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  1. Welcome To CSBD ! Injoy & Have Fun
  2. Welcome to CSBD ! Injoy & Have fun
  3. GUCCI-

    i nedd help

    Hello dear @#DarkNess. I believe you have to watch out to the forum rules. Thank you for understanding .
  4. Ramadan mubarek To all membre
  5. GUCCI-

    Need help

    Hello dear @TwNix-™ The topic must be only related to this Community [community, , hosting offerings, organization, events] etc... Before making a topic in this section, you need to read the rules But you can contact me with pm for help you ! Thank you for understanding . Global or administrator must close this topic
  6. Congratulation Realmadrid :rambo:

    HALA MADRID  !!!!!!! 

  7. Welcome To CsBlackDevil Have fun & Injoy
  8. Are you one of those guys who says to anyone who will listen, “I want a race car for the street, man!” Well, Ford has finally made your car. The Ford GT is perhaps the closest any carmaker has ever come to making a race car that can be driven through actual city streets without treating its driver like a trucker treats a slice of teriyaki-flavored beef jerky. Hoo baby! The GT’s origins, as you probably know, go back a half-century to Henry Ford II's dictate to a surprised (or maybe "stunned" works better here) Dan Gurney and Carroll Shelby, who were summoned to the towering company headquarters near Detroit and told to go to Le Mans and, paraphrasing here, “Just win, baby.” And win that GT40 did, four times at Le Mans from 1966 to 1969. Ford sold street versions of the GT, but mostly so it would meet homologation requirements for racing. Forty or so years later, Ford made another GT, but, as impressive as that one was, it was just for the street, not the track. Now Ford has come full circle, celebrating the 50th anniversary of its first Le Mans victory with yet another new GT, and, lucky for us and for anyone with $450,000, Ford is making 1,000 street cars. I got to drive one. And not just on the street, though I did muddle through some country ranchland out in the desert, west of Salt Lake City. No, I got five laps around the west loop of what used to be called Miller Motorsports Park (now Utah Motorsports Campus) and then, using my vast experience at press-program weaseling, weaseled another five laps at the end of the day when all the other schmoes had long since gotten into their airport limos. Heh heh heh. Ford GT interior The Ford GT's interior is both spartan and over-the-top. So how was it? In the words of one great writer, “Hoo baby!” Our first stint behind the wheel (we can say “stint” because it’s a race car) was not on the track but on the streets of remotest Utah. Specifically, south of beautiful suburban Tooele. Into the GT they poured us. Climbing into the car is not as awkward a task as it is with an original GT40, but it’s not for the overly large. The door swings up and out, but not as far as some drivers might prefer. Short, skinny jockeys are at an advantage here. Once your keister is planted, you’ll find the seat itself does not slide back and forth; it’s fixed. If you’re tall you can still fit, but if you have the freakish, fish-like torso with which I’ve been saddled, you will have a tougher time. If I slid all the way back in the seat and then sat straight up, I’d need a Gurney bubble, even without a helmet. But again, my torso belongs in a circus sideshow. Normal human beings should be fine. Indeed, no one (else) there that day who climbed inside a GT had any problem. Once inside you start adjusting things. The pedals slide up and back to the appropriate length via a simple mechanical slider. The wheel adjusts into any position you might want. Then consider the interior: Ford says it’s stark like a race car; you might say it’s unfinished like a concept car. The Ferrari 488 and even any of the McLarens are a bit more comfortably livable. Our Ford GT had a huge orange dash pad like something out of a Googie-style restaurant from the ’50s. The color choice was a bit loud. But you’re in a Ford GT, man, quit yer gripin’. Push the red button to start the 3.5-liter V6 right behind your neck bone and, “Blat, voom!” what a great sound it makes. Not so loud your neighbors will convene the condo owners’ association, as it might be if it were a 7.0-liter V8, but just loud enough to make your ears happy. The Getrag seven-speed dual-clutch transaxle kicks into “D” via a shift knob on the center console (that might save space, but it wouldn’t have been our first choice of shifter). After that, the paddles behind the suede steering wheel move the gears up and down, or you can let it shift for you. And off we went. Ford GT track beauty shot While it can handle the road, the Ford GT is a car bred for the racetrack. The Execution Let us stop here for a moment to praise the