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Everything posted by tsemaa

  1. Respins! Revino cand ai activitatea necesara si de asemenea citeste regulile macar 1 data. Pe server incearca sa le respecti pentru ca pe baza comportamentului tau primesti voturi favorabile...sau nu. Nu uita totusi ca o activitate zilnica e necesara. Succes!
  2. Man, imi pare rau, dar e interzis sa iei mod in runda 3. D-aia avem reguli, sa fie si citite...dar ok, e doar un slay pana la urma, iti dau punctele inapoi Apoi, spec e interzis sa stai, si lui ii e interzis sa-ti dea kick de la spec; tot ce putea sa faca era sa te mute intr-o echipa, ceea ce a si facut. Si ultimul punct: vad ca te cam enervezi ca nu ti se da dreptate si incepi cu o atitudine jignitoare, daca o sa continui asa, adminii vor trece la fapte pt ca nu prea e frumos ce faci 🙂
  3. You need to have 5 days in server, not 30 hours made in 1-2 days; its not sustainable Sorry, but rejected!
  4. Rejected! You are not a former founder, fyi And also, you came back and played just 1 day after many months. Please read the rules and be sure you suite them before asking for tag.
  5. Report rejected then. It seems that you 2 solved the problem, im glad to see that.
  6. You will have a pro from me but for administrator. Mostly afk, but still...its good
  7. Rejected! Think of a better reason to be admin. Not because someone shot your lm 🙂
  8. Rejected. We dont give tags for those that play from time to time. You need to have a more constant presence on server!
  9. Rejected! Your tag has too many characters
  10. Usually they make 20-30 ammo from a few kills/shots. After buying mod, it only takes 1-2 rounds to make 50-60 ammo again. Let me ask this: where is the fun and competition if you obtain very easy things? 🙂 Rewarding high amount of ammo wont work as you say. We had many options tried over the time. Increasing damage to make ammo very easy, didnt work. Restrictions...didnt work. Its just the players, get bored, because they only want mod and kills
  11. I would not wanna propose these changes Because players already make ammo easy. Rewarding kills with ammo in mod...no, cause thats the purpose, to make kills, not ammo. For ammo we have arma, plague, swarm and so on People dont buy nemesis cause other mods are more awesome and op, not because of the knockback
  12. Rejected! You must be active daily in server and to have played at least 5 days in order to make admin request. Come back in 7 days with all the required in order to make another request.
  13. Accepted! Send me a pm in discord
  14. Rejected! Follow the model
  15. ★Nickname: Lenti ★CSBD username: @LentiBaba ★Rank: Administrator (here) ★Please make sure to read the rules and make sure to respect them ( Admin Rules ) ( Player Rules )
  16. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  17. The server is already sold to me Sorry for the confusion, we forgot to close the topic.
  18. Contra from me Activity needs to be on a daily basis in server
  19. Contra and rejected! Fake account and/or stealling name is punished by ban.
  20. I will give a PRO Like axel said: 0 warnings, 0 problems created He obeyed the rules, followed them, even in mini-games area he posted correctly; but that doesnt matter here, i was just saying Pretty active on the forum too, even tough he was only in 1 project involved. Good luck!
  21. You've been banned for bhop/strafe I told you its forbidden, you told me its allowed. Since when? You didnt even read the rules. Stop being so stupid talkative The ban will remain
  22. You didnt had time to slay him, but you had time to talk with him m5 is faster than talk Again, like Geany said: he cannot be forced in any way to remove the lm to let others in, since the round started This thing started just because you was killed. How is it fair from you? Banning a player for not letting you in
  23. REX could have used m5 to unstuck And i ask again, since when do we ban players for block? Since when? What you say here does not have any logic. I dont think players put lm on others, it simply happens; happened to me lots of times I either used m5 to unstuck or slayed the player; not ban 🙂
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