through Seoul last month. The police quickly extinguished the fire to avoid angering the visitors, who accord Mr. Kim an almost godlike status. Newsletter Sign UpContinue reading the main story The Interpreter Newsletter Understand the world with sharp insight and commentary on the major news stories of the week. Enter your email address Sign Up You agree to receive occasional updates and special offers for The New York Times's products and services. SEE SAMPLE PRIVACY POLICY OPT OUT OR CONTACT US ANYTIME The state media in North Korea condemned the act as a “hideous crime” committed by “human rejects,” and warned that only South Korea would be to blame if the North withdrew from the Games. There is also concern that a North Korean athlete or another member of the delegation might try to defect, putting the South Korean government in the difficult position of deciding whether to return the defector or anger the North. Analysts said a defection during the Olympics would be highly unlikely because the North has almost certainly vetted its delegation carefully and would keep its people under close watch. The authorities are also on alert against a cyberattack, either by the North or by Russia, whose delegation was banned from participating under the Russian flag in the Pyeongchang Games after revelations of systematic government-sponsored doping. North Korea has developed sophisticated hacking capabilities and launched a series of damaging attacks around the world, including one in 2013 that temporarily knocked out three banks and two television networks in South Korea. Photo Demonstrating an anti-terror operation at an Olympic venue in Pyeongchang. Organizers say a security force of up to 60,000 people, including 50,000 soldiers, will be deployed each day. Credit Woohae Cho/Getty Images To combat more conventional threats, organizers said the security forces intended to deploy both old-fashioned checkpoints and new technologies such as facial recognition systems, smart cameras and drones. A tactical surveillance blimp will hover above. South Korea is considered one of the world’s safest tourist destinations, with low crime rates and essentially no history of terrorist activity other than by the North. Nevertheless, the immigration authorities said last month that they had deported 17 foreign nationals believed to pose a terror risk, according to the Korea Times newspaper. Some of the deportees were said to be from Central Asia and Southeast Asia. “Broadly, we consider the event low-risk,” the London-based Risk Advisory Group wrote in a recent analysis of the Pyeongchang Games. “Compared with the host cities of the most recent Winter and Summer Games in 2014 and 2016 respectively, Pyeongchang is a benign environment in terms of terrorism, crime and unrest.” In the rural areas around Pyeongchang, the most commonly reported crime is drunken fighting. Security at the Gangneung Athletes’ Village in Pyeongchang. Credit Richard Heathcote/Getty Images Many residents shrugged off the idea that the North might attempt to disrupt the Games, which may reflect the fact that South Koreans have grown accustomed to living within range of its artillery and rockets. Even security officials sounded nonchalant, as if surprised by the world’s anxiety. “We are well aware of the international community’s concerns about the safety of the Olympics due to threat of North Korean nuclear test and missile launches,” the interagency body established to handle Olympic security said in a statement in response to written questions. “Signs of North Korean provocation are monitored 24/7 through various means every day, regardless of the Olympics.” The interagency body added that underground evacuation centers for up to 30,000 people had been prepared at an undisclosed site near Pyeongchang for use in the event of any sort of attack. Other security measures include an emergency alert system that can send messages to all cellphones in the area, though it is unclear whether its operators are prepared for the tens of thousands of foreign visitors en route to Pyeongchang. One recent morning an alert flashed on cellphones written only in Korean, causing a moment of panic among some non-Korean speakers, who immediately assumed the worst. It turned out to be a warning to beware of fires because of dry weather.
  9. WASHINGTON — Andrew G. McCabe abruptly stepped down on Monday as the F.B.I.’s deputy director after months of withering criticism from President Trump, telling friends he felt pressure from the head of the bureau to leave, according to two people close to Mr. McCabe. Though Mr. McCabe’s retirement had been widely expected soon, his departure was nevertheless sudden. It added to what has already been a chaotic upheaval at the F.B.I. under Mr. Trump, who has responded to an investigation into his campaign with broadside attacks against both the bureau and the Justice Department. As recently as last week, Mr. McCabe had told people he hoped to stay until he was eligible to retire in several weeks. Instead, he will immediately go on leave and retire on March 18. In a recent conversation, Christopher A. Wray, the F.B.I. director, raised concerns about a forthcoming inspector general report. In that discussion, according to one former law enforcement official close to Mr. McCabe, Mr. Wray suggested moving Mr. McCabe into another job, which would have been a demotion. Instead, the former official said, Mr. McCabe chose to leave. In an email to F.B.I. employees, he said he was leaving with “sadness.” He praised his colleagues as “the greatest work force on earth because you speak up, you tell the truth and you do the right thing.” Continue reading the main story The Trump White House The historic moments, head-spinning developments and inside-the-White House intrigue. Reviewing a Year of Fact Checks Before Trump’s First State of the Union JAN 30 Here’s Who Will Sit With the First Lady at the State of the Union JAN 30 Democratic National Committee’s Chief Executive Quits JAN 30 Russian Jet Buzzed American Spy Plane Over Black Sea, U.S. Says JAN 29 Some Supporters Fear Trump Will Lose Hard Edge in State of Union Speech JAN 29 See More » RELATED COVERAGE In Looking for Loyalty, Trump Asked F.B.I. Official How He Voted JAN. 23, 2018 RECENT COMMENTS j. von hettlingen 1 hour ago Trump and the GOP shouldn't rejoice that Andrew McGabe stepped down, because it just magnifies their mobbing and intimidation tactics. He... Duncan Lennox 4 hours ago America , are you really no better than Trump & his abettors which include the Russian oligarchs and their money launderers which includes... Estaban Goolacki 4 hours ago No American