suspension, which is a thing of wonder. The GT rides on unequal-length upper and lower control arms with pushrod/rocker-activated torsion bar/coil springs controlled by electronically adjustable DSSV (Dynamic Suspensions Spool Valve) dampers from Multimatic. The ride height hydraulically raises or lowers about two inches (and can be raised even more in front when you approach a steep driveway). The setup allows for two spring rates and a number of damper settings. On the steering wheel you can select from five settings for the electro-hydraulic-mechanical suspension: Wet, Normal, Sport, Track and VMax. We set out in Normal mode on small-town city streets. Here it is not what you would necessarily call overly comfy but I could certainly live with it. The McLaren and especially the Ferrari are just a wee bit more “civilized” on city streets. I got to a little bit of a twisty mountain pass section and the car felt good enough in corners though I wasn’t pushing it hard at all. Hard pushing would come soon enough. Then I found myself out of the hills and onto the longest, flattest, straightest, emptiest stretch of desert highway possibly anywhere on Earth. With the suspension in Vmax mode, lowered 2 inches, and with all aerodynamics optimized for speed, I did what any red-blooded American would have done in this situation and floored it. The GT then made the following wildly powerful sounds: Quote -- Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa (shift), waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa (shift), waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa -- unquote. The sonorous cacophony went on for another four gears. The speedo climbed. The gears changed. The scenery blurred. My flapping pie hole opened up like that guy in the rocket-sled film. I had in the passenger seat, for once, a co-driver for whom this was not at all terrifying. The fool trusted me. So as the digital speedo climbed past 100, 120, 130, 140, I saw no reason not to keep going. Finally, at well north of 150 mph, with what appeared might be a slight curve coming up over the horizon, I figured I better ease off. The GT was perfectly happy at those speeds -- not a jiggle, not a hiccup, nothing. Ford GT engine shot A quick glance through the back window will show you the Ford GT's 3.5-liter Ecoboost V6. The fabulous new Ford GT’s top speed is listed at 216 mph, and I have no reason whatsoever to doubt that. In fact, I think it might be a bit conservative. If only Utah were bigger, I could have found out myself. We pulled back into the track, and soon enough I was out on the circuit, with the track’s driving school president, Dan McKeever (son of Fast Lane driving school founder Danny McKeever, Elliott Forbes-Robinson’s nephew, etc. etc.) riding shotgun. Right away you see this car is a race car first and a street car a distant second. It is completely in its element on the track. This car was made for racetracks: Its smooth, even power delivery combines with absolutely flat cornering to encourage faster and faster laps. Under stress, it sends no shudders or unforeseen misalignments to the driver, there is no wandering around under heavy braking (I’m looking at you, McLaren 650S!). Power delivery from the 3.5-liter V6 is a dream; there’s so much of it seemingly anywhere on the tach, you don’t worry at all about it. But you do want to shift just because the shifter is so smooth. Power eases off for a nanosecond between shifts without interrupting that even, smooth acceleration. There’s no hard slam back into the seats at shifts -- just easy, smooth power. The four-wheel carbon-ceramic brakes never gave a hint of fade, though the feel was perhaps just a little more muted than the binders in the 488 or a 650S/675LT. So, like I said, I weaseled my way into another track session: five more laps with instructor McKeever. The second session was faster than the first. The car felt even better. I still had to slouch down in the seat as I did before, but it was entirely tolerable for five or six laps. Shifts seemed to be getting even smoother in my second stint. I didn’t even feel them. You could hear the mechanical marching of engine parts stepping to their cacophonic cadences right behind your sweaty head. This was not a quiet engine at full wail on the track. Consumer Reports would fault it for “loudness and harshness of sound.” Maybe. And it is loud and harsh, but in a glorious way only a race engine can be. It sounds like a much bigger displacement than it is. It’s only 3.5 liters packed into a V6. That’s small, but it has all the power you’ll want. Nail the throttle and off it roars, bang up through the gears or down through them and hear it brappity-brappity-brapp all the way through the box. Such a cool sound. Such a great car. Hoo lawd! Ford GT rear end