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☕ Eid al-Fitr ☕






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About Ryu

  • Birthday 06/06/1995


  • ThunderZm.CsBlackDeviL.Com


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  1. I see that you did not read the rules. You Are Allowed To Make Only 1x Request Per 7x Or 14x Days. Close Rejected.
  2. Please update link gametraker @Sarah Reyaz Till then Contra.
  3. Close , Make activity make ur own Request im not gonna wait for all the contra as all the admins will agree with iva .
  4. @GuF you have 12h to provide a demo or ss regarding slay.
  5. Ryu

    Banlist Ryu

    ¤ Nick: ma-ta.exe ¤ Ip: ¤ Ban Time: 2d 12h ¤ Reason: Lang , toxic beh just swearing on each admin/player. ¤ Proof: https://gyazo.com/c4bacb5cd7bb5a850195faf4a0792b8d not just this but a lot more. i gag him 2 or 3 times and he did not stop i told him to stop he did not lisen to me so i ban him to relax a bit.
      • 2
      • I love it
      • Like
  6. 1. First of all it was happy hour and we was having fun with players Every single player enjoy our "Event" 2. You slay a guy who get nemesis from the server on happy hours and u start panic and start blaiming us 3. Me Deagle And Castiel we never do something stupid like this. You are lucky that u dont get a down or susped.
  7. of of of Nth Definition -> nth /ɛnθ/ adjective MATHEMATICS denoting an unspecified member of a series of numbers or enumerated items. "systematic sampling by taking every nth name from the list" (in general use) denoting an unspecified item or instance in a series, typically the last or latest in a long series. "he had just been booted out of his digs for the nth time"
  8. I dont know what to say atm u ask for ammo , not play in mods , a lot more problems i will give u but u dont realy deserve it.
  9. Smater Anime/Movies
  10. Well U have the reasons up .
  11. Contra u don't have that much activity sorry man.
  12. Ryu


    ¤ Nickname: Ryu ¤ Name: Mihai ¤ Age: 27 ¤ Country: Born Romania Living in Uk ¤ City: London ¤ Favorite Games: 7 Days To Die ¤ Favorite Shows: The Walking Dead ¤ Favorite Movies: Deadpool ¤ Favorite Songs / Favorite genre: CodFish Boulevard. ¤ What would you like to do in life: Kitchen Manager/Assistan Manager (Waiting to get my own Pub/Restaurant) ¤ Favorite actor : Ryan Reynolds ¤ Favorite actress: Anna Faris? ¤ Favorite juice: Apple & Kraken ¤ In what country would you like to live: Snake Island (Not a joke) ¤ Favorite football team: Dont have one ¤ Which is you favorite Car models: BMW e30 Evo 1990 ¤ A brief description about you: Not to much to say about me i`m in this cominity from 2014 i was playing on ThunderZm before i come back and decide to introduce myself to new staff just because i bought Co-Owner so yeah ¤ How did you find ThunderZM?: ah Long time AGO idk how google? maby? or i belive it was GENESIS mode with the flying crab like 7 years ago smthld Happy to Meet everyone


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