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Everything posted by G.O.G

  1. V1 blur , text , effect
  2. Hello , welcome to CSBD , have fun and respect the rules. Good Luck.
  3. Happy birthday me bro ❤️ God bless you?
  4. in the wait, of the new revelation ?

  5. Coming Soon Capture The Flag IN CSBD .❤️


  6. G.O.G

    Congratulations me Bro, I'm happy for you ❤️ 

  7. Bro, sorry, but this type of issue has no solution for us, contact your internet provider and he can solve it, thanks and excuse me. Good luck. Topic/closed.
  8. Happy birthday brother, today the sky is celebrating. may God have you in his glory.❤️
  9. welcome back , respect the rule Good Luck Topic/closed.
  10. Hello, as everyone says, it's just your internet connection failure, which is resolved only by restarting your modem. If it happens again, do not be alarmed. you calm down restart your modem and wait several minutes and that's it. Regards and good luck.
  11.  jajajajajajaj?

  12. G.O.G


    Hello, as hopper says, with this answer, your problem will be solved, you can also use mediafire.com and create an account. then upload image from your pc. 1- put in your browser, mediafire.com, you create your account and so you will be seen. . 2-precions where it says, upload, then where it says from computer. 3-this window will be opened, you will click where it says add files, after you add the image, click where it says begin upload. 4-Then you go to your home page, and the file or image that you uploaded will appear first. you click and a window will open 5-then you go to the new window and your image will look like this, you double click and you give it where it says copy image URL, then paste it in CSBD and wait for it to load a moment and that's it. . Topic/Closed.
  13. Feliz cumpleaños bro , que tengas un feliz dia y que dios te cuide en todo momento ❤️
  14. Hello , welcome back , have fun and respect the rules. topic/closed.
  15.  big puyol ?

  16. This is great, every person is free to do what they want. If he wants to smoke weed, it's his problem, not anyone else's, I vote for legalization of drugs.?
  17. no reason for anything, enma, remembered forever.???

    1. Blexfraptor


      que le paso al bro

    2. - !el Catire *O*

      - !el Catire *O*

      que me le paso ami manito

    3. Blexfraptor
  18. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  19. R.I.P XXXTentation ?

    1. #FiNe


      Yup so sad ?

  20. welcome back , have fun , respect the rules good luck
  21. CSBD CAPTURE THE FLAG  would be great ?

    1. #CeLTiXxX


      Yo tengo el Mod editado y todo ?

    2. G.O.G


      imaginate , seria un buen server que le ponga motivacion , ya basta de zm ? 

  22. Bro estas causando mucho spam con tus estados.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Blexfraptor
    3. G.O.G


      por que si .. ve los minutos de diferencia . no tiene ni 1 hora de diferencia a cada 5 min un estado.

    4. Blexfraptor
  23. Well my people, now you can donate ❤️ do not be stingy and donate, we accept contributions of $ 1 and up.??


    Note: if you want to make donations to me. I accept $ 100 and up.?

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