president should ever be permitted to change the FBI into an authoritarian organization that serves only the president and... SEE ALL COMMENTS WRITE A COMMENT Agents and lawyers expect the report by the Justice Department’s inspector general, Michael E. Horowitz, to be highly critical of some F.B.I. actions in 2016, when the bureau was investigating both Hillary Clinton’s email use and the Trump campaign’s connections to Russia. The report is expected to address whether Mr. McCabe should have recused himself from the Clinton investigation because of his wife’s failed State Senate campaign, in which she accepted nearly a half-million dollars in contributions from the political organization of Terry McAuliffe, then the governor of Virginia, who is a longtime friend of Mrs. Clinton and her husband, former President Bill Clinton. Mr. Trump fired the F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, who oversaw both investigations, last May, and has by turns cited Mr. Comey’s handling of the Clinton investigation and the Russia inquiry itself as the reason for his decision. Newsletter Sign UpContinue reading the main story Get the Morning Briefing by Email What you need to know to start your day, delivered to your inbox Monday through Friday. Enter your email address Sign Up You agree to receive occasional updates and special offers for The New York Times's products and services. SEE SAMPLE PRIVACY POLICY OPT OUT OR CONTACT US ANYTIME In a message on Monday afternoon to F.B.I. employees, Mr. Wray thanked Mr. McCabe for his service and said he would not comment on “specific aspects” of the inspector general’s review. The White House said Mr. Trump, who had taunted Mr. McCabe on Twitter for months, had nothing to do with Mr. McCabe’s exit. “The president wasn’t part of this decision-making process,” said Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the White House press secretary, an assertion echoed by Mr. Wray. “I will not be swayed by political or other pressure in my decision-making,” he wrote to F.B.I. employees. Staff overhauls are common when new F.B.I. directors take office, but the president’s combative relationships with the bureau and the Justice Department have added commotion and unpredictability to what is more typically an orderly process. Mr. Trump’s public antipathy has also complicated the early tenure of Mr. Wray, whose every staffing decision now risks being seen as directed by the White House. Underscoring the tumult, Mr. McCabe’s departure was not immediately announced at the bureau, leaving agents to learn of it from news reports. Mr. Wray named the bureau’s No. 3 official, David L. Bowdich, as his acting deputy, according to the director’s note to the F.B.I. Mr. McCabe first drew Mr. Trump’s ire because his wife, Jill McCabe, ran for a State Senate seat in Virginia as a Democrat and received the donations from Mr. McAuliffe’s organization. Mr. McCabe did not become deputy director until after his wife was defeated, and records show that he disclosed her candidacy and sought ethics advice from senior F.B.I. officials. But critics, including some inside the bureau itself, said he should have recused himself from the Clinton investigation. The F.B.I. has said Mr. McCabe played no role in his wife’s campaign. Mr. Trump and his allies have sought to use Mrs. McCabe’s run for office as evidence that the Russia investigation was part of a Democratic-led effort to protect Mrs. Clinton and undermine Mr. Trump’s presidency. Republicans cheered Mr. McCabe’s departure and signaled that more change should be made. Photo Christopher A. Wray, the F.B.I. director, suggested moving Mr. McCabe into another job, which would have been a demotion. Credit Zach Gibson for The New York Times “Recent revelations call into question Mr. McCabe’s leadership in the top operational post in the F.B.I.,” said Representative Bob Goodlatte, Republican of Virginia and the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee. “However, Mr. McCabe’s departure certainly does not mean that we are done rooting out the problems at the F.B.I.” Mr. McCabe, a graduate of Duke and of Washington University School of Law in St. Louis, joined the F.B.I. in 1996 as an agent in the New York office and quickly ascended the bureau’s ranks. Under the previous F.B.I. director, Mr. Comey, it was clear that Mr. McCabe was being groomed for the deputy job, the F.B.I.’s second highest position. By appointing Mr. McCabe in 2016, Mr. Comey was seen as valuing intellect and management over experience making cases. Mr. McCabe’s ascent sometimes rankled the workaday agents who believed he did not pay his dues in the field. Mr. McCabe’s supporters regarded him as a new model for the F.B.I., which had transformed from a traditional law-and-order agency to a complicated intelligence-gathering operation. He took on the role during one of the most tumultuous and politically charged periods in F.B.I. history. Mr. McCabe was at the center of the inquiries into both Mrs. Clinton’s use of a private email server and the Trump campaign’s connections to Russian intelligence officers. Republicans have also criticized the F.B.I. for recommending that Mrs. Clinton not be charged. Among the actions being scrutinized by the inspector general is Mr. Comey’s highly unusual news conference during the presidential campaign when he criticized Mrs. Clinton’s handling of classified information, but cleared her of criminal wrongdoing. Many top F.B.I. officials were involved in that decision. The inspector general is also investigating two senior F.B.I. officials, Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, who exchanged texts in 2016 that were deeply critical of Mr. Trump. Mr. Strzok and Ms. Page were involved in both the Clinton case and the investigation into the Trump campaign. Those texts, many of which the Justice Department made public, fueled suspicion among Republicans that some F.B.I. officials were out to get Mr. Trump. Mr. Strzok and Ms. Page have been reassigned and no longer work on the Russia investigation. In addition to Mr. McCabe, Mr. Wray has also replaced two other top aides. In December it was announced that James A. Baker, the F.B.I. general counsel, was moving into another role. Mr. Baker was a confidant of Mr. Comey’s and played a key role in the Clinton email investigation. This month, Jim Rybicki, chief of staff to Mr. Wray and Mr. Comey, said he was taking a job in
  10. the first participer in design comp hehehe ;) 

    1. # Ret-H@CKer

      # Ret-H@CKer

      i will win just wait

    2. GUCCI-


      xddd inchalah ;) 

    3. # Ret-H@CKer


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