The Ford GT's sculpted design came from wind tunnel testing. While attractive, it is designed to create as much downforce as possible. The Verdict This Ford GT has raced and won (its class, anyway) at Le Mans. So it already accomplished what it was made to do. The next step is to sell 1,000 of them. Ford has almost done that, too. The first 750 are taken, at $450,000 each, and Ford will no doubt make easy work of the next 250 that can be ordered early next year. By some bizarre twist of automotive fate, I had just spent the four days immediately prior to our Ford GT drive behind the wheel of a Ferrari 488 Spider. I had also fairly recently driven a bunch of original-design Ford GTs made by Superformance in South Africa and sold in the U.S. by our pal Lance Stander’s Hillbank Motors down in Irvine. Those cars are built almost exactly like the original GT40s were 50 years ago, right down to the Gulf livery. I have also lately driven several McLarens, another sales competitor. So which is best? The new Ford GT is the best on the track, though you would have a splendidly track-blasting time in any of them. The Ferrari is also superb on a track and on a mountain road while being the most comfortable of the group. The McLaren is hard to fault but is perhaps just barely less refined than the Ferrari. And those original GT40s? They are also fun but take a lot more involvement from the driver -- they are authentic links to a powerful racing past. Should you buy a new Ford GT? Do you have a half-million bucks? If so, and if you have access to a racetrack (specifically, a road course) and if you do not have the freakish torso of a giant sea bass, then definitely, yes. Sign up at fordgt.com. We also suggest a move to Tooele, Utah.
  9. US President Donald Trump has urged Muslim countries to take the lead in combating radicalisation in a major speech in Saudi Arabia. "Drive them out of this earth," he told regional leaders in Riyadh, as part of his first official trip abroad. Mr Trump blamed Iran, Saudi Arabia's rival, for instability in the region. His speech is seen as an attempted reset with Muslims after his harsh campaign rhetoric stirred concerns in the Islamic world. Mr Trump had previously suggested he would be open to creating a database of all the Muslims in the US. And he had also called for Muslims to be temporarily banned from entering the US over security concerns. But, speaking in the Saudi capital to leaders of 55 Muslim-majority countries, Mr Trump called this a "new chapter", saying he was not there to "lecture" them or impose the American way of life. The fight against extremism, he added, was not a battle between different faiths: "This is a battle between good and evil". 'Trump, servant of God': How Saudis view his visit Why Trump's visit is a minefield What's behind Donald Trump's first visit? Jump media playerMedia player helpOut of media player. Press enter to return or tab to continue. Media captionMelania Trump didn't wear a headscarf, but does it matter? "A better future is only possible if your nations drive out the terrorists, and drive out the extremists". But, he added, the countries could not wait for "American power" to act, and had to "fulfil their part of the burden". He singled out Iran for criticism, accusing it of fuelling sectarian conflict and supporting "unspeakable crimes" by the government of President Bashar al-Assad in Syria. A tough message: By Frank Gardner, BBC Security correspondent, Riyadh Tea servers watch US President Donald Trump deliver remarks to the Arab Islamic American SummitImage copyrightREUTERS Behind the lavish praise heaped on his hosts, President Trump used this speech to deliver a tough message to Arab and Muslim governments: deal with the ideology that fuels terrorism now or live with it for generations to come. He went out of his way to avoid the sort of inflammatory language he's more usually known for. His repeated condemnation of Saudi Arabia's regional rival Iran will have pleased the Gulf Arab leaders listening. Unlike his predecessor, Barack Obama, this US president made no mention of human rights or democracy. But he did condemn the oppression of women. And amongst several cynical reactions to the speech from around the region on social media, some have pointed out that here in Saudi Arabia women are forbidden to drive and there are no parliamentary elections. In Iran, the country accused by Mr Trump of being behind much of the current terrorism across the Middle East, they've just had a free election and women are free to drive. Analysts said the speech was a change for Mr Trump, who is trying to redefine his relationship with the Muslim world after several controversial remarks, including an interview last year in which he famously said: "I think Islam hates us." His highly anticipated address did not include the phrase "radical Islamic terrorism", which he had used before and is considered offensive by many Muslims. A transcript of the text published on his Facebook page included a mention of "Islamist extremism" and "Islamist terror groups". But in his speech Mr Trump said: "That means honestly confronting the crisis of Islamic extremism and the Islamists and Islamic terror of all kinds." It was not immediately clear if he stumbled over the word or decided to change the script. How will homebody Trump cope abroad? Advice for Trump: 'Say as little as possible' Islamist and Islamic: The difference Islamist: "It's the name of a dystopian ideology which is destructive for everyone, including Muslims," says Soner Cagaptay, from the Washington Institute for Near East Policy Islamic: "It's an adjective for Muslims," he adds Meanwhile, the US and six Gulf states announced a deal to co-ordinate their efforts aimed at cutting off sources of money for extremist groups, including so-called Islamic State (IS). Jump media playerMedia player helpOut of media player. Press enter to return or tab to continue. Media captionDonald Trump sways along with a traditional Saudi sword dance The countries - Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, Oman, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain - are involved in the fight against the militants, but have been accused of backing the group and other Sunni militants - most notably in a 2014 email by Hillary Clinton released by Wikileaks. "The unique piece of it is that every single one of them are signatories on how they're responsible and will actually prosecute the financing of terrorism, including individuals," said Dina Powell, US Deputy National Security Adviser for Strategy. Who funds IS? Is Saudi Arabia to blame for IS? The agenda for the rest of Mr Trump's trip Mr Trump's eight-day trip will also take in Israel, the Palestinian territories, Brussels, the Vatican, and Sicily. The president's visit has been overshadowed by his political difficulties at home, namely the fallout over his sacking of FBI chief James Comey.
  10. Welcome back to CSBD Injoy and stay here withur familly
  11. MIAMI (CBSMiami) – Several law enforcement agencies, fire rescue departments and other organizations will be participating in a massive emergency drill across Miami-Dade County on Saturday, February 6th. Code-named “Operation Heat Shield,” the exercise is a full-scale regional drill that will provide training “to reduce the vulnerability of the state and the county to disasters, both natural and man-made.” The drill, which is being hosted by Miami-Dade County, will start at 8 a.m. and last until midnight. The following venues will serve as scenario hosts: Stephen P. Clark Center Miami-Dade County Children’s Courthouse Mental Health Diversion Facility US Coast Guard Station – Sector Miami Beach Miami International Airport Miami-Dade Public Safety Training Institute Lindsey Hopkins Vocational School Intracoastal Waterway location Marlins Park Please keep these locations in mind in case you think you witnessed something out of the ordinary. For those traveling through Miami International Airport, there will be significant activity in the morning on the airfield near Concourse D. Operation Heat Shield, which is patterned after the Urban Shield drill in California, offers local first responders a series of unique and realistic exercise scenarios designed around events leading to the Major League Baseball 2017 All-Star Game at Marlins Park. However, unlike Urban Shield where law enforcement and fire exercise separately and as individual teams, multidisciplinary and multi-jurisdictional first responders will exercise together, and test unified command capabilities. Personnel from the City of Miami Beach, the Broward Sheriff’s Office and the Palm Beach Sheriff’s Office will coordinate, control and evaluate one scenario each. The following Southeast Regional Domestic Security Task Force (RDSTF) member agencies are participants in Operation Heat Shield: Aventura Police Department Broward Sheriff’s Office Coral Gables Police Department Department of Homeland Security Florida Department of Health Florida Department of Law Enforcement Fort Lauderdale Police Department Miami Beach Fire Rescue Miami Beach Police Department Miami Fire Rescue Miami Police Department Miami-Dade Aviation Department Miami-Dade Fire Rescue Miami-Dade Fire Rescue Office of Emergency Management Miami-Dade Police Department North Miami Beach Police Department Palm Beach Sheriff’s Office Pembroke Pines Police Department South Florida Fusion Center South Florida Regional Planning Council West Palm Beach Police Department
  12. Welcome To CSBD Injoy & Have fun tarek


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